Periods Not Starting After Taking Medical Abortion Pills (Top voted first)


My wife was 6 weeks pregnant when we decided for an medical abortion. Our doctor prescribed Mifepristone and Misoprostol. Even after taking the pills, my wife has not had any periods. We were worried and went to the doctor again and she prescribed regestrone-5mg which would induce periods. We also did a urine test which was negative. The doctor said that the fetus might have 'autolysed' What does this mean and is the abortion successful?

Thanks in advance

31 Replies (2 Pages)

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Since my medical abortion, it is more that a month I don't have to seen any manstration why, I even Experience bad headache, back pain, brest swollen and vomitting why?

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I took the abortion pills and period is not heavy. Is something wrong?

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After my medical abortion i even don't have any sex. but even no manstration is that normal I was really worried....I haven't been to the Dr yet.

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please i had an abortion last july 17 and i bleeded fr 1 and half week and the blood stopped,we are in august now bt ive not had my menses i had a test and it was negative please what should i do now

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I Understand how you feel. I felt that way as well until...I was put into a situation that I never thought in a million years I would be in. Even being safe is not always fool proof. I just recently had a Medical Abortion and I do not regret my decision. I'm very lucky to Have three great children in my life but there was no way I could carry another child. Not with my age and my health. . Sometimes it just is not possible mentally or physically for a person to carry a fetus then give up the baby for adaption. I know personally a girl that was not ready to have a baby but could not afford an abortion so she carried the baby but continued to live her life as if she were not pregnant making unsafe choices and decisions only to result in the child being born with physical and severely mental disabilities. That is so unfair to the child who was on this earth for 8 years as a vegetable before he died. We can say how WE feel and what WE would and would not do but until we walked a mile is someone else shoes or are in that persons body and know what they are thinking and feeling what they are physically and mentally capable of... we should not judge. Just be understanding and as supportive a possible.

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I missed my period in July 10 till date. Yesterday I test my pregnancy and it was positive. Now I want to abort. Is it possible to do abortion through tablets

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I gave my wife to abortion kit 1 tablet of mifepriston after 24 hoira 2 tablet of misoprotol after 10 hours 2 more tablet but she had no bleeding. What can we do now.

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After taking mtpill when starting bleeding. 4 tabs possibile to take orally

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I took abortion pills and my periods started after 12 hrs of taking the 1st pill. My periods were heavy with clotting. Then again i took another 4 pills after 48 hrs. Then after 2 hrs only, my periods started and that was also heavy, but after 1 day my periods have stopped and it is not coming properly. What is the reason for this? Is this normal? Has the child been aborted or am I still pregnant?

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My girlfriend 4 weeks preganant and she was take unwanted abortion kit one individualy tablet she take 26 july on night 9 pm and she gaping a day of 27 july, 2 misoprostol tablet she taking 28 july at morning 7:30 am and another two tablet she will take this day at night 8 pm but she still dont bleed now only white liqude drane from her vagina tell me what i do pls

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pls I need your help, I did a medical abortion last month 24th June precisely and it's been a month and 5days now I have still not see my menstrual flow. what do I do pls I need urgent response. thanks

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I am one month pregnant, have taken postinor-2 for three days now and nothing happened. Please. what is the best drug for abortion and how to use it? I need an answer urgently because my career is at risk now.

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My wife had kit dat time periods started , but nw again periods didn't started, we didn't had sex also after hv kit , periods r nt start dnt no wt to do, I cnt consult doctors also because of sm problem, pl give sm idea to slove this problem

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Hi. May I ask where u bought the pills? And do u know any clinic that will help you with abortion? Thanx

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I took medabon on 3nov.and ma menses is not coming wat shld I do

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feeling headache and had swollen feet after taken Medabon. What should I do?

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hi,my name is sakura,i fibd out i was 18days late since my last period i though its normal coz my period is irregular after then i take a urine test and it says i am pregnant,by december 31 evening 8:00pm i take the medical pill and for what they say after 4hours the bleedung started and last for how many hours with heavy blood with alot of clot,i never feel any the painful crams i only have a crams that can manage and a heavy bleesing with alot of clots after 4 hours which i fall asleep because of uncomfortable feeling i woke up and went to the bathroom and take out the sanitary napkin and something drop a big cloth like my palm with a kidney like inside of it,after,ii know i pass the abortion,1week after i only have a mild bleeding all the pregnancy symtoms take away after how manydays,2week after i take a urine test early morning which the hcg level is veryhigh and i am shock coz my result is NEGATIVE!! they say it takes 2to 3week to make the urine test negative but my one is NEGATIVE! i take the test 2weeks after my medical abortion,then again i try another test which is in 3rd week its sunday and it also says its negative,monday morning is my last urine test check i take the urine 6am something early in the morning and still its negative,my only concern is when does my blood hcg become negative since i test urine 3times and it says negative please i want yo know and hope you can shear ur same experience as mine thanx alot and goodluck.

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I took abortion pills (penetrol knot) I bled for 5-6 days. It has been a month now and I've not gotten my normal period. I took a pregnancy test and it's negative. Why is it that my period is not coming? Please help me.

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I take in unwanted kit yesterday how many days in period out

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i m 6 weeks nd 6 days pregnant.i had sex on 18 july nd my periods was come in 20 there any chances of pregnancy?? plzz rply

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