Please Help! Oxycodone Withdraws! (Page 2)
UpdatedPlease help! (Long read but I am a single mom & don’t want to withdraw around my kids)
I’m 26, have chronic pain, and been on Oxycodone for two years. I had an anterior cervical discectomy on my neck January 2014. I've been up & down on my doses since the surgery. Hydrocodone 10s to Roxicodone 15mg. A month ago, my pain was under control and almost gone. My pain management doctor & I decided to wean me off of the medication slowly. I cut down from Roxi 15s 5x per day to Oxy 10HCL 4x per day. I had a flare up when taking my two kids to the zoo, took more than prescribed & was allowed to refill a few days early. They gave me a month’s supply. This was two weeks ago. My pain was still flared & I continued to take the same dose as if I was still on Roxicodone. I called them a week into my new prescription telling them that I was taking more than prescribed and I may be a few days short. A week later, I asked if I could be prescribed something else because I was still taking more. The PA’S nurse called me back two days later with intentions of bumping me back up to Roxi then changed her mind whenshe found out I didn't have many pills left to dispose. The PA didn't feel comfortable seeing me two weeks into a month's prescription and asked my pain management doctor. The doctor said that they refilled me early in the past and wouldn't do it again. They told me that I needed to come in on Oct 23rd when the refill is due. The scheduler said that early refills are explained in my contract & they just aren’t willing to do it again. I told the scheduler that I really needed to be seen to discuss withdraws as I only have 4 pills for 13 days. She said she would give the message to the doctor, but until then they would see me on the 23rd. This was on Friday so I knew I wouldn’t get any message back. I have some prescribed valiums too that I plan on taking if they won’t see me. I am already having heavy sweats from only taking 5mgs. I’m on Celexa and I’m taking Naproxen to help with my chronic pain. I'll be cold turkey on my oxy for 6 days if I don't get help. I have two toddlers & I am a single stay at home mom while my husband is deployed. I cut my 4 pills in to halfs but I'm really afraid of withdrawing around my kids. Should I call the doctor's office back this week asking AGAIN for help on how to deal with withdrawals around my kids?
just be honest with your doctor and your pharmisist......
Lmd i feel your pain withdraw is not a nice feeling could u go to emergency room for pain just tell u in pain management at least u will get something for pain i always come short on my pain medicine always and i am tired of living like an addict feel pill not helping anymore i send prayer up for u
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