Phlogam Tablet Is For What Purpose? (Page 3) (Top voted first)
UpdatedPhlogam is a light yellow round tablet, what is the purpose of it?
For what purpose Phlogam Tabs. are used?
It is very easily available in India too. Here in Andhra Pradesh there are many medical shops where it is available, if you dont find it still pls let me know.
m taking 3 tablets daily after taking food.............i hope my injury recover much quicker as possible it can.............
I have been prescibed Phlogam by a doctor after i received injury due to a fall.Does the medicine case stomach upset?
i have been prescribed phlogam along with augemytin for chronic cough persisting for more than a month
what for phologam is prescribed i want to know if it is correct prescription
shall be thank ful
phlogam is 3 times a day
is it correct
On what basis the statment on the strip is printed. "Total Protolytic activity not less than 1095 units per tablet (Papain method). which standard or refernce book is used to state this sentence.
Can I take tablet phlogam in breastfeeding feeding
I want catalogue of Phlogam
My wife is an atopic dermatitis petient. Now she has an ulcer on her left feet thumb. It s not healed for the last two weeks as well as she jas severe pain on the same thumb. Now i met a doctor in chennai who is an ortho for pain. He checked it and referred her to his wife who s a skin specialist. She have given here some two tabs and one soap and tbact oinment in proscription. Along with that the ortho doctor given phlogam wich is not in written in proscription. I would like to know for what it s taken for and how does it work. And what are the side effects. Since my wife s a severe skin and asthma allergic patient. I need to know in detail. Kindly help me.
its used for edema inflammation of traumatic origin, post operative edema & inflammation, its also helps to clear cellular debris...
mainly its an research molecule of aksigen hospital care....
Can I takePhlogam pain the leg Is it safe
Can I buy this medicine in India? I want to know about these phologam tablets.
during running we falled then our left hand shoulder bone has become down. now the doctor set our shoulder same as does before original. but we suffring pain tomuch at night sleeping time. so, please advoice.
Re: Deepak (# 19)
Presently my upper jaw is inflamed will phologan will help quick healing &pain relief. I m having accute constipation .will taking phologan be of some assistance in curing stomach issue as well .May I get doses duration of treatment
I had an ankle injury due to a fall. I took phlogam for 10 days, but the pain is still there (but less). Can I take another 5 days worth of phlogam tablets?
I would like to learn more about Phlogam tablet uses and side effects.
It is for faster wound healing. n its subsitude is ENRACTIN
I had a recent surgery of vocal cord polyp. After a month another doctor discovered a remnant polyp through stroboscopy. He prescribed phlogam. Looks like phlogam helps swelling/nodules. Not sure about cold and cough.
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