Pharmacy Refuses To Fill, Wants To Keep Med In Stock (Top voted first)


My pain doc recently increased my hydrocodone by an extra pill per day. When I went to get this filled on my usual refill date - not early or anything - the pharmacist kind-of freaked. She said that it was now too many pills and that she didn't want to fill it because she wasn't sure she would have enough for her "regular customers." I told her that I am a regular customer and have been getting my meds from that location for 6 months, since I moved to the area. She then backtracked again and said that she wanted to keep some on hand just in case other people walked in with prescriptions. Clearly, she now thinks I'm some sort of abuser. I don't get it. I have never gotten a script early, I am in the process of having my 4th cervical surgery, I take other related meds (gabapentin), and it's the same doctor who has prescribed the meds the whole time. Can she DO this? Can she deny me meds without a good reason like this? I honestly feel like this is a violation of my rights in some way. Has this happened to anyone else? Can a complaint be filed someplace? I am so upset and in so much pain that I literally wonder if it's worth going on anymore. Don't they realize how hard life is for those of us in chronic pain? I know there are all of these crazy new laws in place, but the wrong people are being penalized.

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You go into a pharmacy to fill ur meds and they tell you they can't....they're not taking new people, but 2 days later a friend goes in and pays them 200 dollars and they fill their meds... That sucks...

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Go to another pharmacy. If you arent able because of doctor/patient contract then i would suggest asking your pharmacist to order what you need then pick it up when it comes in. For future reference take prescription in 2-3 days ahead and tell pharmacist you are ONLY bringing it in early so they have time to order it and have it before it needs to be filled. This has happened to me and i understand why now. If they are out if stock then the next person can't get it. Ive been partials because of this even though they are controlled. But I've been at my pharmacy for yrs. Will they do a partial? Respect goes a long way with pharmacists because like someone said they do not have to fill it at all if they see reason not to. They have jobs to do too. And money sadly is part of it these days. I always take prescriptions in a few days ahead to give them time to order it. Usually it comes in next day after they put in orders. Weekends they come in next business day. Good luck

Side note and a P.S. - I find that the ones saying they arent seekers are guilty 98% of the time. Remember they can see your filling history and doctors can see your prior history with other doctors and what they have prescribed. At least they can in my state.

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Remember medications and getting them filled is a privilage not a right. Doctors and pharmacists can refuse to give us anything.
Sad but true and sometimes a good thing. One example is the addict seeking pills. This is why doctors and pharmacists are quick to refuse. They have to watch out for themselves. I don't blame them. I blame ones abusing their privilage.

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Pharmacists have the right under federal law to refuse to fill a rx without giving a explanation. Have you tried another pharmacy or gone back to the same pharmacy when the pharmacy manager is there? If your pain is chronic and severe, your Dr needs to put you on extended release pain meds. There is a hydrocodone only extended release called Zohydro. But it is very expensive and many insurance companies won't pay for it due to cost.

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I've been in the same situation. It was at Walgreens. I just went to another local Walgreens and had it filled. I had a stroke in 2009 and I take hydrocodone 10/325 watson brand for the severe chronic pain I have in my right arm and hand. My pain is coming from the brain. I will always have some sort of pain. There's always a resolution.

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If your a Pharmacist who refuses to fill valid prescriptions, which by valid I mean they have been verified and checked, then why be a pharmacist?

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Re: Thinkaboutit (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

I'm getting tired of people blaming addicts for their problems getting Narcotics. While I'm sure some addicts go to different doctors and thats how they stay high, most people who get these RX's are people who go to pill mills and they sell their pills on the street. I'm an addict who didnt use my doctors to stay high. I like and respect my doctors and went to one and asked for help. His response. "I don't have time for your s***". I simply went straight to Heroin. This isn't addicts fault. Blame the political climate. Trump's regime is turning back the clock and he's not stopping with Narcotics.

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