Pill To Get Periods Asap (Top voted first)


I need some pill to get periods ASAP, I supposed to be getting period on 4/29/2012 but didn't get it and confirmed a pregenecy, but to remove it using pills and get periods. please suggest a pill which is available without doctor prescription(if possible), basically outside pharmacy.


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Hey I recently had a laparoscope surgery for kidney stone as soon my operation was done I was into periods my operation was done on 29 and was into periods on 30 and I had unprotected sex on 12 I had sex while I was on top and he was down as soon as he shot in I stood up n all sperms came out I cleaned with a towel n went to wash room now my question is today it is 31 and have got my period have been eating loads of spicy paw paw plums to make my periods start I don't want to be pregant what should I do plz help asp

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My last periods were on 30/11/2012
Had unprotected sex on 17/12/2012 but he did not ejaculate in me.
Havent got my periods yet.
Took urine pregnancy twice. Both NEGATIVE.
But yet no periods.
What should be done?

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I have the same prob.. whta have you done???

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Two months before i have a sex with my wife . But now she is not get a regular period date . Im not sure she is an pregnant or not ... Tell me the tablet name to get an period quickly

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Hey, i had an abortion tablets prescribed by doctor,one month back and i had periods for 10 days. but still i have not got periods for dis month yet. Am confused, whether i had an abortion or it was just a internal bleeding..? plz suggest me the tablets to get periods.

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Tell.me d pil to have the period asap.n i tok hcg test twice its negative

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I'm sorry, but once a pregnancy has been confirmed there isn't anything you can use for an abortion, over the counter, in the U.S.

You will need to see a doctor, either for a prescription, or a surgical abortion procedure.

In the future, it is also advisable for you to use some form of regular contraception.


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My last periods were on 13/8/2012.
I took a pill to postpone periods on 7/9/2012. Had unprotected sex on 8/9/2012 but he did not ejaculate in me.
Havent got my periods yet.
Took urine pregnancy twice. Both NEGATIVE.
But yet no periods.
What should be done?

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