Peripheral Vascular Disease Forums
Recently active Peripheral Vascular Disease forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Peripheral Vascular Disease and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.My elderly mother who has had open heart surgery with mixed success is on lots of medications to stablize heart beat, pulse etc. Med's include amnioderone and cumadine and others. Since this spring 1 year post op she has begun losing her finger nails on her right hand and one big toe. The toe is oozing/ the cuticles on the hand first looked wrinkled and discolored and are now not growing. Any ideas as to the cause? Her podiatrist sent her for xrays of her vascular system. Her internist has no idea. Thanks ## I suffered from hand foot and mouth last december now i am having problems with my finger and toe nails braking up and falling of is this normal ## It might be due to a circulatory problem, so her podiatrist may be on the right track. If that's the case, it could be due to P...
I found this pill and would like to know what it is. It is a round white pill with MP 475 on one side and solid on the other side. ## Hello Luann, I have some good news. I was able to find a cilostazol pill that matches your description. The National Institute of Health states that this medication is most commonly use to improve the symptoms of a certain blood flow problem in the legs and reduce the pain associated with walking and exercising. Below I have linked some information that I sourced from the NIH. NDC: 70436-051 Ingredient(s): Cilostazol Inactive Ingredient(s): - Crospovidone - Lactose monohydrate - Magnesium stearate - Povidone Imprint: MP;475 Label Author: Slate Run Pharmaceuticals Color(s): White Shape: Round Size (mm): 10.00 Score: 1 I hope this information helps. Have a ...
COMPOSITION & DOSAGE OF CILODOC 50. FOR WHAT DISEASE.IT IS USEFUL. ## Cilodoc contains the active ingredient Cilostazol, which is used to help relieve the intermittent clots that occur in patients with peripheral vascular disease. Learn more Cilostazol details here. Has your doctor prescribed this for you? ## I am 23 years old,and I am suffering from calf pain and my feet always remain cold and in winter I also feel cold in my legs and thigh mostly left ,I am suffering this for about 5 years,but last three years have been sever, please help me if you can. Thank you.
I began taking Pletal for leg pain due to my PAD. I got almost immediate relief from some of the pain within just a few days. However, it is causing extreme leg headaches. Does anyone have any experience with this? Do the headaches go away after awhile? I am willing to deal with it for awhile. ## Yes, the headaches are well known common side effect of Pletal, which contains the active ingredient Cilostazol, you can see in our monograph that it is listed as the most commonly reported one: Side effects should taper off after about 4 to 6 weeks, as your body adjusts to the medication. If they persist, or are extremely severe, you should consult your doctor. Is there anything else I can help with? ## I just started taking platel an have a headache how long will they last
I do not and have never had claudication in my legs or anywhere else. In March of 2002 I was prescribed Pletal (Cilostazol) to "try" for a problem which was benign. After each of 2 (100 mg) doses I took, I experienced an unusual headache with a lot of pressure over my eyes. Stopped drug on doctor's advice. Almost immediately I seemed to note a mild change in my vision. Thinking I might need a change in my eyeglass prescription, I went to my ophthalmologist who was surprised to note a central retinal vein occlusion in my left eye with well-established hemorrhages in all 4 quadrants. (I had had a baseline exam by a retinologist not long before and there had been no sign of any retinal problems. The eye injections that are being used now to reduce swelling and preserve vision w...
Updated in CilostazolHow much improvement can some achieve? I just started the medication yesterday and I know not to expect any improvement for at least 2 weeks maybe more. I can only walk a block before the pain forces me to stop and rest. Can I expect 5 blocks an 1/8th or 1/4 mile. I've already had a femoral bypass on my right leg. I just want to be able to stroll down the street and dance now and then with my honey. ## From what I can find, most studies have shown an improvement ranging from 44 to 48%, compared to 10 to 13% for a placebo group, so it was definitely a significant improvement. The peaks were reached at weeks 8 and 12 of taking it. Side effects to this medication may include nausea, headache, diarrhea and increased heart rate. Is there anything else I can help with? ## No that answered...
Can anyone tell me anything about this drug(Cilostaol) It was prescribed to me yesterday. I had surgury about a month ago. I had a couple of stents inserted to open a main arterey. After complaining about still having pain where there shouldn't have been my MD prescribed this medication. Again, what is this medication and what does it do. ## I misspelled the name of this medication. It is actually named Cilostazol. I looked it up and it is used to decrese the forming Palets in your blood. can anyone elaborate further ## To clear this up by putting it in layman's terms for anyone else looking for information on Cilostazol…. It helps prevent clots from forming, though I reiterate that's putting it very simply to make the basic point easy to understand. Learn ...
My TRICARE Rx provider, ExpressScripts, is telling me that the Cilostazol 100mg is no longer available from the manufacturer, and neither is Pletal. CVS tells me that "they have a few left". Does the manufacturer intend to completely stop making this drug? Or do they intend to start making it again in the near future??? Thanks. Walter C. King ## There has been a shortage reported to the FDA since November, the manufacturers have stated that it is due to a lack of the raw materials needed to manufacture this medication. All current manufacturers list it as being back ordered and that they are making it available as they can. Is there anything else I can help with? ## No, but thanks for the reponse.
My brother in law who is now aged 68 years underwent a byepass surgery two years back and after around a month he developed neuro problems like doule vision etc. He was advised the following additional medicines by the neuro specialist in addition to the medicines prescribed by the cardiology doctor: Pletox 50, Orokinase, Tonact TG 50, Trentol 400. Please advise how long the above tablets have to be taken. ## As to how long he should take them, that really depends on his condition and how long his doctor advises their use, it can vary from person to person, depending on how severe their condition is and how they respond to the medications. Some people may need to take them for the rest of their lives. Pletox contains the active ingredient Cilostazol, it's used to prevent clotting in...
white small round tablet with the markings on one side 54/757 ## I located the pill in description to be Cilostazol (100 mg). Cilostazol is approved for the treatment of intermittent claudication. To view information about this drug, please click on the link below... If you have any other questions or concerns, please post back and I will be happy to assist you.
White round ## I located the pill in description to be Cilostazol (100 mg). Cilostazol is approved for the treatment of intermittent claudication. To view information about this drug, please click on the link below... If you have any other questions or concerns, please post back and I will be happy to assist you.
small round white pill with 223 on 1 side and a line in the middle on the other side ## I located a pill with similar markings, the only difference is it has a E above 223. If this is your pill it's Cilostazol 100 mg, which is a medication used in the alleviation of the symptom of intermittent claudication in individuals with peripheral vascular disease. To learn more click on the link below... If this is not your pill, please post back so I can help you locate the right pill. ## WHITE223 PILL
54 753 white round pill ## I believe I located a match, but the numbers read 54 757, click here to see a picture of the pill. If this is your pill it's Cilostazol 100 mg, which is approved for the treatment of intermittent claudication. To learn more click on the link below... If this is not correct please post back so I can help you locate the correct pill.
hello, i go to the gym regulary and i took 1 of these pills once and it gave me more energy, i heard that it strips the fat off and thats what i want, i weigh 11stone and want to build my muscles but also lose my fat around my belly which is really hard, would this drugs help me and what are the side effects. thank you
Updated in Ethaquin