Prednisone Potency After Expired


Prednisone tabs were prescribed 01/2014, expired 01/2015. Are they still potent in October 2015?

3 Replies

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Hello, Tina! How are you?

They have most likely lost some effectiveness by now and you should just dispose of them. You can see your doctor for a new supply, if you still need this medication.

The FDA lists the typical side effects of this steroid as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, insomnia, weight changes and nervousness.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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I have predisone for my little dog the Dr. gave exp date is 10/16 are they still ok today 12/16

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Im slowly getting better from the flu only now my lungs are like boards. I took Guifiassan decongestive it stopped so much cough only nothings come up. I used my nebulizer yest and today to try to open them up with Albutarol Sulfate it help a tiny bit I have prednisone 10mg that is four months post expiration date Can I take this daily for 5 daiys and then half it for 5 days? (my pulmonoligists office cant see me soon enough)

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