Pharmacies That Carry Buprenorphine Made By Mylan Or Roxanne 54 411 (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I've been taking Buprenorphine 8mg for 3 1/2 years now, all of a sudden every pharmacy in our area (that I know of) has switched the manufacturer they are order from, frustrating to me as I just seem to see a difference all though there shouldn't be. Does anyone know a pharmacy that still carries bup mg with the imprint 54 411?

477 Replies (24 Pages)

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Re: Charlene (# 225) Expand Referenced Message

You’re so not alone.. I’ve been going to Walmart for the Westward and now they stopped accepting discount cards. My CvS started giving me a hard time about ordering my generic brand .. they tried me on two others and I was sick and depressed on both. They act like I’m crazy.. I also went through that at Walgreens. I just can’t believe the difference in genetics is so wrong!!!

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Re: Ala181 (# 243) Expand Referenced Message

Yes I so agree. It's as if "THEY" are completely out of line and respect. It's none of their business what or why I take anything. There only job is to fill the damn prescription. The Walmart I go to is in the agoining sp ?? county as mine. Initially the pharmacist wouldn't fill it because I didn't live 10 min. to that county. I got through that battle. Finally they admitted it was a Walmart policy not feds. Now they want me to buy narcan. The stuff for oding from opiates. I'm waiting for this BS crisis you to pass. I use subs for my addiction to opiates. The powers that be are so out of control and Trump's got a lot to be held accountable for. Ok. Good luck.

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Re: Charlene (# 258) Expand Referenced Message

I have found out that the manufacturer of the new Bup's... (Mktd by) Rhodes pharmaceuticals....(drum roll plz....dadadadada......) are created by the same company that created a vast majority of our problems.....the maker of OXYI!!!! PURDUE PHARMA!!!! So now not only did they make BILLIONS of $$$$ creating & pushing an addictive medication but NOW they get to make TRILLIONS of $$$$ by making the drug to assist in the addiction they created!!!! HOW IS THIS FAIR!!! How is this LEGAL!!! The PURDUE Pharma should NOT be able to make a dime off the treatment of addiction they willingly created!!! They knew 10000000% how addictive their medication is yet they PUSHED Dr.'s (mind you, they PUSHED Dr.'s by giving them perks...$$....all expense paid vaca's...$) to let the side effect slide their minds...just prescribe more....their thought was.....get them hooked & we'll come out with a solution & get even richer off their sorry souls!!!! Which they are!! Hate to say this but in the 5 years I've been on bup, they make the best 1...

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Re: Davidjw1 (# 279) Expand Referenced Message

True, as I’ve said in, so many other messages. California carries almost all the brands of Buprenorphine. Not where I live in the MidWest. When I was in California 12-2017 I had no problem getting the Mylan brand of Buprenorphine. When I came home I did. Now I’m on the Actavis brand of buprenorphine. It’s different everywhere. I think it’s because you are on a coastal state just like Charlene is. She lives in Florida. I don’t. I’m smack dab in the middle of the US. No Coastal areas around me.

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Re: Bobby C (# 305) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Bobby, I too take mine for addiction. I have my L-3 and L-4 fused together and subsequently took opiods for that pain. I will say since taking the Buprenorphine the pain is considerably less. It appears by what meds you've been taking, that you have some serious pain that needs treating with the strong opioids you mentioned. I will say that Buprenorphine saved my life of 40+ years of abuse off and on. You will need to experience at least 24 hours without anything before you would take the buprenorphine. But I guarantee you will get relief from any withdrawals very quickly with Buprenorphine. Hopefully you will get some pain relief too and get away from the addictive effects of opioids. Buprenorhine is in the same family but will not give you the euphoric feeling that you may be used to. It's pretty crappy that people that honestly need opioids for pain may suffer even more due to new constraints on doctors and pharmacies. Not sure what state you're in. I am in California and my doctor is allowed to prescribe 120 - 8mg buprenorphine a month for me. More and more doctors are prescribing it for pain and there are a good number of folks on this board that take it solely for pain. Hopefully they can help you more with this. Best wishes to you.

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Re: PLFT (# 440) Expand Referenced Message

CVS seems to be the only pharmacy in our area that sells Rox or Mylan. My insurance won't cover CVS so if I had to pay cash it would cost me my rent! I'm forced to take SUN, and they burn my mouth and don't work. I have no idea why they did this to Kroger and SAMS....Probably other places as well.

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Re: PLFT (# 444) Expand Referenced Message

I've known for for years what I consider unfair and wrong ,THE BIG DIFFERENCE IN THE GENERIC COMPANYS!

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Re: Goozer (# 64) Expand Referenced Message

Hi. I need help finding a pharmacy that carries Rhodes. Please get back to me asap.

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I posted a reply yesterday in response to "Please no more Activas". I just thought of something. Maybe you were able to still get the same ones- the Roxannes, when you went back.. Just with the West-Ward name on the bottle.... All the pharmacies I am aware of, had replaced the Roxanes with the new white, round 460 imprinted tablets. And that is what I spoke of, regarding the terrible side effects etc. The last couple days I've gotten really nauseated a few times. Last night I couldn't even make my daughter's bottle; I had to lay down it was so bad. I thought I would vomit. Today, my energy level has been so, SO low. Like I haven't even had any meds, and I took 8mg already, whereas normally I would have only taken 4mg thus far. This is so depressing, having no choice but to take something that makes you feel bad. I recommend for anyone (all of you patients that got 460s from CVS & other pharmacies) to PLEASE, call CVS's corporate and complain. That is the only chance we have and getting these 460 tablets gone! Also, go to [Sun Pharma Adverse Event] to report efficacy & side effects from the medication!!!!

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This is so f ed up. To think of all the lives that company has affected.if I could prove it it's like a conspiracy against us. How many are gonna go bk out?? Die?? Suffering wishing they were dead. Man idk wtf to do. Go to suboxone strip's?????

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I'm down to do the petition.
I just called my dr office to ask them if I had any options, I got the half moon pills, and they said I was the first to tell them about it.. I have withdraw symptoms. Called the pharmacy and she said to give it a few days, that maybe it's my body ... I have no other options at this point.

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Re: kdmrXohio (# 19) Expand Referenced Message

I totally would be on that petition.

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Oh no. Please, please, please let this not be happening again.

Has anyone had troubles in the last week or so refilling their prescription for Roxanne (or Westward)?

I'm very worried about having Activas as the only option for me again, which is truly not something I cant even do.

Walgreens filled my prescription with Activas even though I confirmed during dropoff that the note was still on my account that instructs to not fill with Activas and only fill with Roxanne.

When i picked it up later, I saw those scary words, "Activas/Elizabeth " on the outside wrapper.

I can't even explain the feeling that went through me when I read that. Sounds so crazy and pathetic, but I was instantly reminded of my previous experience with it.

I spoke with the pharmacist about it, and thankfully he was great and pleasant.

He said the system was showing Roxanne wasnt available, then after a little he said it looked like it might not be until October.

He kept searching and then asked things about the size, shape, color, etc. of it to see if it matched Westwards. (That when I mentioned the aquisition).

This was this past Friday. He said it looked like the Westward wouldn't get in until Tuesday.

Of course it was a no brainer to wait. You couldn't pay me to go another month on Activas. I'm very serious about that.

Well, today is Tuesday and I've started to worry since this exact same situation happened the other month.

Pharmacy ordered Roxanne (westward). They received Actavis. So they tried again.... The next day, they received another bottle of Activas and Roxanne was removed from their system altogether.

I went to another pharmacy and had to go with Hitech. Hitech is definitely not the same either. Very, very, very noticeable difference between it and Roxanne. However, I'd take Hitech any day over Activas if that was my only option.

So now it's Tuesday and I am very worried about experiencing the same, dangerous, back and forth waiting game as I did the other month. It's truly mind boggling how that is even allowed for this medication. If they are shipped Activas, even though they ordered Roxanne/Westward, it will be devastating.

I just wanted to hop on here and see if anyone else from the past couple months is facing this all over again.....

I really pray not. I sincerely hope this it is just me dealing with this, "wait and see" game, and that everyone else who knows how this feels is still able to refill with Roxanne / Westward (or whichever brand works for them.)

I'll update again after today, once I know whether or not the medication arrived. (The correct one, not Activas again).

Please let me know if anyone else from the last couple months is experiencing this nightmare again.

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I use CVS and need Roxanne to feel normal. It's been a nightmare the past year with the westward buying them out and everyone switching brands. I've been able to have CVS order the Roxanne westward brand the past few months but there is always a problem when I go in to fill my script. I always go in a couple days early to check to make sure they have it and enough to fill my script. Then I go in a couple days later and oh we don't have enough, here is a partial fill, we will order the rest for tomorrow. Well, it's so stressful to deal with and I've had so much trouble that anything other than me leaving with my full medication is enough to make me super stressed out! I don't understand why they don't keep more in stock. Well this happened again yesterday. I went in Monday and asked the girl who does the ordering and she checked and said yes we have enough for you. Then Wednesday morning I went in and oh we don't have enough, we can give you a partial and have the rest for tomorrow and I triple check that she ordered it. So today I called because I didn't get a text saying my script was ready and apparently the med wasn't in their order for some reason... She said I ordered it again and put in a note and hopefully it will come on Friday. Now I have an infant and having this hanging over my head along with a pill count with my doctor on Monday, these partial fills are so irritating and scary to me. My whole day tomorrow will have to revolve around praying my pills come in or I'll get sick. Sorry, I'm just so frustrated with all of this. I just want to have a normal medication pick up for once and not this back and forth crap and stress.

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I also have been on the 54 411 for 4 years now my pharmacy has also switched! No we are not supposed to see a difference, but they're really is I now get the orange one with the half moon I think 153 the number, they taste just like a suboxone that disgusting orange flavor, and honestly seem to metabolize a lot faster or not as strong is 2weeks now and I still don't feel well. I'm in Cincinnati if anyone hears of a place with the 54 411 whit pill please let me know as I made it 4 years now and I'm ready to go looking for something to fill this void. God help me I used 15 years and really don't want to fail or relapse 4 years clean under my belt and the damn pharmacy wants to save a buck so I suffer! I'll pay the extra to keep myself clean and functioning. Please anyone in Cincinnati nky I need help asap!

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Re: Shells (# 48) Expand Referenced Message

Nky is a passion! They're trying to not carry it all all! There is a place in Main Strauss with the new orange ones and Walgreens had the hi-tech little crappie ones...if you find the 54 411 please share the location as I'm in the same city - thank you...I'll do the same if I find some...I pay cash so I know I'm looking at 250, but this is the first time I've been clean in 4 years now and I'm getting the itch....god I don't want to fail!

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Re: Eric (# 39) Expand Referenced Message

Hey, my friend went to Hagerstown Walmart. I'm not sure if they still carry the small ones, because since I've posted here, I've had no problem getting the rox ones from any Walmart in southern PA. And to the people without insurance, find a prescription card, they are free. My script would be $130, but it's down to $83 with my card. It's a pretty big difference. CVS seems to carry a different, but similar brand. The small ones, I've only seen them come from MD. Actually, I use the prescription card this site gave me.

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Re: Lesa (# 63) Expand Referenced Message

Yes, I've been ordering Westward. It's the same. They bought out Roxanne. The only thing is that it needs to be pre-ordered since it's not the one the pharmacy regularly stocks. But the others make me want to go back to pills cause they make me so sick... So for others ask your pharmacy to order Westward. Good luck.

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Re: Ala181 (# 77) Expand Referenced Message

Yea, the smaller one was probably sun pharma there kinda crappy. Actavis reminds me of the old suboxone pills and I have to spit them out. The actavis works ok I guess, not great but ok I think. Mylan is pretty bad in my opinion. I got nothing from them. They were very low quality and underdosed without a doubt. Did the westward people say that they were still producing it or what was happening in the future? I hate mylan in general though. I think they are an awful company. I've tried a few of their other products and they also were bad. It's tough to say what the best option would be out of the remainder. I know akonrn is by far the worst brand... Talk about tiny and bad reputation. I had them years ago a few times when I was on a higher dose and I needed to double my dose to get by. I'm probably going to inquire about westward and if it's not possible I'll get those sun pharma ones again and just wait it out until westward is available. Such a pain it is having to do this dance with all the these other generics that we don't like as much.

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Ala181 (# 96) --

I hear ya. I emailed westward yesterday or the day before but have not heard back. I've asked that same thing to teva years ago and these pharmaceutical companies don't actually know or maybe don't give out info like where you can get their meds. All they will say is yes we are shipping to distributors or no it's on back order. Maybe try Walmart, someone just posted that they might have some westward. I'm locked into my pharmacy with my insurance so im stuck using this CVS otherwise I'd be calling around. Yes Sun Pharma is made in India, I noticed that as well but it's either Sun or actavis until westward is available and I didn't like the orange coloring. I think the fillers and binders gave me a headache as well. So I'm just gonna get Sun if that's my only choices when I fill in two weeks. Good luck. Keep me posted on what's happening. I feel for you!

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