Post Harvoni Reduced Immunity (Page 2)
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I finished 8 weeks of Harvoni on April 8 and labs said HCV is undetected. My question is has anyone heard of "post-Harvoni reduced immunity" I came down with a bad case of the flu and doc thinks Harvoni may have caused reduced immunity. Any insights?

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I finished my harvoni treatment in May 2016 an 8 week treatment. In January and July 2017 I had some strange form of stomach flu. Bad left side pain for one day followed by high fever 102-104 for 3 days then diarrhea for 3 more. I was down 10 days!! Never had this before!! In between these I had a virus in February 2017. and in April 2017 I woke up one morning with sudden hearing loss, vertigo and ringing in my right ear!! Now thyroid issues!! I am in my 50's but curious about all this happening so fast!!

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Since I finished the Harvoni treatment last year I've come down with the flu 3 times and each time it's been devastating. Really sick for a real long time. I'm getting sick with nobody else around me is.

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I don't know exactly but I can say that for 2 years after being cured with Harvoni, I suffered from several shingles outbreaks and simple cuts would get seriously infected. My immune system seems to be recovering slowly after 2 1/2 years. I did see someone post about ringing in their ears. I have had this since tx but never connected the two assuming that something else caused it. However, I wouldn't change my decision to take Harvoni..some many other things have gotten better.

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I am curious about this myself. My husband finished his Harvoni treatment last April as well. He has always been extremely healthy and fit, but 4 days ago came down with the flu virus and has been flat on his back since. He never got the flu in previous years. Although I am very greatful that the Hep C is gone I am just concerned his immune system was tanked by the treatment.

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I am at the half way mark on Harvoni treatment. i haven't noticed any side effects at all.

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I know this is an older thread, but sharing new info just in case someone still looks here. There are now cases of liver cancer post Harvoni. Most of these cases occur in people who previously had liver cancer, but not all. Researchers have stated that they think the reason may be indirectly connected to Harvoni's rapid depletion of the hep c virus. They think that the immune system might shut down too much too quickly after Harvoni treatment, reducing it's protective effects against cancer. I don't know if I buy this explanation, though. I just completed 8 weeks of Harvoni and had a terrible systemic reaction to poison oak. I have reacted before, but at the normal level, just at contact locations of the body. This time, according to my doctor, it was systemic and I had to take steroids. I then looked into it briefly and it seems that the immune system can go into overdrive during Harvoni treatment. This makes total sense in my case, but goes against the cause of cancer theory.

Also, I refused to stop taking certain supplements during treatment. I did stop any herbal supplements, though. The ones I took during treatment were a multivitamin, mineral complex, methylated b-complex, alpha-lipoic acid, fish oil (Omega 3), vitamin c powder (in morning smoothie) and a probiotic. The virus was not found at my 4 week labs. I just had my 8 week labs taken so will see if I am still in the clear. I took all supplements in the morning and the Harvoni at night. My side effects were minimal compared to what many others have reported.

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My Doctor just told me yesterday that this Harvoni (which I am in my 2nd month of, with no virus detected) causes Heart Problems!!!!! The immunity issues are from having to stop all my supplements and vitamins while taking it. My question still has not been answered and I guess we will never know till it becomes "1-800 bad drug"

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You mentioned Harvoni bring your Immune System down. I know when I checked all of the symptoms of taking Harvoni I honestly do not think it mentioned that. However it did say that you may get Flu Like symptoms. Perhaps go to the Harvoni Site or just ask on whatever Website you use. Type in Symptoms of taking Harvoni.

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I would like to know what the HARVONI is killing besides the virus. I'm clean after 3 weeks of Harvoni. Told I still have to take for 2 more months....HOWEVER....again, if it killed 19 million viral load, what else is it doing to me?

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Hi Sam,

I have yet to come across any specific details on post-Harvoni immunity. However, in order to reach an accurate conclusion one must also take into consideration some other things that can impact one's level of immune function, such as: environmental factors, diet, mental/emotional health, etc, during and after the time frame of treatment.

Not sure if Harvoni is available in inj. form like similar medications are, but just as a side note - there was a study done by Rockefeller University, suggesting that the act of administering these types of medications via inj. reportedly increases what they call your "immune activation response" or chronic inflammation that is directly associated with "accelerated aging, cardiovascular, renal and liver disease as well as CNS dysfunction" - All of which sound like conditions that are directly related to a damaged/hindered immune system.


So depending on how Harvoni was being administered, that may be something to take into consideration as well.

Hope this helps!

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