When taking your action, if you found this on a child or teen, don't forget to make sure they know that not only is this dangerous and addictive, but it is also illegal to have if it isn't prescribed to you, and the police and government are really cracking down. I have read postings on some legal advice boards about youngsters getting caught with just 1 or 2 pills on them, and being arrested and prosecuted. Not worth a criminal record just to get a slight buzz.
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pam Says:
Re: Verwon (# 1)
thank you for all the useful info an the meds i ask about now the action begins. i hope god is with me on this matter. i was hoping i would never have to do it. god bless this site for the help
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Verwon Says:
You are very welcome, happy to help when I can. Never having to face that and have that talk is something we all hope for, but unfortunately almost all kids end up experimenting at some point, and they are usually not as informed as adults, school programs just tell them don't do it, they don't tell them why, they just say don't and tell horror stories.
I take heavy narcotics everyday, my son is 11, so I have let him see what they are, and already explain, and repeatedly reiterate how dangerous they can be. He also sees the side effects that I suffer from them, which I am hoping will help him to say no when his time comes.
You might get lucky, and find out your child was just having it pushed on them by peers and never actually took any, just didn't know what to do with what they were already given.
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Verwon Says:
Oh, speaking of these types of things, I am going to share something with you that just happened here recently. They have those drug programs and such as school and here in PA they always include tobacco. Well they said in a few of them, that if your parents smoke, and you are around it, you might as well smoke. Meaning the dangers of the secondhand smoke, but they didn't specify that, so my poor son thought they were telling him that he might as well just start smoking at 11 years old, and he is not the only kid in his 5th grade class that thought that way. At first I was just dumbfounded that they would say it that way, not just once, but several times in various programs over the school year, and then I explained to him what they had really intended it to mean.