Pharmacies That Carry Buprenorphine Made By Mylan Or Roxanne 54 411 (Page 24)


I've been taking Buprenorphine 8mg for 3 1/2 years now, all of a sudden every pharmacy in our area (that I know of) has switched the manufacturer they are order from, frustrating to me as I just seem to see a difference all though there shouldn't be. Does anyone know a pharmacy that still carries bup mg with the imprint 54 411?

477 Replies (24 Pages)

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Re: Kitkat (# 455) Expand Referenced Message

Hello. I was getting them from Walgreens in my area until month ago when they gave me nasty 460 imprinted ones that do nothing for me. I know they still make them so I'm not sure why no pharmacy out there has or can order them for patients?!

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Re: Ruth Ann (# 460) Expand Referenced Message

I take the 54 411’s made by Hikma. Have been taking them for 4 years and have never noticed a difference between these and the ones that Roxanne use to make. I live in Va and it is very hard to find these at any chain pharmacy so a few years ago I called around to a few small mom-and-pop pharmacies and I found them at one. The pharmacy I use now luckily has them in stock each month. I would recommend calling some smaller pharmacies and seeing if they happen to carry them.

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Rite least in Michigan.

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Re: Please no more Actavis (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

Can you please describe the image for these Actavis pills you’re talking about ? My pharmacy has been carrying the ones with the 460
White round pill and they are giving me all the same symptoms your description is with the As, today I paused my pick up so they could order me this brand ? I’m just not sure which ones these are? I really like the 54411 they help so
But I can’t find them anymore! Please help! Thanks!!!

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Re: Kasey (# 464) Expand Referenced Message

These are the 54-411 bottle…westward/Hikma. Crap..I don’t think I can put image on here…I also have old bottle of Rhodes/Purdue…they are the tiny white ones that I haven’t seen for at least two years unfortunately. If you can figure out how to upload pic, let me know.

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Re: Mindy (# 461) Expand Referenced Message

I hear ya. I was taking Sun pharma tablets (460) and they are horrible. I was waking up in horrible withdrawal taking extra and still nothing. I finally got to CVS and told them my situation. They had westward/hikma which are so much better.

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Re: Echoes39 (# 466) Expand Referenced Message

So CVS does carry those?

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Re: Echoes39 (# 466) Expand Referenced Message

Sun Pharma are the absolute worst. I got them one month from Kroger Pharmacy and never again. They are bottom of the barrel cheap, burn tongue and mouth, and do not hold you at all!!! They need to stop making them. I get the hilkma or however they are spelled and they are one of the best. I get them at Rite Aid. I used to get the super tiny Rhodes ones at Walgreens but they won’t crack my script anymore..I’m in michigan. Good luck everyone!

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Re: Lala08 (# 462) Expand Referenced Message

Yes, this is true. The small private pharmacies will usually order them for you if they don't already stock them. (Forget chain pharmacies as far as their going the extra mile for customers.)

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Re: Argent (# 469) Expand Referenced Message

It’s getting really every where I go they want to give me those nasty Sun Pharmas…the absolute bottom of the barrel. I’m going to have to switch from subutex back to the suboxone strips…I can’t deal with them things. Every pharmacy is getting super cheap about the brands they order…I’m pretty mad about it!

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Re: Ruth Ann (# 460) Expand Referenced Message

Shoot, the RP are one of the best.. Try them funky Sun Pharmas…you will really be sick.

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Re: Trish (# 465) Expand Referenced Message

Do you still have those tiny ones from Purdue? The ones with the arrow on them? I have been looking for those for over a year now. Those were my favorite, hopefully they bring them back. I have the Rhodes 54/411's now. They aren't as good, but the best ones that are out at the moment IMO.

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Does anyone have any updates on their experience with their subutex? I was on the High-Tech 8mg little white ones with the arrow, which IMO were the best ones ever made. Wish I could find some now. Since their recent bankruptcy and recall, I haven't been able to find anything as good. The 54/411's are the next best thing, which I get mine from Costco. Does anyone have a similar experience?

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I was with Walmart also. I have changed to Walgreens. Have not had a problem yet. I am in New Mexico. Not sure if that matters, but throwing it out there.

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Re: Lala08 (# 462) Expand Referenced Message

where are you located in Va? i’ve been having a terrible time trying to fill my subutex script and I hate the Activas they keep giving me

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The 54 411 too me are the best and really their the off brand once activist is name brand organe ones rp 8 are better then

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I need to know the same thing. Dang I don't understand this

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