Pre Probiotic Capsules Vibact


Can I take this product to treat chronic indigestion and irritable bowel syndrome ?

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Probiotics, such as those in Vibact are given to treat various gastro-intestinal problems, such as diarrhea.

Whether or not it will help you with your medical issues is something you can only find out by trying it. They are not known to be harmful.

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I am suffering from IBS,and gas problem heart burn,Doctor

advised me to use Pantacid DSR,and Probiotics,since16moths iam using Pantacid DSR daily one capsule,can i continue,this,please advice

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Im taking vibact for diorreha as per doctors advice is it safe for heart patients?

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Good doctor. No doctor in my life had ever recommended probiotics. They take a while but have the potential to relieve all digestive disorders permanently and do no harm. My acid reflux is now a rarity. Any time you do a course of antibiotics the doctor should recommend probiotics for after the course. You are an ecosystem.

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pre & probiotic capsules when i have to this tablet morning or night before food or after food

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