Pharmacies In Jacksonville Florida That Still Carry Oxycodone As Of May 2012
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Come on guys anyone intrested in helping out by actually for once giving pharmacy names not just talking about the problem. Or maybe those of us that are looking can start to help each other so we can cover more area and spend last gas. Like I looked here on this day and someone else do other places and then sharing information. Like if I find somewhere I'll help you.
18 Replies
Re: Maggieknows (# 16)
I do not agree with your armchair diagnosis. Before you tell everyone about how much you know, about addiction, you just might want to learn how to spell junkie (versus your "junkee").
A basic error like that totally destroys any hint of credibility as regards your expert knowledge and supposed logic.
Re: SEEKING30S (# 5)
Must you shout? Using all caps is considered rude internet etiquette BTW.
Re: Amy (# 8)
Reading all that there is only one thing that is a "no brainer" You are a junkee and you don't know it!
Seriously? All that trouble all that running around when you "only take them when you need them and had some left"
Stop being sanctimonious. Stop lying to yourself Get real What you described in your rambling pitifest is a junkee chasing and panicked in case you run out.
900 dollars should show you what a problem you have!
We all know it you know it...........GO TO REHAB and stop blaming every one else. You are just as manipulative and self obsessed as any Junkee on the street.
STOP IT NOW...admit you have a problem with pain AND addiction to pain killers and GET REAL. It may take some time but you still have it if you can sit for 6 hours in a car for two days you CAN get through rehab and come out healthier, happier, free from shackles and a whole lot wealthier.
Premiere pharmacy I heard. {edited for privacy}. Need some help too. I had cancer and need to find a doctor. New to Fl. Used to live in KY. Also, I got meds filled at Walgreens on university Blvd down by Publix. Get back with me. It could be helpful to us both.
Hali days on University Blvd not far from I95 carries it but they only get so much a month. Good Luck
The easiest way to get your pain meds filled Is to go over the state line into Georgia. it's not that far from Jacksonville and it's a heck of a lot easier than trying to fill it in Fla. I'm on suboxone and have a hard time finding it in Fla so I go to my Dr in Jacksonville and fill it in Georgia.
Mstweetie, the constitution has a lot to do with this. Impinging on citizens medical care and denying the orders of said citizens physicians are completely unconstitutional. I'm a medical student, so I'm well acquainted with medical law, and with what pushes the boundaries of those laws, and this does.
Are you folks telling me that Oxycodone is literally drying up in FL. Is it one particular area or all over? I live in Virginia and will be coming due for my PMDR visit and meds refill on the 24th. I've been going to the same pharmacy for years. Giant Food, and the last time I was there I mentioned I should have a cot over in the waiting area I had been there so often after a cervical neck spinal fusion. I'm taking Percocet and/or Oxycodone and the Fentanyl patch. I don't like taking that much acetaminophen so I'd rather have the Oxy by itself. My tolerance is though the roof since surgery and I have other pain issues I'm dealing with, and my orthopedic surgeons would not operate on me until I saw their PMDR so there would be pre and post-op meds in place, and while I was in the hospital.
I don't understand what I think two people mentioned about "criteria". What criteria are these pharmacists looking for in deciding who and who not to give the meds too? And @Ruby, Post #10, no disrespect, and I get what you are saying, but the Constitution has nothing to do with this. DAMM! I hope the Oxy shortage doesn't hit VA. But I may try something else for breakthrough pain if I'm having difficulty getting Oxy and I will tell her on my next visit AFTER contacting my pharmacy if they have it. They have never refused me before. If the have it they WILL give it to me. Hell, they've got my med records going back years and know exactly why I take this stuff. It's those who get these meds but use to abuse not for pain which is causing DEA, pharmacies to back off.
People who use their medications for what they are intended AND as prescribed DO NOT GET HIGH. They get pain relief! I can't stress this more! And how much ya wanna bet ObummerCare is going to 'intervene' and stick their nose in it, run by the IRS of all people! I'm with those attempting to repeal this worthless, not fund-able, socialist, medical program.
It's more than just giving out names, I'm afraid. A pharmacist will fill for one patient, then turn away another, based on certain criteria. So someone can tell you that so and so pharmacy on whatever street filled their meds, but that doesn't have any bearing on whether they will fill yours. This system is a joke and a terrible hindrance to legit pain patients, and I feel for all of you suffering through this. It's completely unconstitutional and angers me to no end. These pharmacists don't have near the education to decide whether or not a patient qualifies for any medication, especially after a doctor has prescribed it.
You're definitely not alone, as it seems like everyone in Florida is having complications trying to fill their pain management scripts, no matter the dosage.
Unfortunately, there's no way of knowing what pharmacies have in stock at any given time, but to help you with your search - listed below is a pharmacy-locator, that uses your zip code to find nearby pharmacies within a given mile range:
Phone numbers and addresses are included in the list after you verify your zip code; so I would suggest visiting a number of them to see if anyone can fill your prescription (calling them generally isn't recommended, as they are trained to say no on the phone if a stranger is asking for narcotics). I would also consider looking at online pharmacies as a last resort if you can't find anything locally.
Have you considered checking any online pharmacies?
I hope this helps!
Man, this sucks, doesn't it? This happened to me last month for the very first time in over two years, I just recently had a major back surgery, that ended with me in a coma for a little more than a week, my man got some really cool, yet pretty graphic pics of how God awful my surgical site looks, and I mean to tell you, I wouldn't wish this kind of pain on any living thing! Anyway back to the issue at hand, my surgeon started prescribing this med to me about a year prior to surgery due to my severe pain and as I said, never had an issue filling them at my regular pharmacy, EVER! That is until the sweet, but very strict, pharmacist sadly passed away, ya see, he was VERY particular and wise about the dr and pt requesting a fill. He'd not fill for shoddy pain management "quacks" and could pick a "junky" out of any line up! And I totally believe this is the ONLY reason I'd never had an issue, until now... Sadly, I think that his children, who are keeping his legacy alive, realized how far these sorry ass junkies will go and what they'll do to get their hands on this med for a "fix"! Now, I understand that we, as human beings want nothing more than to be able to earn a "quick buck" and that is a great quality we have unless it's driven by pure greed, because once greed takes over, our ability to utilize our moral skills, goes out the damn window! That being said, I firmly think that greed over came those individual's and they only cared about one thing, MONEY! Not about the people that have been going there for the same medications for years and years, nothing! I went in last month at the same time I went in every month prior and I was told that they ran out, but should have another shipment the following Monday, (just 4 days away and since I don't abuse my meds and only take it when I absolutely need it, I had more than enough left to carry me through and then some, so no big deal) so, I said oh okay well then I'll see ya on Monday then. Now, to that Monday.. It had slipped my mind that I had a follow-up appt early that morning, but no biggie, I'd just swing through on my way home, right. OH HOW WRONG I WAS! It's now about 11:30 Monday morning, and I'm on my way to the pharmacy, but figured id call the great grandson that works up there as he knows me very well now almost on a personal basis, to be sure that the shipment arrived on schedule, I tell him who I am and he said, come on in Amy, we got it about an hour ago, I said cool, I'm about 45 mins away leaving an appt, see you then. Okay! So, off I go. Now, I wasn't kidding when I said it'd take me about 45 mins to get there, and I was damn near dead on balls accurate, walk my ass inside; smile at the great grandson, who has this strange blank look on his face, abnormal from the typical cheery, happy guy with the adorable smile that greets me monthly by name. Confused, I get to the counter and as I'm handing over that piece of what I now consider to be, useless, blue paper, I hear the (also NOW) story of my freggin life, "I am so sorry Amy, I'm not kidding you that we did have them when you called but in that short amount of time, we had I don't know how many people come in and get this same med filled" absolutely floored, I said you've got to be kidding me, right! But, sadly for me, he wasn't. And this time, he had NO idea when they'd be getting any more in. Now, I didn't know this was an issue at the time, so I took back my script and figured I'd just simply go somewhere else, uh bad idea, to say the very least. Again, me being so naive to all these issues, I didn't know any better, my poor old man drove my ass all over town frantically looking for somewhere to get this taken care of, knowing the kind of severe pain I would be fixing to experience, as by this time my left overs from last month were now dwindling down to nothing... But, after hours of searching and now beginning to feel the excruciating pain I called it quits for the evening. I had had about all I could tolerate, in and out of the truck, traffic, etc. I decided that the next day id give it another shot if my back would allow it. Next day, my girlfriend is now carting me around town (I'm still not allowed to drive yet per surgeons orders) after 6 very rough hours of striking out and about ready to once again give in, she spots a little hole in the wall but fairly new place called "New Horizon Pharmacy" by this point I'm completely unable to get out of my truck, so off she goes with her short self, and she's taking an unusually long time compaired to when we'd just been told no everywhere else. After thinking we had finally hit pay dirt, here she comes, and she did NOT have my scripts in her hot little hand; but she's got the look of evil on her face, she walks over to my side of the truck, so I excitedly roll down my window, she said, well after some belly aching and begging and explanation I our delema, he finally told me he had them, after at first telling her no, but the catch is, you can't use your tricare insurance, this has to be a cash only thing or he won't fill them, I said I dont give a s*** about paying cash for them, I freaking need them, she said yeah but Amy this dude knows nobody can get them and is taking serious advantage of the situation, I said well how much is it gonna cost me, she said 10 bucks a pill... I about threw up, you mean to tell me that he want $900.00 for this medication?! I have never paid more that 5 bucks for the whole thing! But, I had no choice it was that or hurt. This pile of s*** bastard that owns this place is a low down dirty dog who takes advantage of people and he was proud of it! Needless to say, I simply can't do that again, and it's now been a month, here I sit, still in severe pain, with a useless script that I've had since the 25th of last month! I have ONE dose left and then I am totally out (all that driving around last month did me in so I was unable to stock pile any extras like usual) but I absolutely refuse to line that pecker heads wallet with cash ever again, I just can't bring myself to do it. Even though I have NO idea what on earth I'm going to do. So, there's my story in a nut shell. And to answer your other question with regards to people on here not just giving out the names and locations of places that do happen to have them in stock, its back to that greed thing I mentioned above, ya see if they had a real heart and would stop and think, what I the shoe was on the other foot and I was the one sitting here in these peoples shoes, I'd damn sure want to know where to go as well. But sadly no, they can't see beyond their own noses. They're not going to give up ANY information because they feel like in doing so, THIS may end up happening to them as well, now that other folks know where to go and would be essentially taking away what they feel would be for them, this is not a proper way to think and treat others but hey, what can we do... NOTHING! Unless we find someone out there, like myself, that now knows what this is like and I don't like it one bit, and if it were me, I'd damn sure greatly appreciate some guidance, and if I have information on where to go if I knows they have it in stock and I have a chance to help someone get out of a situation just like my own, then by god, I'm gonna help! So, like I said, the place is called "New Horizon pharmacy" he is located somewhere around Phillips Hwy. that was such a long horrible day and with driving all over town stopping absolutely everywhere, I honestly can not remember the exact location, but you can very easily look it up on the Internet, it will pop right up, however, be ready and willing to put up a fight when he fibs and says he don't have it, and make sure you have CASH, if you are prescribed 90 pills then bring $900 cash with you and you'll be all set! Sadly, I just can't afford to do that again this month, so I will be suffering majorly in the next few hours. I sure hope you do not if you can afford to go there. I'm just gonna keep looking until a miracle happens for me. I hope it happens soon! I've already been to quite a few places today but no one had enough to fill. I'm starting to get anxious and tearfull because I know what I am fixing to feel and I'm just so scared of going through that kind of excruciating pain. But, its out of my hands, I suppose. I too wish that these people that do know where to go would be gracious enough to help, but as the old saying goes, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. Amy and then Carr then you have the #34 and that's a google address, if anyone out there is willing to be a stand up person and wants to help out someone who actually has something to complain about with a 7 inch slice in my back that is all stapled up; hiding all the metal, screws, cage and pins in there holding together what once was a complete spinal cord and is now a partial spinal cord missing 4 disks... I thank you in advance for your kindness. xxxxx@xxx {edited for privacy}
give up.beenseing same dr. for 20 years taking oxycodonefor 10 years.every pharmacy says none.gonna hav to change to daludid.thanks micheal jackson,whitneyhouston ect,
Where at in largo seminole area? Still havent been able to fill my prescription I live in Pasco County
looked in all largo seminole -wallgreens and cvs -and n st pete 4th street. no go 6-9-12. One had 30's said we did not meet a criteria ... get all our other pain meds filled at that store
OH FORGOT my email is xxxx@xxxxx
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