Pharmacy's Cutting Oxycodone


My RX was written for 168. The Pharmacy cut it to 150 without telling me. I lost the 16 pills. Is this legal to do this.

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Are you sure it was written for 168, or is it possible you misread your doctor's handwriting?

Prescriptions for controlled substances can be written for no more than 30days and they are usually written according to the maximum number that can be taken each day.

Thus, 2 pills a day would be 60 and 3 a day would be 90. 150 tablets is 5 a day, therefore 168 actually doesn't make any sense, because the next possible number would be 6 a day, which is 180 tablets.

So, if they weren't sure of the number, due to difficult reading it, or there seemed to be a discrepancy between it and the dosing instructions, they would go by the logical dosing instructions and yes, it is perfectly legal for them to do so.


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Hi Jennifer,

Did you end up paying for 168 or 150?

I've never actually heard of this being done before, although I'm sure it has. Have you talked to your doctor about this issue? He prescribed you 168 instead of 150 for a reason, so that is unethical of the pharmacy to cut you short like that. I don't know about the legal standpoint of this, but if it effects your health (which it does), then I'm sure you can make a valid case out of it. As a first step though, I would suggest going back into your pharmacy after you speak with your doctor, to complain about this incident if you haven't done so already. The longer you wait to dispute against it, the better chance they have of holding something over you for not doing it sooner, so hopefully you can do that as soon as possible.

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many dr's only write for 28 days and 28 times 6 is... you guessed it 168!

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Taking 1 every 4 to 6 hours equals 168 in 30 days.

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The law states that if you get the rx from a pharmacy and get less than prescribed, you lose the remainder of the rx. Not particular of any pharmacy.

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They need to tell you...if they did that go back in there and get your 16 pills. Are u f***ing kidding me...go down there right f***ing now, that's totally not legal to do. Normally IF the fill is short they will ask you, if u take the 150 you'll lose the 16, if not, you need to wait for them to come in. They must have told you and you didn't hear or get the messege

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Chris, taking one tablet every 4 hours is 180 tables, 1 tablet every 6 hours is 120 tablets. So 168 tablets does not make sense in the dosage directions.

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