Pharmacy To Fill 30mg Oxycodone In/near Los Angeles (Page 4) (Top voted first)



I'm a chronic pain patient and have been taking this medication for about 4 months, but this last time I have not been able to find any pharmacy to fill my prescription at. Is there anyone who knows a pharmacy in or around los angeles or neighboring cities that will fill an rx for 60 30mg oxycodone?

I can't drive around and shop store to store since the pain I am in prohibits me from doing so. I've been to about 20 places without luck.

Any help would be very much appreciated, thank you!

111 Replies (6 Pages)

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I'm in los Angeles ca. I've been in pain management for 3 years now. Yesterday my daughter wrote me a prescription for oxycodone HCl 15 milligrams count of 120. My old Pharmacy it does not have anymore and I'm having a hard hard time finding them. If you can give any advice it would be much appreciated much. Thank you so much Michael

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Hi I'm in Torrance California - I have a prescription for oxycodone hcl 50 milligram of 120 cans my old Pharmacy did not have anymore and I cannot find them at all and I am in severe pain if you have any information it would be much appreciated thank you so much Mike

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I'm in LA an I have Heath net an my doctor is legit an I have a place but they don't honor my insurance I need to know where I can get my prescription filled

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Yes I live in Palos Verdes I've been prescribed 30mg. roxicodone#90 for 3 years and just this week cVS is telling me they can't get them , i have been waiting 10 days for an order that never arrived please help! Thanks

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Yes I would like to know where you got them filled if it was in Los Angeles

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30mg Roxy or 30mg OXY is being replaced by MS Or Fentanyl TDP. The highest you can expect a pharmacy to fill is 15mg OXY-Roxy. The pharmacies is to first due no harm. That's their code. 20-30mg Roxy and OXY is reserved for end of life care. If you do not use the same pharmacy going up in doses from norco perc MS CON Fentanyl to 10roxy 15roxy 20roxy to 30roxy. They will not order or fill it for you. If you are able to Drive Walk or even Limp into the pharmacy they are doing harm. This is a last resort Dose. This is not to harm you personally. This is to do no harm to your doctor who has prescribed it outside DEA and FDA listed use and safety. You may not like to hear this however. Working with doctors who Handel Pain Management I have seen standing orders with all pharmacies in the area here and every one in the state I have dealt with the requirement to Call the PCP prescribing it and asking if it can be filled. Almost every time. The doctor I work for wrights this. It is to make it seem like they are sympathetic and helpful. All while telling the pharmacist who is verifying the scripts validity to not fill it. A doctor who wrights to many CII medications who is just a GP will get flagged by the DEA. Then audited and must then provide your diagnosis description "example - what evaluations were done prior. Was it negative or positive. Condition expected to result in loss of life. Life long chronic. Acute long lasting. Neurological. Skeletal. Muscular. Idiopathic. Age related. Was step therapy provided. Was Chemical Intervention attempted to be avoided. Is the condition surgical. The doctor is not doing this to make you suffer. It's to make you come back and take the weaker version less likely to Flagg him and force him to violate his oath and protect your medical history. Even thou he is not telling them exact details of your condition. He is telling them. 1 you will die 2 no diagnosis can be made 3 there is so thing wrong with you 4 physical therapy is not possible or is. Basically this is a moral stand the doctor takes against the DEA. If you find yourself at a pharmacy after getting this high dose and they say let me see if we have this in stock. Walk to the back. Make a call and take 4mins to come back and say sorry. Immediately without attitude bring it back to your doctor and ask for something else. Or have someone steal a wheelchair and push you into the store to fill it with a neck brace on crying. Or simply use a pharmacy you have used for years and be open about why your taking it. Tell them you hope this is not permanent And you hope as bad as it sounds a surgeon can fix it. Or if you have cancer. Don't hide it. If your concerned about your health. You should tell your pharmacist your medical condition. Some medications can make them worse. Also, each pharmacy in every state has a way to track controlled substances. If you filled any narcotic from a different doctor at a different pharmacy. RED FLAGGED. Never fill it there. I hope my advise helps. Just keep in mind. Thou this medication may help the pain. It's going to kill your kidneys. It's going to slow your liver. It's going to cause dependency. After a long time using it. It will make you do things you would have never done before when you stop taking it. Since this medication is stronger than the pure opiates from the 60's. Just remember. There are other options that will help. Percocet is the same as OXY and Roxy with a lower dose and Tylenol. Try that first when offered this high of a dose and if it fails. Bring the unused medication to your doctor to show you did not sell it and ask for the higher dose. Your doctor won't think you took them all or sold them.

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Would like to know of a pharmacy that fills them please help

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Need to fill 30 mg oxy, I live in LA...San Fernando Valley area work in Thousand Oaks/ Moorpark area... Can't find a Pharm to fill my script, do you know of any?

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If you wouldn't mind helping me out with that information I'm also looking to get my script filled. Please

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Could you please assist me in finding oxycodone 30mg. Its been hard to find. Thank you.

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Hi, if you are in the valley, Reliable pharmacy has everything from Dilaudid, oxycodone, Morphine, you name it. I always get Dilaudid 180 a month.

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I'm in Los Angeles and I need a pharmacy to fill my script of oxycodones

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Please tell me where to go I'm a patient can't locate pharmacy

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Please tell me where to go I'm a patient with sudden issues filling my rx

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Hey bro I really need help filling my script if u can help me out it'll be appreciated bro

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Please tell me where to take my script for 30s to have it filled, near Santa Monica preferably. Well more so somewhere that will fill it quickly. Thanks!!

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Where can I go brother!? I'm trying to find a place near Santa Monica if possible, but really anywhere that'll actually do it relatively quickly... Thanks!

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Yes I know one but PLEASE give me the name of your doctor! I'm in such debilitating pain and my doctor wants to prescribe me methadone which only puts me to sleep. It makes me drowsy and not able to function and I hate it. I wouldn't even care if it was just the low-dose Norcos as long as I could get some kind of relief that doesn't knock me out! The pharmacy to go to is here and Encino where I am off of Ventura Boulevard. I'll give you the rest of the name but you have to give me your doctor's name 1st. Lol

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Yes I need help can u tell me where I can get my 30mg oxycodone filled

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Can u help me out n tell me where I can get my oxycodone from I been take in them a year n is n real pain now I haven't been able to get them any help is good think u n I will tell no 1 where u send me

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