Please Help - I'm Falling And Don't See Any Help In My Future (Page 3)
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I'm a 50 yr old grandma with end stage renal failure! With that being said I also have chronic pain, slipped disc, a bulging disc, neuropathy, severe nerve damage in my neck and down my shoulder, severe hip pain in not just one but both hips now. I have been on pain meds for about 15 yrs....And always feel like I'm being judged every time I walk in the doctor's office! I figured I would change docs and started with a new clinic. The first few months was ok I guess...Then whammmy, he said I'm discharging you at this time because you came back with a positive drug panel for "6 mam" which I have learned is heroin! I have not ever seen nor do I have a desire to see it or do it!!! But now I am without a doc and my meds have run out. I stretched what I had for as long as I could! Now I'm kinda freaking out! I'm in severe pain, I'm a damn basket case (crying at the drop of a hat) just really depressed and lost! I'm always in pain anyway but my medicine made it easier for me to deal with it! I dont know what to do and need help fast!!!!

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I hurt all the time my lower back and shoulders and neck I get a tingle feeling in my left leg and it goes numb. At times my lower left stomach gets a knot feeling where I can't move. I told my doctor but all she does is sends me for blood work. Any suggestions

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yes i have but i dont like the feeling smoking does to me.....

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Yes they did do a repeat evaluation but will not return my calls so my KIDNEY DOC actually requested the records because i was so distraught over it! i also went back to the previous doc and they did a repeat evaluation on me, and said they could not treat me because i had that last positive drug panel!!! And i called about 10 more pain doctors and they basically said the same...

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I am a 70 year old grandma. Here's what I suggest. Re-think what you're going to do about your problems. In my case, I discovered my problems couldn't be addressed and solved until I knew what they were. I could only begin to find the answers to what was going on - in the whole, not the specific part, of whatever was most horrible about my problems. We want to solve our problems, not relieve the symptoms. Go to a more creative medical problem-solver. The kind that look at the whole of you and helps you according to you. Individualized medicine.

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I too have RSD. I also deal with osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia and sjogrens. It's so difficult to express to others what RSD Pain feels like. The closest that I come is to say that I feel like someone peeled my skin off, leaving every nerve exposed. Even wind from a ceiling fan is more than I can take on my feet and legs. Then for good measure it feels like someone hit me with an electric cattle prod. Then there's the fatigue and inability to concentrate or sleep.

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have you thought of medical marijuana? might help. I think I would go back to that clinic and ask for a redo on the panel that said heroin was in your system. It is most likely a mistake. Your local paper might find a story in that. good luck to you. I have many of your problems without the renal failure and just wish the best for you. I also suggest walking. any time spent doing that will definitely help you to feel better. get out of the house and try a walk around the block.

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I'm sorry for what you're going through! A couple of questions: Did you challenge this doc's statement re. Your alleged heroin use? Did he perform a second test? The possibility of a false positive is high. In any case, you need to get a hold of your medical records from this guys office. You're entitled to them - they're your records. See what he documented. I believe there is also a way to check a lab's records as regards their accuracy rate. Get some documentation to back yourself up and go see another doctor. Don't give up on this! Hang in and stay tough!

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Thanks to the pillbillies we that are in severe pain can not get any relief. I suffer from RSD which has no cure the docs just have to manage the pain with meds. It is getting harder and harder to find a doc to prescribe meds. Some days I hurt so bad I just want to end it all. Thank you politicians for screwing up my life in order to protect the heroin addicts.

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It may be that an individual doctor is reluctant to deal with you because of professional liability or potential legal exposure. My thought would be to send a clear statement to one or several of your local medical groups laying out your physical/medical situation, with a copy to your state and federal political reps. Your situation is clearly distinguishable from that of a junkie. One would think that neither the profession or the government can just turn their backs on you. My best wishes.

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