Pharmacies That Carry Buprenorphine Made By Mylan Or Roxanne 54 411 (Page 24) (Top voted first)


I've been taking Buprenorphine 8mg for 3 1/2 years now, all of a sudden every pharmacy in our area (that I know of) has switched the manufacturer they are order from, frustrating to me as I just seem to see a difference all though there shouldn't be. Does anyone know a pharmacy that still carries bup mg with the imprint 54 411?

477 Replies (24 Pages)

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Re: Lala08 (# 462) Expand Referenced Message

Yes, this is true. The small private pharmacies will usually order them for you if they don't already stock them. (Forget chain pharmacies as far as their going the extra mile for customers.)

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Re: Argent (# 469) Expand Referenced Message

It’s getting really every where I go they want to give me those nasty Sun Pharmas…the absolute bottom of the barrel. I’m going to have to switch from subutex back to the suboxone strips…I can’t deal with them things. Every pharmacy is getting super cheap about the brands they order…I’m pretty mad about it!

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Re: Ruth Ann (# 460) Expand Referenced Message

Shoot, the RP are one of the best.. Try them funky Sun Pharmas…you will really be sick.

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Re: Trish (# 465) Expand Referenced Message

Do you still have those tiny ones from Purdue? The ones with the arrow on them? I have been looking for those for over a year now. Those were my favorite, hopefully they bring them back. I have the Rhodes 54/411's now. They aren't as good, but the best ones that are out at the moment IMO.

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Does anyone have any updates on their experience with their subutex? I was on the High-Tech 8mg little white ones with the arrow, which IMO were the best ones ever made. Wish I could find some now. Since their recent bankruptcy and recall, I haven't been able to find anything as good. The 54/411's are the next best thing, which I get mine from Costco. Does anyone have a similar experience?

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I was with Walmart also. I have changed to Walgreens. Have not had a problem yet. I am in New Mexico. Not sure if that matters, but throwing it out there.

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Re: Lala08 (# 462) Expand Referenced Message

where are you located in Va? i’ve been having a terrible time trying to fill my subutex script and I hate the Activas they keep giving me

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The 54 411 too me are the best and really their the off brand once activist is name brand organe ones rp 8 are better then

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I need to know the same thing. Dang I don't understand this

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I have been taking the Roxanne 54 411 imprinted buprenorphine tablets for some time now. Since Roxanne has recently been bought out by another pharmaceutical company and the 54 411 tablets discontinued as a result, I am now searching for a pharmacy chain that carries the Mylan M924 imprinted buprenorphine. (I am not interested in debating the discontinuation of the 54 411, I am 100% sure they will no longer be available so please, no comments on that) I am specifically seeking information on the Mylan tablets. I know that patients are weary about sharing pharmacy information with others, as they think it will lessen the likeliness of them being able to get their preferred brand of medication. But I am not asking for a specific location, I would just really appreciate if someone could offer some info on a CHAIN pharmacy, if nothing else. It would help me out tremendously, as the new ones I have been given are not nearly as effective as the previous ones I'd been taking up until this point and I find the Mylan ones to be the next best thing. Thank you so much to anyone who is kind enough to be of any help with this information.

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Re: Ala181 (# 100) Expand Referenced Message

Really I'm gonna try to call my insurance if Walmart near me has it and see if I can get an exception on my exclusive.

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Re: Brittany (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

They treat us all like that trust. Shreveport Louisiana we are out completely no pharmacy has any. Roxane lab will not be making any of the bigger 8mg tablets anymore.

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Re: Goozer (# 337) Expand Referenced Message

I am in withdrawal after switch to Rhodes generic they are as bad as Mylan.
Your advice about those is bogus and you should be ashamed.

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Re: Alleyg (# 360) Expand Referenced Message

I tried Rhodes last year and didn't like them either! I was wondering what all the hype was about when people was way over rating them! I mean, everyone is different but we all can't be much different when taking these. I have been on Roxanne for awhile now and I don't get much from them anymore, what's another good brand? I liked Mylan but they wore off so quick!

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I'm in Whiting nj and it's all my pharmacy Carrie's I'd the one with imprint 54 411!

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Re: Tongva1999 (# 437) Expand Referenced Message

Come on, man! If you gave YOURSELF a root canal, you are on way too high of a dose of Subutex! I find that very hard to believe! What did you use, a Dremel hand held tool kit?! ??????

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Sadly suboxone was designed to get people off of opioids, but instead, doctors are giving them out as well, and if anyone is actually trying to not be an addict but actually serious then whatever type of pills you have, save it, wait until you start detoxing, then take it. I’ve taken all the brands listed in this forum. They don’t all make you feel high and/or close to it, but they do all take away the sickness. And sadly the sickness from street drugs are mild compared to the sickness once you try and quit taking government products. They get you hooked on the next best thing to the real thing. They know addicts, then they cut cost, we can complain, but they see the loopholes. You can just stop taking them if you’d like, subs are meant to be used for less than 14 days to prevent addiction. And some of you have said you’ve been taking them for years... Add that up, it’s sad. But they know who’s addicted now. They can do whatever they want with the price you pay to need a drug. Buy from the streets, go to jail, get them legally, your life is hell!!! I wish all luck in finding something to help.

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