Pharmacies That Carry Buprenorphine Made By Mylan Or Roxanne 54 411 (Page 21)


I've been taking Buprenorphine 8mg for 3 1/2 years now, all of a sudden every pharmacy in our area (that I know of) has switched the manufacturer they are order from, frustrating to me as I just seem to see a difference all though there shouldn't be. Does anyone know a pharmacy that still carries bup mg with the imprint 54 411?

477 Replies (24 Pages)

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Re: KJ (# 400) Expand Referenced Message

Even if I find one they tell me they aren't taking any new Bup patients????

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Re: Amanda (# 384) Expand Referenced Message

I live in NC and haven't had a problem getting the 54/411 up until Feb 2021? No l luck now at all unless you are already a patient at that pharmacy and once they run out...that is it. You have to go on the great hunt and pray for anything. This s*** sucks. I do not know What the Hell the DEA was thinking on this move, but I'd love to know where they got their stupid degree, because I bet it was paid for. Nothing else makes since. They are getting ready to have people back on opiates. Great. We are going backwards, not forwards.

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Re: Rhonda (# 398) Expand Referenced Message

Absolutely. Just not 100% how to get this legally started, so it will hold water.

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Re: Davemp88 (# 391) Expand Referenced Message

The CVS where I live only has the orange ones. No Thanks.

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Re: Mslums3 (# 399) Expand Referenced Message

This is an ongoing feed strictly about Buprenorphine not Temezepam so I’m guessing that’s why you’re not getting answers to your questions.

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Re: KJ (# 400) Expand Referenced Message

In Monroe NC a small no name pharmacy. I had a few friends that went to doctor in Monroe and that's where they went right near doctor Salisu.

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Re: Rhonda (# 402) Expand Referenced Message

Try Monroe family pharmacy

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Re: Hope (# 407) Expand Referenced Message

I've been with Monroe family pharmacy for many years and it was within the last 2 months that they decided to tell me they could no longer fill my prescription because I didn't live in Monroe. They were of no help either in finding another pharmacy that carries the same brand. I've probably placed 50 calls to different pharmacies and I'm told they either don't carry it or are not accepting new patients. I've offered to pay cash and even that didn't work. I'm at a loss and I'm desperate for help!

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Re: Hope (# 406) Expand Referenced Message

What pharmacy? I've called everywhere in Monroe and am told they are not accepting new patients or they don't carry it.

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Re: KJ (# 408) Expand Referenced Message

I hadn't tried Monroe yet, but I can see that is only another dead end? What are they expecting ppl to do? I guess without.

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Re: Breanna (# 33) Expand Referenced Message

Where in NC are you? I'm looking for Subutex 54 411 and can't find them anywhere! Any help?

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Re: Kelsee22 (# 56) Expand Referenced Message

Where are you? I'm in NC looking for Subutex 54 411.

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Re: KJ (# 412) Expand Referenced Message

I have found some pharmacies that have them, but they say they aren't taking any new subutex patients? IDK?? I live NC and this is some BS. I don't get why all the pharmacies just don't go this brand, it is apparently the one brand that seems to work best for everyone. Also, from what I understand, they are some of the least expensive. Go figure...

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Re: Melikeybups (# 40) Expand Referenced Message

Where are you located? I'm in NC and am trying to find the 54 411's. Please help!

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Re: KJ (# 408) Expand Referenced Message

Yes I went there past 3 years and now they can't fill mine all the sudden and they were awesome people its been really difficult finding any anywhere

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Hey names Braeden. I had the same problem a while back and I go to homeland and asked if they would order the hikma aka Roxanne 54 411s for me and they did. Worth trying

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Re: B (# 416) Expand Referenced Message

Hey Braeden. Where are you located? You mentioned a Homeland pharmacy? Where is that?

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Re: kdmrXohio (# 25) Expand Referenced Message

She is right I am having the same issue in NH right now

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Where I live here in NC you can't go to a pharmacy that you've never gone to before, even if they have the type of Subutex you like? They will say "no new patients"? Not to mention that the pharmacy that I do get mine thru is great until my time rolls around and my 28 days supply is now at the end of the month, because they will be out. The government now only allowing so many pills per pharmacy per month. This is so ridiculous.

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Re: Brittany (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

I totally feel ya..some little witch that works at Walgreens was always cool with me for years and all of a sudden she started treating me like a dope fiend.. I clocked out on her a** and also reported her to mgmt. That’s some bullcrap and I’m sure some of those pharm techs are fiends also!

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