Phentermine Anyone Have Strange Side Effects? (Top voted first)


I just started taking this medicine for weight loss. I am having hot flashes and cold chills, terrible headache and a tingly head. I feel awful. Has anybody taken this and had the same reaction? If so did it pass after a few days? Gotta say this...I am not ever hungry! Like to hear from anyone that has taken this med. Thanks :)

355 Replies (18 Pages)

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Since taking phentermine I have developed a weird habit. I have begun sucking on my own tongue. This is driving me crazy, not to mention making my tongue blistered and very sore. Has anyone else experienced involuntary or strange tongue activity while on this drug? Suggestions, please??

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I take Phentermine 37.5 once a day, I've lost 44 pds in approx 4 months.

The only side effect I've experienced (which is not listed as a possible side effect), is semen leakage. I've searched the web, and I've seen reports by other males of experiencing semen leakage after taking Phentermine for an extended period (one of the reports was a male that had been taking Phentermine and lost 40 pds in 5 mos).

In my case, it typically occurs after urination. I will finish urinating, and may feel like I still have to pee. Some slight pressure results in semen excretion, with no related feeling of orgasm. I have to ensure that all is excreted though, otherwise the leakage may continue after I leave the bathroom.

There is no guarantee that this is related to Phentermine, but it *never* occurred until after I started Phentermine, so there is a strong likelihood in my mind that it is related (especially after seeing similar reports online).

According to my searches though, this could be related to various other issues, and I (and anyone else experiencing such effects) should report such issues to a medical professional for diagnosis.

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I am taking 37.5 mg of phentermine one a day, I have been having the night sweats and then all the sudden I will be cold, body even gets ice cold. I have been taking for about 6 months now, the main thing I am worried about is the ice cold feeling.......whats wrong with me?

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I started 15mg Phen for a week, and couldn't handle it. First few days were OK, but after day 5 I felt like I was on speed, my mood was uncontrollable, I was having panic attacks, and terrible insomnia. Not to mention weird sensations like chills, jitters, and really high heart rates when exercising. Do these side effects go away, should I just wait it out?


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I am cold all the time while on it! I haven't hit the hot flashes yet, but there's a constant cold sensation and chills especially at bed time. havent had any other ill effects.

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DRINK WATER!! Tons of water and the headaches will dissappear.

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Hi, I'm Linda and I have been on Phentermine since June. Lost the weight and was doing fine until just recently when all of a sudden I started feeling so draggy and having no color in my face, dark circles under my eyes and I hear ya about the freezing and then the HOT FLASHES. This did not happen to me to start with, but now my body has gone haywire. I am bruising everywhere for no apparent reason and I feel just awful. I had no problems to start with but now I have got things going on that I don't know what in the world has gone wrong. Has my blood count been affected??

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I have been on the phen for 6 weeks anyone have cold feet? thanks

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Ive taken this drug for over 3 years. It does make you loose weight but drinking water is ESSENTIAL for the weight loss and your health. I found my good amount was a liter and a half per day...alot of water I know but after some research I found that without alot of water, toxins build up from the weight being burned off and cant be flushed out of the body properly...which causes all those nasty physical side effects like hot/cold sweats, irritablity, nausea...etc etc... I noticed my period cramps were horrible when on this drug vs not taking it. Also for anyone thinking about stopping this must come down easy! half a pill, then every other day, drag it out over 2 week period or your body goes into shock and you will feel crappy. Quitting cold turkey also makes it harder for the drug to start working again if you decide to resume taking it in the future. I hope Ive helped!

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This is for Peter's post dated 10/23/12: I, too, am having a phantom smell! Background: I began the Phen (15mg) in late October and had headaches for the first few days, which subsided, and the consistent dry mouth (as has everyone, so that's normal) with no other side effects, and have been overall happy and successful with the weight loss results, but when my doctor switched me to the 37.5mg pill on 12/05/12 (I split it in half and take two 18.75mg doses a day), 4 days into it, I started smelling "something." I was getting into my truck in a parking lot and this smell hit me, strong and hard. I thought maybe someone had smoked a cigarette next to my parked vehicle and threw it down close to my truck (you know how that nasty smell creeps into things?) but it's been 4 days now and I still smell it! It smells like cigarette smoke or cigarette ash (YUCK!)—it's hard to describe/explain. It gets stronger at times, and seems to be weaker in the mornings. It has to be the change in the Phen; nothing else is different. It's the weirdest thing. Anyone else out there experiencing this? And for everyone taking the 37.5mg dose w/bad effects: my doctor advised me NEVER to take that in one dose as it will be too strong—try cutting them in half and taking 18.75mg 2x/day

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I have strange side effects. I feel like theres a lump un the base of my throat. Its not actually visible but it feels like someone is pressing lightly on my throat right above my collarbone. Also i clench my jaw to the pount of pain and it causes me to chew on the insuide if my cheeks and side of my tongue. Another weird one is i scratch my scalp absent mindedly. It doesn't itch byt i catch myself "picking" and scratching my scalp sometimes. Is anyone else having these issues? ?

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I stopped taking this medication after 14 days.It turned my life upside down.I had a terrible temper and was very angry.My children and my friends and family did not like me on this! I did lose 11 pounds but it was not worth it.I decided to stop taking it but I still have the meds.My doctor told me nothing about the side effects! Maybe one day I will try again but at a much smaller dosage!

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I got the Drug from a Dietician, she had advised me to start taking half and after 3 days increase to an entire tablet. That worked great for me. You will have a dry mouth as a side effect( it reminds you to drnk a lot of water) so thats a good thing. After a while getting used to eat less and smaller portions I had skipped a day or so and that worked great for me a s well. I just hit my 30lb mark and continue to do great on this medication. I started in June so hopefully by the Holidays I I will reach my goal of 50 lb loss all together. Good luck to all

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Yes I have noticed I also sucks on my own tongue which is weird and it's like I sick my tongue real close to my teeth and also grind my teeth a lot.

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I thought only women have hot flashes, sweating profusely, but me too then suddenly I will get the chills and then uncontrollable shivering. I'm only on my 4th day and I lost 6 pounds. I heard the bad side effects will go away after a few days. Should I continue?

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I know this thread is over a year old, but hope you will get this comment and respond. I am doing the exact same thing as you were. More time on the Phentermine BEFORE anything started going on at all. I am getting Hot Flashes every nite for two weeks now, hair loss, and have lost a couple toe nails as well (eeww, I know). It is working great for the weight loss as well as giving energy to keep the walking up really well. Total loss is up to 38 lbs now and the inches are melting!. I just wondered how your outcome was with all these side effects or if maybe it was more of lacking something in your diet as well as mine right now versus the pills. THANK YOU

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I started taking the 37.5 dose of Phentermine a week ago. I went to see a weight loss specialist and he wrote the prescription. He said for the first few days or as long as you have to, to get used to the drug, take half a pill once a day on an empty stomach. He say to take it exactly 2 hours after eating breakfast. Well initially for the first 3 or 4 days I was fine. I'm not entirely sure how many pound I've lost because my scale at home would say one thing and the scale the gym another. But I always weigh first thing in the morning after using the bathroom. Well on 5th and 6th day, I noticed that my heart would beat really fast and I would be out of breath doing simple things like walking around, and I never had this problem before, even when I wasn't taking the drug. I was in the shower one night and I was soo weak that I almost passed out. I thought I was getting sick, because I heard myself wheezing and I couldn't stop coughing but its a side effects. In my personal opinion this drug is dangerous. And I'm not going to continue to ignore all the effects the drug has because I like the results I get while I'm on it. I have completely stopped taking since, I almost had to go to the hospital. I don't ever want to feel like that again.

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If you keep eating the same things that made you heavy before the pills then YES you will gain the weight right back.

If you are not ready to make better food choices during and after pill usage then that means that unfortunately you are just wasting your $$ and your weight loss will only be temporary.

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I have the same symptoms.. this drug does make u feel awful.. This is the 3rd time I have used Phentermine to lose weight.. u will lose weight for sure but everybody beware as soon as u stop taking it the weight comes back on fast and furious.. even heavier than before taking the drug....

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