Positive Results (Top voted first)


I've been on Humira for about 5 months now to treat my severe plaque psoriasis and arthritis. When I first went to the doctor I had 25% body coverage of psoriasis and arthritis so bad i could hardly walk. Now I'm almost completely psoriasis free... about 95% free now and my arthritis is like it never existed... I am back to walking and jogging even. I just wanted to leave a positive comment because I know so many people that have a negative experience will leave comments but few having a positive experience do. I almost didn't take the Humira because of the negative reviews and am so....so...glad I did because it has really helped me with this horrible disease...

4 Replies

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Awesome!!! I'm so glad that it's helped you so much!

And you're right, most posts are about complaints or problems and that's in regards to anything, not just medications.

Few people talk about the positive experiences.

Did you experience any side effects from it?

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I have been on it for about seven months now and it has helped me tremendously. I have severe RA and psoriasis and boy do I notice if I go even a couple days past my injection time the difference. The only side effects I've had, knock on wood, are a little bit of nausea and insomnia the day of injection other than that the only side effect is my joints feel better :-)

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I'm going to be taking my first dose of humira this week because of my psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. I'm scared now. I dont know what to expect. This is the first post I've seen about psoriasis. I'm hopeful now that I will be rid of this skin disorder. I am tired of scratching like a monkey and the horrible looks I get

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My husband has tried 2 drugs for RA. Methotrexate, and Humira. He has become a monster. I don't even know him anymore. He is mean to the children, horrible to me...........I think it may cause us to divorce. If you are the spouse of someone who is drug sensitive, pleases heed this warning, do not take Humira.

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