Physeptone 30mg And Prednisone 25mg
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I take three 10mg physeptone daily for chronic pain caused by lupus and fibromyalgia. Recently developed a virus which caused painful inflammation when dry coughing and extra pain throughout my body. I also did not realize I had a temp above 38c. My doctor prescribed 25mg prednisone for a week. Just in two days of taking prednisone I haven’t needed to take physeptone (I can’t take morphine based drugs). Prednisone has worked like a miracle in reducing pain. I realise lupus is an autoimmune disease and prednisone an immunosupressant. I’ve always balked against taking steroid based drugs because of the side effects but I can’t believe how well it works. Perhaps I should be taking prednisone as physeptone doesn’t kill the pain totally.

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Hi I did talk to my doctor and he said that I'm nice and stable on physeptone. It works for my chronic pain and It gives me a quality of life and i can work. Also the side effects of steroids are unpleasant. Prednisolone was prescribed for a chronic and painful respiratory problem and worked beautifully. If at some stage I feel I want to try something different he will refer me to a rheumatologist. But at present I'm happy and stable. I just occasionally feel the stigma or discrimination associated with using opiate meds especially one that people associate with addicts. ?Thankyou for your interest.

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Ultimately, you can really only discuss it with your doctor, and see what they think would be best for you, in conjunction with your opinions and experiences.

Prednisone can help reduce inflammation that causes pain, which could be why it works so well for you. The NIH lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, acne, weight changes, and fluid retention.

How are you doing, now? Has there been any change?

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