Possibly Sensitivity Allergic Reaction From The New Norco Generic Marked Uo2 (Top voted first)
UpdatedMy pharmacy is a Ma and Pa's that I've been going to for over seven years now.. They don't have very much business so they have a lot of medications still on the shelves that they no longer sold do to the change in the dosage of the Acetephtme in Vicodin ... this month they gave me the generic form of my Norco's 7.5/325, by AUROBINDO pharmaceuticals. normally I get the yellow norcos and will ask the pharmacist to make sure to give me those ones due to my sensitivity of the new off-the-wall generic meds that give me withdrawal symptoms and migraines and on the toilet constantly!!
The pharmacist told me that I was ""hypersensitive"" to the non inactive ingredients... such is the glue that holds the medicine together... but at the time he did not have my normal brand in stock !!! because of the high demand!!! because for some reason the IP's or any generic meds/Vicodin gives me massive headaches, upset stomachs, and the runs!!!
is this normal?? or could I be allergic to some kind of inactive ingredient such as the glue?? Or "fillers"? that holds the medication together???
I just had them filled a few days ago for my month, can I take them back to the pharmacist to see if they can switch them out to what I normally get?? (If in stock now) Or will I have to ask my doctor to write a different script and go to another pharmacy ?? being I cannot take these without making me sick!! I have severe TMJ and rheumatoid arthritis along with fiboroughmyalgia of ALL my joints ... I'm prescribed to take at least two a day , but find myself taking one extra halfway through the day due to how I feel ... should I have my doctor change to just one 10 mg pill...versus taking two 7.5 today?? Being iam on other medications, I rather take one pill per prescription versus three pain pills a day.. Being I just filled my script four days ago Iam able to take back to the pharmacy what is left in my bottle, to see if their normal stock Came in that I normally get ?? this is the fifth time in seven years my pharmacy has given the generic to me knowing I'm hypersensitive to them but that day is all they had that day.... And being it's a narcotic it only can be prescribed once a month !! because I am on a strict contract for pain management regimen!! should I just call my doctor and see if he will change the prescription for me?? To Just ONE 10/325mg versus taking 7.5/325 twice a day?? Help ???
2 Replies
Unfortunately, once you've left the pharmacy with them, they cannot take them back and exchange them, due to the risks of tampering. It would be illegal for them to do so. You can only have them change what they provide you with in the future, if possible.
It definitely sounds like you're sensitive to something in them and should stay away.
What other medications have you tried? I wonder if your doctor could prescribe an alternative altogether that may help better and avoid this issue.
This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.
He's keeping your drug and you are getting some crap.
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