Pill Identification - Round Blue Bisected With C34 On Opposite Side
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This is a round blue pill, bisected on one saide and with C34 on the opposite side. No additional markings except edges are beveled. IS this Diazepam 10 mg

7 Replies

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Yes it is 10mg valium

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Yes, it’s generic Valium 10mg, good quality Diazepam. I've taken it.

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The Blue C34 scored on opposite side is a 10 mg diazapam pill called PAX 10 produced by pharmaceutical company in South Africa. The company seems related to lennon but these are not made in the GDR

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could be pax diazepam 10mg manufactured by lennon. i know that such a pill exists in south africa. lennon is international so it could be found elsewhere.

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Ed, being from a foreign country, it is going to be difficult to find information on these.

Most other countries don't regulate their medications as strictly as the U.S. and Canada do, so the don't require the imprints to be logged.

The may contain Diazepam, but they could also contain a number of other drugs that are all used for their calming and sedative like effects.

It could even be one of the other Benzodiazepines.

Is anyone familiar with these tablets?

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It was prescribed while a friend was contracting in the middle east and she bought back abot 8 of them. She said they were to calm her, but I am uncertain they are dizepam

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I'm sorry, but I am not finding any listings for a blue tablet with this marking in any of the U.S. prescription drug resources. It is not a listed marking for Diazepam.

Was it found in the U.S. or elsewhere?

There is a chance that it could be something that is available over the counter or a foreign medication.

Does anyone recognize this tablet?

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