Please Help! Oxycodone Withdraws! (Page 2)
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Please help! (Long read but I am a single mom & don’t want to withdraw around my kids)
I’m 26, have chronic pain, and been on Oxycodone for two years. I had an anterior cervical discectomy on my neck January 2014. I've been up & down on my doses since the surgery. Hydrocodone 10s to Roxicodone 15mg. A month ago, my pain was under control and almost gone. My pain management doctor & I decided to wean me off of the medication slowly. I cut down from Roxi 15s 5x per day to Oxy 10HCL 4x per day. I had a flare up when taking my two kids to the zoo, took more than prescribed & was allowed to refill a few days early. They gave me a month’s supply. This was two weeks ago. My pain was still flared & I continued to take the same dose as if I was still on Roxicodone. I called them a week into my new prescription telling them that I was taking more than prescribed and I may be a few days short. A week later, I asked if I could be prescribed something else because I was still taking more. The PA’S nurse called me back two days later with intentions of bumping me back up to Roxi then changed her mind whenshe found out I didn't have many pills left to dispose. The PA didn't feel comfortable seeing me two weeks into a month's prescription and asked my pain management doctor. The doctor said that they refilled me early in the past and wouldn't do it again. They told me that I needed to come in on Oct 23rd when the refill is due. The scheduler said that early refills are explained in my contract & they just aren’t willing to do it again. I told the scheduler that I really needed to be seen to discuss withdraws as I only have 4 pills for 13 days. She said she would give the message to the doctor, but until then they would see me on the 23rd. This was on Friday so I knew I wouldn’t get any message back. I have some prescribed valiums too that I plan on taking if they won’t see me. I am already having heavy sweats from only taking 5mgs. I’m on Celexa and I’m taking Naproxen to help with my chronic pain. I'll be cold turkey on my oxy for 6 days if I don't get help. I have two toddlers & I am a single stay at home mom while my husband is deployed. I cut my 4 pills in to halfs but I'm really afraid of withdrawing around my kids. Should I call the doctor's office back this week asking AGAIN for help on how to deal with withdrawals around my kids?

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My doctor told me very early on into my pain management that he doesn't prescribe fentanyl & if I wanted that, I would have to be seen by someone else. Do you think they will brush me off when I leave the message? My doctor has ALWAYS been so compassionate and understanding about my pain since my husband deployed. It caught me off guard when they disregarded my concerns on Friday to be seen regarding withdraw. Granted, I was hysterical over the phone because the scheduler was giving me no hope whatsoever to be seen.

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I am sorry that you have to go through this, but perhaps there are some options.

YES, you most certainly should call your doctor back. Tell them you are withdrawing. They should help you.. it is not your FAULT that it is happening. It is a natural response. As a pain management specialist, they should understand this and help you. Of course, *should* is a big word here and it sounds like they may not be willing to help.

So, what to do? Well.. You have 4 10mg oxycodone pills remaining? You need to cut the halves in half again. I would suggest this schedule:

Day 1 - 2.5 mg in morning 2.5 mg around noon and 2.5 mg before bed : 7.5 mg total
Day 2 - 2.5 mg in morning 2.5 mg around noon and 2.5 mg before bed : 7.5 mg total
Day 3 - 2.5 mg in morning and 2.5 mg before bed : 5 mg total
Day 4 - 2.5 mg in morning and 2.5 mg before bed : 5 mg total
Day 5 - 2.5 mg in morning and 2.5 mg before bed : 5 mg total
Day 6 - 2.5 mg in morning and 2.5 mg before bed : 5 mg total
Day 7 - 2.5 mg in morning : 2.5 mg total
Day 8 - 2.5 mg your choice of time 2.5 mg total

It is not going to be easy. Not easy at all. So, therefore, you need to supplement with something. Find some Kratom and make tea or figure out another way to ingest it. This is going to help with the cravings. "Kratom contains alkaloids including mitraphylline, mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine. These alkaloids act as mu-opioid receptor antagonist. Due to this function, the kratom is use as an alternative to opiates for those people suffering from opium dependence."

So, hopefully your doctor will help. If not, I would follow the above. Don't forget to drink A LOT of water and/or gatorade. Also, I find that chicken soup helps.

Good luck.


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