Pharmacies That Carry Buprenorphine Made By Mylan Or Roxanne 54 411 (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I've been taking Buprenorphine 8mg for 3 1/2 years now, all of a sudden every pharmacy in our area (that I know of) has switched the manufacturer they are order from, frustrating to me as I just seem to see a difference all though there shouldn't be. Does anyone know a pharmacy that still carries bup mg with the imprint 54 411?

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All pharmacies in GA.especially Atlanta do not have Roxane 54/11. I hate the replacement 460 8mg they've been bought out from Wentworth. I m going to try Activis one more time. That's the only one left that's even close they wear off though.i even thought about going to suboxone strip's cause the absorption is better and the bup.idk. I'm going crazy.

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I would die for one of those little ones right now

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Wow that's great to hear that at least mylan will be available. I have no idea what is going on with Roxane/Westward. My pharmacy tried to order them last Monday and said they are back-ordered. I called the company directly and they said they are available and shipping to distributors and that they can't make them order their product? So strange. My pharmacy tried again to order them on Friday and today I will find out if they got them or not. Fingers crossed they did but if not I'm asking them to order the mylans. I've never tried them but they have to be better than the ones by sun labs that I was given last week.

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RESPONSE TO Cxxl9, Just wanted to help you out, you said you had never tried Mylan but haven't been able to have access to your preferred brand, Roxane/WestWard. I can attest that Mylan's are very similar... The efficacy / effect is similar. The taste is similar, just less noticeable... And they are definitely more effective, with less side effects, in comparison to Sun Pharma's tablets.

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Riggsk, thanks for the response. Sorry for such a late reply on here.

I'm coming close to finishing a month on the Hitech brand after going an unbelievably shockingly bad month on Activas.

Without a doubt, Hitech is still not as therapeutic as Roxane. The difference between Hitech and the Roxane I was on for years, consistently, is very noticeable. Less effective in all aspects.

However, for me the Activas brand was by far.... the worst medication I've ever experienced in my life. Yes, it kept the severe withdrawal symptoms at bay, but the side effects were unbelievable. Most depressing, stressfull, and honestly dangerous month I can remember ever experiencing. I am still in disbelief of it.

No question about it I would take Hitech any day of the week over Activas -- even if it costs 3x as much to refill.

But with that said, Hitech is still not the same, by far, as Roxane. However, it didn't have as strong effect on depression and energy, in a negative manner, as Activas does.

So I'm really, really, really, really, really hoping I can at least refill with Westward or the Mylan this month.

People really need to report their experiences with these mediations to the Medwatch program and other centralized programs.

The government, doctors, and pharmacists in general still are not aware of how significant of an impact changing from one generic to another for this medication truly can be on us. It's not their fault, it's just a matter of there not being enough data, both quantitative and qualitative, yet for there to be new policies that help patients from going through *very dangerous* experiences with a different manufacturer.

With the opioid epidemic I feel that there is a lot of leniency on manufacturers to just get medications out, but not enough attention placed on the potential negative effects that happen when *generics are 100% not equal in this category of medication* - not even close in my opinion.


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I can attest to the Mylan brand being as effective if not better than Roxane. They don't wear off and same effectiveness. I've been struggling with this dilemma since June. I've filed a claim against Wentworth pharmaceutical/Sun with the FDA. Please do so also. They bought our Roxane brand and totally messed up. It's made in India. So there you go.

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No, the 460s made by Sun are not equivalent to the 54-411, no one is saying they are. It's very apparent to everyone that they aren't. But a lot of us have contacted Roxane-West-Ward labs and they have reassured us that they are still manufacturing and shipping out the same 54-411 tablets for distribution, daily. I am positive of this because my fiancee and myself are still taking them, and we don't even go to the same pharmacy, and the one I go to is nowhere near the one he goes to. He received the 460 imprinted tablets by Sun, only one time, after which all of the customers at his pharmacy who received them, returned their prescriptions and had complaints regarding that brand of the medication. From that point forward, the pharmacy stopped carrying them and now carry 2 other brands, Roxane/West-Ward being one of them. I also go to another pharmacy when my usual one is closed, and they too still carry the ones I prefer. So that's three pharmacies right there, and ALL in different areas. So I can 100% assure you they are still being made. As Roxane West-Ward labs have said, the pharmacist may CHOOSE not to order that brand because Sun (460) is a lesser cost, and they have no control over which brand the pharmacy chooses to carry. Yes the 460 are made in India and yes they are cutting costs, thus making a very poor product. But those two tablets, and those two companies, are very much separate!

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I'm dealing with the same s***. I can't even locate any of the 1s made by Roxane and it's annoying. I hate the big peachy oval ones / & the tiny white 1s as well...they don't work the same at all....ur def correct.... I'm stressed & I live in massachusetts!!! Not PA, so it's everywhere.

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Re: Zen (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Same here I live in mass outside Boston and waited for so long for mine that I was like a month to 6 weeks behind for my scripts. I take the Roxanne 54-411's I called around found some and had to cut down. I never used another brand bc the last time I did it sucked. It was when they switched To hi-tech and it was wearing off half
Way thru the day. I requested a special order and finally got them but then I went to pick up this month I sent someone else and they gave them the mylan m924's. I can't get a real answer on if they are awful and I'm afraid to try it. I want to return as I'm upset they did not inform me which I specifically asked them to do if I was not receiving the Roxanne which was bought by west ward pharmaceuticals or the Tevas. Now I'm sure I'll have to fight to return. Can anyone tell me what they think about the mylan m924s please. I have to say the past cpl months on the Roxanne I've noticed a difference that they seem to not be working as well so I wonder if anything changed and that's why they were bought out. At this point I'm willing to switch but I'm
Concerned for bad reactions which I've had from other brands when switching.

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Re: Amber (# 42) Expand Referenced Message

A lot of people have been on them for years but people shouldn't have a problem filling a prescription esp for these meds because if what happens if you go without. It's just rediculous they have plenty on real pain killers in stock but subs have awful generic versions and the one that's not bad is a nightmare to get a hold of at times.

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Re: Roxanne56 (# 45) Expand Referenced Message

I get mine from Walmart. Walmart has always carried them in the vegas area from Roxanne until westward. They always have them and they r cheap too. I don’t have insurance and pay $102 for 60 8mgs a month

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Re: 4yrs clean about to go out the window (# 50) Expand Referenced Message

WALMART!!! Finally, I found the 411s but the discount card I used makes them $170ish. Thanks to Everyone on here that had helped!

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Re: Beckah (# 32) Expand Referenced Message

Im in cincinnati there anywhere around to get the mylan or the roxann?? Oh harrison health wellness pharm has the 54 411 but they wont take my insurance for the 54 411. But if ur payin there u go

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Re: Kelsee22 (# 56) Expand Referenced Message

Same thing here in Massachusetts, without fail Walmart always has the Roxanne brand.

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Re: Bobby (# 73) Expand Referenced Message

I also just got told by CVS that West Wood was on back order. What the hell are these pharm companies doing!:( it’s not like these are tic tacs.. our bodies are sensitive and we need the continuity of the same medication. The genetics are not all the same. I’m so upset this is my 4th go around trying to find a replacement generic.

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Re: Ala181 (# 87) Expand Referenced Message

Walmart carries the 54 411s here all the time it's all they ever have ,so if I'm correct wouldn't most or all for that matter carry same brand ,

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There is definitely a difference in the strength from brand to brand. Generics are not always equivalent.

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Re: Bobby (# 113) Expand Referenced Message

It sounds like we were on the same timeline .. I went from Subutex brand name to Teva (the original) then They gave me Hitech and I complained then I got Roxanne then Actavis(I complained) then Mylan(I complained lol) then Westward when I found out they were Roxanne and now we may be switching gain if they don’t get supply in:( I agree I just don’t get it! I bet people would pay more if the kept the brand name available as an option. I mean it’s a medication that is used also to hep people save their life .. what a shame.

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Lots of pharmacies are turning to lousy generics because they are cheaper. Why are they cheaper? They rip us consumer/pain sufferers off by using less active ingredients and more lousy fillers!! If the med is made by Amneal that company is the worst manufacturer of generic medicine!! Their product is garbage!! I had severe reactions to their garbage they call medicine!! This is getting to be a common problem. We suffer because of this!! Something needs to be done for us legitimate medicine users!! The abusers are making it difficult for us to get quality medicine!!

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Is anyone having trouble getting their buprenorphine script filled since the new law on controlled substance prescribing-effective July 1st? Also I have been taking the Rhodes bup for the past couple months and it seems to be about as effective as the 54-411’s, in my opinion there is not much difference at all. Anyway I was reading that some Walmart’s were not going to even carry bup anymore because of the problems with the new law.

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