Pharmacies That Were Able To Fill My Script For Norco In Metro Detroit (Top voted first)
UpdatedI am starting this thread so we may be able to aid each other when we have problems filling our prescriptions in Metro Detroit area. If you'd like to just make it all of Michigan that would be fine too since some people may travel out of the Metro Area. I haven't been able to fill my script for a week now and I have hit every pharmacy imaginable. If I am successful at filling my script, I will list the pharmacy that was able to fill it afterwards. Any suggestions would be appreciated! Let's ban together and make this stressful and unfortunate situation easier for those of us who have had to wrongfully suffer through the negligence of the med chain. We shouldn't have to suffer because of those whom abuse the system and perform criminal activities when it comes to the very thing that makes our pain bearable so we may live a somewhat normal life! Thank you. I hope this works!
7 Replies
I have no problem filling my norco at Amcal Pharmacy on Schoenherr and frazho in Warren. As long as you have all your meds filled there! Also they have Free Delivery
I've been without my medicine for two wks. (Tylenol#4) I've been taking thm for 6yrs ;lower lumbar deg.disease &pressure between a disc ,I've been trying muscle relaxers motrins ,nothings working, its depressing enuff needing to take thm n being in pain period, I take thm only how thyr prescribed to me,actually I take thm every 8hrs opposed to every 6hrs tht directed to by my doctors and not being able ,allowed to gt my perscription is so,uunfair ,were bebeing punished because others abuse them.I live in metro Det Mi seeking help info of a pharmacy tht will fill my script.
This is messed up ,going on WK 3without my meds.(Tylenol #4)and amcal pharmacy tht mama Jo mentioned is in warren mi,,thts sum miles to go for 50tablets .....does anyone know of closer to Detroit:(????
Jus Boogie, I've had more luck at the Walgreens and Rite Aids in Livonia. I had a little trouble last time, but seems to be ok now. I've never filled Tylonol 4s before. But I do know that the best place to fill usually is at the hospital pharmacies. The only catch is that your doc has to be affiliated with the hospital. Most doctors actually are so I would find out if I were you. Where in metro are you located?
So totally all joking aside...once again having issues getting my norco filled again! I have called to around 50 diff pharmaciea(all surprisingly helpful and just as frustrated) and nobody has any! They all say next week. I. The mean time I had just lowered my Percocet script due to the norm roc shortage lifting somewhat. And here I am again, we have also visited about 12 diff pharmacies personally. I'm lost. I could ever walk this morning and fell into the wall and a box putting my tiny dogs coat on. I cried. She was so scared of me. I think I may say Fu#C norco and just get my percocets. This game has taken it's till on me. If anyone has any advice please help. My pain is unliveable and tried Ativan and lots of ibprofen for pain and it's done nothing. Possibly made my pain sitting down tolerable.
Anyone know where I can fill my script on 80mg oxycotine my pharmacy seems to can't get the order right 2 weeks now I need a new location to fill my script west side Detroit
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