Pharmacy Refuses To Stock Qualitest, Which Is The Only Kind That Works For Me (Page 3)


I have two medications that are made by Qualitest (which I understand both have been moved to other Pharmaceutical Co.) 1. Hydrocodone 10/325 cannot find locally in Qualitest brand so I have been prescribed Mallinckrodt. They cause my ears to ring at an extremely high level that I can't think or do anything. I am extremely nauseous constantly. This ringing in my ears is driving me crazy. No pharmacy will get the Qualitest brand. 2. Phentermine (also the same situation), no pharmacy will carry Qualitiest brand. If the drug works for said person, is still being made and the said person has legal prescription, why isn't there a way to force the pharmacy to get it? Why are we forced to purchase drugs we know won't work for us? Are there any lawyers out there that can find a way to make them get these medications for us? I have Fibromyalgia and there is very little that works for me and my system. Please help me. I am close to beating my head against the wall to stop this ringing in my ears.

71 Replies (4 Pages)

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You that speak of a euphoric effect.... Well then you actually should get your meds reduced or stopped... You should not be taking enough to obtain a euphoric effect thus you are over-medicated. Pain medication was never intended to remove all your pain. Its intended purpose is to reduce your pain enough so you can function enough to be able to hopefully get through your day. Everytime you complain about you lost that euphoric feeling (maybe I should write a song) you put another brick in the wall (hey when ya got it ya got it) of the opioid pro prohibitioners... It legitimizes their point that you just wanna feel high (that euphoric feeling) and it hurts the person that is just getting through the day with the pain they deal with every day after/during the time they take their pain medication as instructed without any euphoria. If I was your pain dr & you came in saying you dont get the euphoria anymore I would probably start cutting your meds back to get you to the point of not being addicted... Taking something for euphoria is an addictive behavior and you are hurting the pain sufferers.... Notice that no where in this post did I say you did not suffer from pain.... Nor did I say you were faking... But thinking if you dont get a euphoric response from taking your pain meds is wrong. You should have never been given enough to cause that feeling to begin with when taken as directed. I am a lil curious about something if you dont mind. Why would someone want to take so much medication (or illegal drug) or booze even that they can no longer function & take care of yourself leaving you to the actions of anyone that wishes to do whatever? Be thee well & hopefully the politicians will get out of our medicine cabinet & drs office were they never belonged to begin with.

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Re: Kevin (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

some of the Mom and Pop pharmacy won't accept new patients for controlled substance I tried that and they are only honoring the customers that they have because they only get a certain amount so good luck

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Re: Master Plumber (# 40) Expand Referenced Message

You couldn't know less if you tried! Myself and others have had our Oxytocin levels checked through the years. In fact the last 25+ years since the Oxycontin trails at UT Southwestern school of medicine in which I participated in the final human trials. Today being tested on Oxycontin, Roxicodone, Percocet, Norco and other opiates to numerous to list mine and everyone else's Oxytocin levels being tested monthly are almost non existent. Myself and about 200+ people have been in this ongoing study and I truly believe the doctors who run the study in which I've have had numerous conversations with know far more than you ever will about what I'm saying! You have absolutely know idea what you're talking about whatsoever, but now I know you're an Internet know-it-all... Which means less than nothing! All opiates have been reformulated to reduce or eliminate the Oxytocin release from the pituitary gland. They've been tested on my study group for many years! Everyone in the study group has had extreme injuries so our severe chronic pain can't be questioned as subjective. My qualification was an epidural and peridural abscess from a back surgery.

Next time you want to try to play Mr. Know-It-All you might want to try another person who hasn't been part of an extremely long-term study in pain medications at a world-renowned medical school!

It doesn't take a very smart person to correlate the timeline in heroin usage increase with pharmaceutical opiates being reformulated. If drug addicts aren't getting high they'll go elsewhere!

You really make me laugh. People still abuse instant release opiates Mr. Know-It-All! Where do you get your information???

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Re: ThunderHeart (# 37) Expand Referenced Message

As soon as I hear someone say we have rights, that tells me they do more complaining than actually doing anything about a problem. You can't force anyone to continue to make the same products forever. If we could I would force Ford to build me a 1964 Ford Galaxie. You have to change and try other meds to see if they work until you find something that will. Everyone does not respond to meds equality. Everyone wanted free trade with the world, well welcome to it. Everyone listen to Ruch Limbaugh who said free trade would not hurt the US! Ross Perot said in his speeches what would happen if the free trade act would pass. Now big pharma meds are made in countries like china and india where very little quality testing is performed. Now there are some but very little good meds from those countries but the cost is much more in the US due to all the middlemen who manipulate prices.

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Joseph & Comments,

I feel exactly like you. The problem is qualitest is not making enough money because they put the required amount of active ingredient in where mallikroft plays with the DEA and the 20% they are allowed to use, where qualitest doesn’t. we need to write our congressman or ask doctors for more but with the epidemic you’re lucky you’re not getting what I do, Suboxone, but your time will come. I hope it doesn’t. That’s why I try to talk to as many patients as I can so the next set of pain patients doesn’t have to go thur this.

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Re: Billybob (# 45) Expand Referenced Message

I totally agree!! Qualitest is a greap company and doesnt rip us off!! Mallincrap, Amneak and the others ALL short on the active ingredient!!
Who can we call who can do something about this?

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Re: joseph (# 44) Expand Referenced Message

I totally agree!! Qualitest is a great company and doesnt rip us off!! Mallincrap, Amneal and the others ALL short on the active ingredient!!
Who can we call who can do something about this?

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Re: Mark (# 43) Expand Referenced Message

LMAO!!!!! “a man with a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing”

Thanks for verifying what I said was absolutely correct, buy your own words and admission. The problem is??? You don’t know how to interpret your own words... YOU said:

“All opiates have been reformulated to reduce or eliminate the Oxytocin release from the pituitary gland”

Exactly what I just said, that the problem is they redesigned and remade the pill so that it couldn’t be done in any kind of a bad way. But the ingredients are STILL there, just reformulated as to how it’s going to be released!

Which means you’re not going to get that euphoric high that you seem to seek so badly! 98% of everything you wrote had NOTHING to do with anything, it was all just blah blah blah about trials and doctors and testing, but you never specifically said anything to dispute or refute what I said.

So sorry, you are STILL sadly wrong Mark!

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Re: Master Plumber (# 48) Expand Referenced Message

Troll somewhere else guy, you're only making a fool of yourself!

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Re: Dan (# 49) Expand Referenced Message

The FIRST sign of an individual that lacks any kind of intellect whatsoever, the first sign they are unable to mount any kind of a legitimate debate, The first time they lack any hard evidence to refute something being said, is ALWAYS they start to refer to you as a could have 5 million posts on a website and be a 20 year long member, but as SOON as somebody out debates the other? Out comes the ole troll word!!! ROTFLMAO!!!!!

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Re: Comments (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Have your doctor wright on the script that brand only do not deviate. Also Norco brand is good. Fill as written are the key words i believe.

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Re: Master Plumber (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Well I may not be being reasonable but they are in the service business. My insurance will only work so far and insurance is something I have to rely on. Unfortunately, in the rural area in which I live, the small mom and pop pharmacies have pretty much all shut down. They have retired, closed for one reason or the other or been over taken by the large, big name pharmacies. No, I disagree because the pharmaceutical companies I have spoken to ensure me the brand is still available and is available in my area. I have switched pharmacies many times and my doctor and insurance company have worked very well with me. It always bounces back to the particular pharmacy. If a customer pays and asks for a particular brand, that brand is available and ready to be shipped, there is no reason why they cannot make that order. It is not an unheard of thing to provide the right customer service. It is simply a matter of pushing a few more buttons on the computer these days. Not like yesteryear when tons of paperwork had to be filled out and mailed (snail mail) and wait for a return letter or package. It is not the same as those days. The idea of good customer service has fallen off the counter and been swept under the rug. People seem to accept anything as a "given" anymore. It is a shame that I cannot tolerate generic meds, I more than anyone wish I could. Purchasing name brand meds is very expensive for me and my insurance company. The pharmacy still gets what they ask, so why do they make it so difficult? I don't even like thinking this, let alone saying it, but I see a not so pretty end to this whole ugly story...Something that is not Godly accepted, but necessary. It will be the Pharmacist I write about in my note.

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Re: C (# 51) Expand Referenced Message

Brand only won't work anymore, the insurance will say you find it and pay for it, and the pharmacies say sorry our distributor does not carry it. Regional distributors in the US are controlling whats for sale and its usually the product that makes them the most profit.

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Re: Comments (# 52) Expand Referenced Message

I agree with you 100%!!. Generics make me sick too and I DO NOT LIKE having generics forced on me! If I have to pay more for the better medicine, I will! NO ONE AND NO THING has the right to take this right away from me!!

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Re: Comments (# 52) Expand Referenced Message

Exactly ! Right on .. great post .. I'm seeing alot of small mom and pop places open back up in my area.
It must be the excuse the. Big pharma tells their people to tell.. so basically lie to the consumer

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Re: Roro (# 41) Expand Referenced Message

I just wanted to know who mentioned euphoria? I just would like to have a level of pain to deal with where I am not curled up in a ball, crying and on top of that having a hammer in my hand wanting to break my head open and make this ringing in my ears STOP. I do not take pain meds everyday because sometimes I handle it very well. Some days I don’t. I take them reasonably and the way they are meant to be. I have never wanted to have that euphoria like other people do. I like being in control of my mind.

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Re: Comments (# 56) Expand Referenced Message

Yes exactly!! What euphoria!!?? What a crock!! I just want the pain to stop!! Planting FALSE INFO!! I wish I got "euphoric!!"

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What pharmacy in Lakeland FL sells qualitest products? Specifically, their Triamcinolone acetonide lotion, USP 0.1%? Need to know what pharmacy in Lakeland, FL carries it. Walmart and Providence pharmacy can no longer get it!

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Re: Roro (# 30) Expand Referenced Message

Wow-you have apparently not been reading my posts because I have stated that I have spoken to the Pharma company, my insurance and doctors are working well with ME. I have this insatiable nature to do things for more than just myself. The situation needs to be CHANGED COMPLETELY. My original idea was to see if someone could tell me how to go about getting this fixed and it was not intended to be a whining pity party of one. I am sorry you don’t like to think outside of your little box, but I think I have the right to whine if I want to and you can not like it all you want. Geez, now does anyone have any suggestions about how this can be changed and where to start? I intend to do this for more than just my own reasons.

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Re: Comments (# 59) Expand Referenced Message

Who rattled your cage..... not once did i reply to your post.... You complain others didn't read your posts... Maybe you should read the rest of the thread.... Posts 48-40-35 all mention euphoric effect.... and that is just in this thread. It is also mentioned in other threads... Experience has taught me if something makes someone angry enough to post an attack that the post they attack hits very close to how they live... I have never given you a reason to attack me. It is as it is... Have a nice day and i hope you find an answer to your issue.

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