Pink Vs Orange Adderall (Page 9) (Top voted first)
UpdatedIs there a difference in the potency of the generic oval orange 30mg and the generic round pink 30 mg?
I have been told that Freds Pharmacy has the pink round ones. and walgreens/cvs/WALMART/ have either the orange round ones almost like the pink ones in looks or the somewhat oval orange ones. She said she likes to switch it up bc she thinks her body gets use to them but i think it is all in her mind. which most of this type of discussion is. but she prefers pink round & orange ovals.
If there is a rite aid near u that's where I get the pink ones.
Hi there!
I've taken the orange oval and hated the taste! I changed insurance companies and pharmacies... I now have Express Scripts which comes in the mail with a three month supply?! Boy! You most definitely need to prove and sign for the Aderrall! I've only taken my one day dose and cannot feel or sense any difference between the two types?! Too soon perhaps?! I'm glad NOT TO TASTE THAT SICKY SWEET FLAVOR IF THE ORANGE OVAL!!!! Sincerely, Wolfie
Fred's pharmacy and Walgreen's
Jc i have been having trouble being motivated for years and just been feeling like an old man but i tried a 30mg recently and i felt like a new man all day. my question is what type of doctor do I have to see and what else besides ADHD would they prescribe it for?
Publix where I live only carries pink.
I take 30mg. Addy's for narcolepsy. I personally can NOT tell I even take them. I can go right to sleep easily. Can anyone tell me what they think is best for narcolepsy? The round, oval or different med all together?? Truly need help tired of sleeping life away!
omg itss so hard to find a pharmacy who keeps them stocked....been there done that....i have a drs office which has a pharmacy attached therefore im lucky but youd have togo to your local pharmacy and have them order them for you and tell them youll be needing them every month and moving forward they should always have them ready for you.
Same problem in Boston MA LIKE THE ORANGE TEVA BETTER THAN PINK now they have round orange still not as good as the orange teva all we can find is pink or round light orange
I know sbopko Carries both just ask for pink before they fill
I live on the west coast, and almost all the pharmacies here carry the pink, only walgreens and walmart carry the orange but walmart is always out for some reason, anyway I can't take the pink I feel awful on them, I only take 20 mg. But there is something not good in the pink ones, all I can think about are the young kids that have to take this but don't know to tell their mom somethings wrong, they just have to take the med. Mom gives them. It can't be good for kids, what ever the fillers are that they put in the pink ones is bad stuff. Makes me sleep,less energy, headaches, tense, just over all feel bad. I tried to tell the pharmacist they need to look into it for the sake of young kids.
absolutely they will for the 2 this person is talking about
Kroger now gives round light orange ones, they always gave pink but yesterday I got a refill and they are rounder light orange
Freds also has pink ones It never has failed me yet although for me the orange is prerrered
Thats is wrong!!A consumer should always be provided with ingredients ! Blarney !
Wow it's like reading my own issues. I have ADHD but chronic fatigue is the main reason I need Adderall. I have been diagnosed with the major depressive disorder because my last two years are basically hell. Also been diagnosed with two chronic illnesses (CF is one of the main symptoms). Adderall is saving my life. I mean I can sleep for days even when I take it, but usually it helps. 3x20mg a day. Sandoz (the best). Just tell your doc what you are going through just like I explained it above, maybe. They should understand! If not, find a different doctor. To be honest, without Adderall, my life would be a disaster (if I still lived).
Good luck!
No the teva orange football ones are by far the best. They make you focus but not to the point that you're frozen. They have the best taste and they don't make me crazy. I am calm on them and can do about 10 things at once. I love the teva brand and I only will have those filled. If they are out of stock I will wait for them. I have tried all of the the pink ones, the blue ones and the white ones. None of them work as good as the orange football teva.
What does generic 30 mg Adderall look like? It's supposed to be pink or orange but it's greyish and has an M on one side and 30 on the other. Is it Adderall? I just picked it up at the pharmacy.
Yes...there is a difference between Teva's orange oval and Corepharma's neon pink round pill... The difference is that one is currently available for sale (Teva) and one has been discontinued (Core) and is no longer made. The end...of this thread.
This info written abovery is complete right.
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