Permax Forums
Recently active Permax forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Permax and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.My mother, a long term parkinsons sufferer, recently went into hospital as she had been off her food and needed building up. She was prescribed Permax 50 micrograms three times daily along with her regular Sinimet. By mistake she was given 500 milligrams three times daily for a week before it was spotted by the pharmacist. She suffered hallucinations, drowsiness to the point of being totally out of it and seizures. The hospital are saying that that overdose would not have caused her to deteriorate to the extent that we were called in as they were not expecting her to last the afternoon. I am not convinced by this, has anyone got a comment to make as she is still extremely unwell and not expected to leave hospital. ## I am so sorry to hear about how bad your mom is because of the hospita...