Placebo Whats The Point (Top voted first)


I have a sleep issue. It seems that once 11 pm or so comes around there is no way for me to fall asleep unless I take something to help me. I have been taking Temazepam 30 mg for over a year. I mention placebos only because I only hear about them because of 'studies' conducted, usually which results in the fact that placebos usually work almost as good as whatever there being substituted for. However what I want to know is why my doctor continues to renew my prescriptions even though most info regarding the type of drug I'm taking says you don't take it forever?
Now I can't ask for the placebo, that would eliminate the principle idea of how a placebo works....your brain thinks your taking the pill that always allows you to fall asleep. Seems like a catch 22....if your old enough to know what that means....

2 Replies

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Well, I'm not going to admit whether or not I'm old enough to know what that means. LOL

And my question on the sleep issue is what kinds of tests have been done to discover what's causing your problem?

Have your hormone levels been checked? It doesn't matter if you're male or female, hormones can play a big role in your overall health and your ability to get a good night's sleep. There are many estrogen mimics in our environment from pollutants and from foods we eat, hygiene products and other sources. Estrogen is an excitatory hormone, so even a guy that has too much of it in his body can find himself suffering from insomnia. Other hormones, such as testosterone can also cause problems.

While I know you need a good night's sleep and it may be caused by something other than hormones, since there are many other possibilities, I'm just trying to make it clear that the problem will never be solved if some checking isn't done to see why you're suffering from insomnia to begin with.

Most doctors do just throw a variety of medications at you to knock you out and never actually try to get down to the heart of the matter and solve the base problem.

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Hi, I've not been able to sleep for 3 days, I'm suddenly very anxious and get panic attacks at night, I cry all of a sudden for no reason, which never happened. Cannot even fall asleep one wink. This has never happened to me in my entire life. I am 34 years old and was feeling so happy the day before this nightmare started. Finally went to my Dr. On the 3rd of no sleep and he prescribed me 15mg temazepam and was told to take a 3-5mg of OTC melatonin. So I was ready for my big sleep. Very excited! Eyes were tired so I take the 15mg and the 3mg together lie down and wait for the greatness of sleep..........nothing..... Day 4 and still no sleep! I am getting extremely desperate for sleep. Anyone that can help, please advise?

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