Poor Word Recognition Caused By Simvastatin (Top voted first)


I used to look at a word and the spelling looked either correct or not.
Now often I cannot recognise if a word is correctly spelt by looking at the spelling.
I have discussed this with my UK GP and come off the drug and this problem appears to have improved after just a few days.
I've Googled this problem and cannot find anything. Anybody in the USA experienced this problem please?


2 Replies

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I haven't seen any reports of such issues, but it's hard to say how any medication may affect any particular person that takes it and I really wouldn't be surprised at much of anything from the Statin class of drugs.

Learn more Simvastatin details here.

Another factor that you may want to consider is your age. There can be a natural decline in such cognitive abilities as you age and the medication may have made it even worse, which is why discontinuing it caused some improvement.

Another factor that can arise from aging that may affect it are hormones, it is well known that as people age, their hormones can decline and this can have a detrimental effect on their cognitive abilities and thinking processes. Thus, if you're low in Testosterone, it can contribute to such issues.

If you're over 40, then you may want to ask your doctor to do a blood test to check your testosterone levels.

Has anyone else had similar experiences with the statin medications?

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I have never taken statins but relatives did and that made me look for information.

Your symptoms are not that unusual.
I remember an article in The Telegraph, Mars 2009. I think it had the heading - The Wonder Drug That Stole My Memory and was written by Stephen Hudson.

Many years ago, an American doctor wrote the book - Lipitor - thief of memory. Since then he has also written - The Statin Damage Crisis - about side effects. It was his own statin-experience that started it all.
Dr. Duane Graveline has done all in his power to educate people. Visit spacedoc.net.

There are also all kinds of patientstories at askapatient.com (seach for simvastatin, Lipitor, Crestor etc - all have similar side effects).
You will also find articles and stories at peoplespharmacy.com (search for statins etc.).

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