Pharmacies That Carry Buprenorphine Made By Mylan Or Roxanne 54 411 (Page 5)


I've been taking Buprenorphine 8mg for 3 1/2 years now, all of a sudden every pharmacy in our area (that I know of) has switched the manufacturer they are order from, frustrating to me as I just seem to see a difference all though there shouldn't be. Does anyone know a pharmacy that still carries bup mg with the imprint 54 411?

476 Replies (24 Pages)

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Re: Ala181 (# 77) Expand Referenced Message

Yea, the smaller one was probably sun pharma there kinda crappy. Actavis reminds me of the old suboxone pills and I have to spit them out. The actavis works ok I guess, not great but ok I think. Mylan is pretty bad in my opinion. I got nothing from them. They were very low quality and underdosed without a doubt. Did the westward people say that they were still producing it or what was happening in the future? I hate mylan in general though. I think they are an awful company. I've tried a few of their other products and they also were bad. It's tough to say what the best option would be out of the remainder. I know akonrn is by far the worst brand... Talk about tiny and bad reputation. I had them years ago a few times when I was on a higher dose and I needed to double my dose to get by. I'm probably going to inquire about westward and if it's not possible I'll get those sun pharma ones again and just wait it out until westward is available. Such a pain it is having to do this dance with all the these other generics that we don't like as much.

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Re: Ala181 (# 77) Expand Referenced Message

Hi. I know myself and a lot of others don't like the mylan brand. Mylan is awful in general and are known for their low quality. I tried their brand last year and it was the size of westward but tasted like there was no medication in it, just empty and I didn't feel right. I just got stuck with mylan's adderall and they were even worse. You haven't tried it yet so maybe try it and maybe you won't have a problem with it. The only one I would warn against even trying is that akorn/hi tech brand. They are extremely tiny round pills with an arrow on them and I think they are awful. Most people agree that they are the worst brand.

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Re: Bobby (# 82) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you for your input. I agree I tried hi-tech, it was terrible. The worst for me was Actavis, the oblong orange pill. It actually burned the underneath of my tongue and took so long to dissolve. It really is awful what they do. With all the hype to get off Opiates they screw with the drug that is used to help people.

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Re: Ala181 (# 83) Expand Referenced Message

I know I'm on the actavis right now and they remind me of the old suboxone pills. I don't know why they make them orange and put so much gunk in them. I miss how easy it was years ago before there were generics or there was only name brand and the roxanne generic. I had a bad reaction to Suboxone so I've been on Subutex since 2009 and I was on Suboxone since 2006. I used to just get my script and just fill it. Now I get my script and I'm worrying about what generic I'll be getting and if it will affect me that month.

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Re: Bobby (# 84) Expand Referenced Message

I relate 100% since I originally started w Subutex name brand, then Teva now I fear it’s like a gamble if I’ll be sick all month :(

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Re: Ala181 (# 85) Expand Referenced Message
i know! I wish TEVA still made thiers so bad..

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Re: Bobby (# 84) Expand Referenced Message

My pharmacist said she doubts they will get Westward in but she has Teva !? I remember back I thought Teva was discontinued. I need to make a decision .. any opinion on Teva? I asked about the Rhodes Perdu new ones but they don’t have an option to order it :(

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Re: Ala181 (# 85) Expand Referenced Message

She also said Hi-tech .. I’ve been on so many generics I’m confused lol

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Re: Ala181 (# 88) Expand Referenced Message

Hi tech are those tiny tiny ones with an arrow on them

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Re: Ala181 (# 87) Expand Referenced Message

It's not teva. That's what they told me on the phone last month and when I got there it was actavis. It's listed as teva because they own actavis.

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Re: Ala181 (# 87) Expand Referenced Message

I've never heard of rhodes Purdue hopefully they really have one that will be available soon

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Re: Ala181 (# 87) Expand Referenced Message

I'm sure that west ward will be back in a month or two. They did the same thing last year at this time.

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Re: Bobby (# 90) Expand Referenced Message

Nooooooooooo.. ugh I’m screwed. I really don’t know what to do!!! I HATE Actavis.. I should’ve just taken the Mylan. This is crazy.

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Re: Ala181 (# 87) Expand Referenced Message

I know teva has been gone for years and they bought actavis. I always make her show me the pills before they fill them now. I've been screwed over too many times because I didnt ask before I paid. Yea last month l did the same thing and called. She told me I can get teva and I was super excited but confused because I hadn't seen them in years. Then when I went in to fill I asked her those are teva brand correct? And she was like um actavis and I realized that it comes up in their computer as teva. I would ask to see the pills and if they are white large pills then get them quick! lol most likely it's those orange ones though.

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Re: Ala181 (# 93) Expand Referenced Message

I know the feeling. Mylan is the only one available you haven't tried yet right? Is there any way you can get them now?

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They also carry the sun pharma brand usually. Well my CVS does. There not super awful... I mean that's what I'm gonna get in a week when I fill this time if no west ward. I tried the activis even though I to thought I was getting teva and felt bad telling her you said they were teva I don't want these. The girls at my CVS are usually pretty good about ordering me different brands so I didn't want to miss them off. You know how awful a pharmacy can make things if they don't care or like you.

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Re: Bobby (# 95) Expand Referenced Message

You must have read my thoughts. I think my CVS pharmacist may strangle me when I tell her again I don’t want the Teva... it’s deceiving because I looked on the internet and yes they are the same exact pill as Actavis, not the old Teva we loved that worked. I may call a couple other pharmacies but I’ve only got 2 days left of my meds. My only issue with Sun is that I know they’re made in India and that scares me a bit in regards to quality as well. I’m going to call Westward AGAIN LOL and ask them where the heck can I get their brand because if they are allocating them to their biggest buyers I’d think they would know who that is. Then I’d have to call CVS and have my script transferred after they’ve filled it with 3 different generics lol... oh boy!! I’m scared. Haha. If I can get any answers out of Westward I’ll surely post it.. I’ll call in the early afternoon.

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Re: Ala181 (# 87) Expand Referenced Message

Walmart carries the 54 411s here all the time it's all they ever have ,so if I'm correct wouldn't most or all for that matter carry same brand ,

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Ala181 (# 96) --

I hear ya. I emailed westward yesterday or the day before but have not heard back. I've asked that same thing to teva years ago and these pharmaceutical companies don't actually know or maybe don't give out info like where you can get their meds. All they will say is yes we are shipping to distributors or no it's on back order. Maybe try Walmart, someone just posted that they might have some westward. I'm locked into my pharmacy with my insurance so im stuck using this CVS otherwise I'd be calling around. Yes Sun Pharma is made in India, I noticed that as well but it's either Sun or actavis until westward is available and I didn't like the orange coloring. I think the fillers and binders gave me a headache as well. So I'm just gonna get Sun if that's my only choices when I fill in two weeks. Good luck. Keep me posted on what's happening. I feel for you!

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Re: Wood1214 (# 98) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you!!!! I called Walmart and YES they have West ward in stock!!

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