Plan B, Early Period, Late Second Period. (Top voted first)


So I had unprotected sex and took plan-b 4 hours after. My period had ended April 2nd and I had sex April 8th. I got my period a week after April 8th which was super early, and it lasted idk 5-8 days I don't really remember. Anyway, its May 17th. Should I be worried that I haven't gotten a second period? Or is it that the hormones in plan-b really messed up my cycle? I think I'm fine because I got my last period? Please let me know.

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I had unprotected sex Saturday night. Just to be safe, I took Plan B Sunday morning. 5 days later (Friday) I noticed light blood when I would wipe. I just finished my period the Thursday before sex so I should not be getting it. I have also noticed the blood looks darker in color than usual. It isn't dark like black but a darker red. Is all this normal?

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Hi! My boyfriend and I had unprotected sex on Valentines day, he never ejaculated in me, he came around me and since It was my first time I kind of freaked out and took plan B. A week after taking plan B I got another period. Now its March 9th.. when Im suppose to get my normal period and it hasn't came yet. I'm experiencing period symptoms and strangely cramping, and I never cramp before my period. We haven't had unprotected sex since around February 13th. Should my period come soon, what should I do?

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Hi, my last period was July 28 and ended Aug 1. My boyfriend and I got carried away and began to have unprotected sex but in mist of stopping before getting even more carried away, he tells me he ejaculated a little inside me (This was Aug 9). We didn't think about Plan B until about 24 hours later and thats when I took right away. It is now August 17 and I had been having menstrual like cramps between 6-7 AM I went to the bathroom & I was bleeding. I am seeing that is quiet light though. Should I be worried or does this mean the pill worked?

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Hello, So I had a one night stand (Nov 19) with this girl i met for the first time. We started to have intercourse without a condom, and 3 min into the sex I went soft inside her but did not ejaculate or orgasm. I got super worried and gave her plan B within an hour after. She said her period wasn't due until first week of December since shes irregular some times. So, she got her period 3 days earlier then expected and she said it was lighter then her previous period and last around 3-4 days. At this point everyone is thinking "you're fine". Being the anxious and worried person since I don't know or trust her... a pregnancy test was done twice 15 days after intercourse then the day after i made sure she peed on the stick, and both came negative. Am I seriously over worrying and all that was not needed? Please let me know.

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Hi guys, I'm looking for some answers regarding a Plan B situation. Some background information, I have a history of irregular periods and to combat that I have been taking birth control since high school. I am currently taking tri-sprintec 28 day. I have never had any issues with missing a period while taking birth control, take it regularly and rarely miss doses. I had sex last Saturday, which was the end of my 3rd week, and I usually start my period the following Wednesday or Thursday of the 4th week. I took the Plan B pill about 6 hours after the accident. Coming up on a week after should have started and still no sign of it although I went through all my usual signs like cramps/ovulating pain and extreme emotionalness in the earlier weeks. I have read up on Plan B and found that it can delay periods, depending on when you take it in your cycle, but was wondering if anyone else had been through a similar situation and how it turned out? In addition to the stress of not having a period, I was also stressed about writing a paper and was battling an extreme head cold the week I was supposed to hit my period. Could this also have something to do with my period being late? Or is there a strong possibility that I am pregnant?

Side note - I have taken Plan B before with no mishaps, period came on time, but I think I took it earlier in my cycle.

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