Piranulin Tablet
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Dr.advised for above tablet piranulin first i taken strict 500 that is for strok and instead now piranulin is these both tablet for strok.kindly tell about both tablets are same for strok.

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My father had Ischemic stroke-dysphagia right, earlier he had agrenox but he has continous stomach bleeding, later we went to another neuro dr, he ref pirculin, does this will help him in this stage, is ther any side effects. please reply

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Information that i've gathered states that both Strocit and Piranulin are manufactured by the same company:
Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. (Based in India).

I also found that Strocit contains the active ingredient Citicoline; which is a psychostimulant/nootropic drug used to treat symptoms of parkinsonism (Cerebrovascular disorders and/or head injury symptoms).

What I am unable to locate is whether or not Piranulin contains the same active ingredient. However you should be able to contact the manufacturer directly by visiting the link below:

I hope this helps!

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Piranulin tablet why used for,first dr.advised to strocit 500 for strok and now he has changed from strocit 500 to piranulin .when I take piranulin tablet the problem arise and again I asked for strocit he said closed piranulin and start strocit,I want to know are both same tablet or different diseases.kindly give me reply immediately so that I start any one.thanks.

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