Period Delay After Abortion Pill (Page 10)


Hi, I got pregnant in last april, had one abortion pill. I got heavy period instantly for 5-6 days. My period was due on 22nd May. It did not came. I checked Pregnancy test and result was negative. Still I am not getting my period started. Its 12 Days now. Plz suggest what should i do? Also, There is any chance that I am still pregnant? Thanks.

212 Replies (11 Pages)

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I had an abortion by pills via cytotec on the 27th of May. I had heavy bleeding for 3 days and the rest of the days were light and i had intercourse with my man but i made sure he didn't climax inside and i also took pills but I feel weak ever since..i don't know if the medicine was too strong for me... Please, when should I get my next period and when should I get a pregnancy test again..or is their a chance it didn't work?...Write me back as soon as possible. I am worried.

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I had an abortion by pills via cytotec (3 weeks pregnancy)on the 27th of May. I had heavy bleeding for 3 days and the rest of the days were light and i had intercourse with my man but i made sure he didn't climax inside and i also took pills but I feel weak ever since..i don't know if the medicine was too strong for me... Please, when should I get my next period and when should I get a pregnancy test again..or is their a chance it didn't work?...Write me back as soon as possible. I am worried.

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My period is delayed by 2 months. My last period was april 20th to the 24th. After that i took i-pills and my period is still not coming. When i tested 2 times it has been negative. I tested hemoglobin and it is also normal. Can i use abortion pills?

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Hi. I was 7 days pregnant and i took an abortion pill. That abortion pill's name is a-kare. I was taking that pill on June 20th and 23rd. 2 pills was all I took, but my mensuration did not start. What can I do? Please tell me.

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I had a medical abortion on 9 june and started on contraceptive pills four days after the abortion, yesterday 9 July I developed a terrible stomach pain and I have not seen my period and did a pregnancy test which was negative, am so scared what should I do?

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I have abortion with mifipristone . Now it has passed 6 weeks and I am not getting my period. Instead this I have extream hair fall. Now what should I do

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It took four weeks of ma abortion n I m nt having my periods n also I m a breastfed so wt to doo?????

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Hi, i missed my period last,av used misoprostol thrice but I still don't see my period, pls help me what can I do?

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Hello, my name is vishal. My gf is 1 month and 15 days pregnant. She took a pregnancy kit and the next day only had 3 to 4 drops come out, but today no period has come. Why?

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I was 6 weeks pregnant and had an abortion pill. I felt the heavy blood coming for days and since then, been seeing small blood on and off for a month now. I tested it and it was positive, i went to the lab and nothing was in my worm. I had sex when i thought the blood was gone, but was still seeing it. I tested again and it still shows positive. Could it be possible that I'm pregnant?

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I had sex after taking an abortion pill and I bled for 7 days. Now I am having cramps without any spotting. Is it possible that I am pregnant?

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Hi, I got pregnant in June and I got rid of it on 9th July, I had my bleeding for one week, my period has delayed for four days ..please help me

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I used cytotec pill and everything worked but I don't stop menstruating its been three weeks now, I'm worried plz help

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Hi I delay my menstruations for 3days then I decided to do pregnancy test and it's positive I use 10x 200g of misofemi bt nothing happened plz help I'm confused

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I had Termipil Kit to avoid my 4th week of pregnancy. I had 3 tablets of termipil kit with rantac and since i did not get my periods, i was asked to take the remaining two tablets which was left out from the kit. And now i have not got my periods. I saw that I got a few drops of blood. What should i consider doing from here? I read the directions to take the tablet and i have taken it wrong. How do I confirm that the abortion was successful?

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Hi. I was pregnant last may of 2016 during which I took mtp kit and had heavy bleeding for 6-7 days. Then my periods were monthly and happening regularly every 24-25 days. Then, this January I tried to get pregnant but I'm not having any success, and during this month of august I had two periods. Please tell me a solution?

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I took an abortion pill within the past month...but this month my period did not come and I don't know what to do from here? Please advise.

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On the 21st of October i'm going to the doc. I'm pregnant and i don't want a baby so i took abortion pills, but now im not getting my period yet. How long must I wait? I took the tablet on Saturday night because i was feeling dizzy & tired.

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Ma periods have been delayed by 2 days...I'm not pregnant BT still I have taken mifepristone 2day mrng ...nw I want 2 delay ma periods can i take a delay tab??

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Hi. I took an abortion pill last month and I bled heavily for the last month through the first week of this month, and now my menses is delayed & I am feeling something hanging on my throat. Please, what do I do?

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