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Once upon a time, Percocet had twice the amount of acetaminophen in it as well as a healthy dose of caffeine. Understandably the amount of acetaminophen had been cut in half to spare us liver damage. The missing caffine I don't quite understand. I do find that a couple of cups of coffee does help. NEVER EVER take Tylenol or other acetaminophen with narcotic pain meds. But I believe that some of the reasons they seem weaker now are because of the missing or diminished ingredients. Along with the fact that a tolerance builds so quickly to these pain medications that in a week they seem to be doing less than they did before. Keep this in mind. Having said that, I will add that I have had my prescription filled at Walmart in the past. NEVER AGAIN. This goes for any prescription. I had h...
So I was diagnosed with Shingles last week and was initially prescribed Vicodin for the pain by Urgent Care. In 6 days blew through the 20 Vicodin due to the pain being unreal. I called my PCP and they upgraded the prescription to Percocet 5-325 because the Vicodin was simply not working. The Urgent Care doctor called me and said no don't take the Percocet, take 600mg of Ibuprofen instead and if that doesn't show relief then they said to try Gabapentin. Between the Valtrex and Vicodin I've had extremely minimal side effects, mainly just drowsiness fortunately. I'm confused as to how 600mg of Ibuprofen is supposed to do what Vicodin couldn't do over 56 days 5-6 times a day? I looked at the side effects for Gabapentin and the side effects, at least some are rather terr...
I'm seeing "none" and "never". But tell me the truth. With 2.5 mg Percocet every eight hours, is a glass of wine dangerous? Is it dangerous to drive? What about if I was taking it every 12 hours? I am almost ten weeks post op on a pretty major back surgery (fused two discs, I've got quite an apparatus back there). ## Yes, it is always risky, and they should not be combined. Alcohol and opiates both depress the central nervous system, that's why they can cause a high/buzzed feeling, as well as drowsiness, dizziness, and sedation, as side effects, and when you combine more than one of these substances, this can potentiate these side effects, making them much more severe than usual. Thus, you could end up dozing off inappropriately, blacking out, experience seve...
I have been getting the yellow oblong percocets but today I got yellow round ones and they have AV on them I called this pharmacy because I want of the yellow ones but I didn't know they made two kinds of yellow ones the ones that say a A333 make me very sleepy and I do not like the themjust wondering has anybody tried these type of percocets and what the reviews were ## Horrible! Tens that say a333 on them r disgusting and I can't believe they even make them nasty things they made me sick stomach ache I didn't feel nothing but sickness and dizzy it feels like I am taking tons of tylonel ## The colors of compressed pills are entirely dependent on the ingredients used, and the whit & whim of the manufacturer, so using color is never a reliable way to ensure you get the me...
I got small white pill with a funny lookIng backwards 3 and a 5 on one side nothing in the other side from my Pharmacy Today. Usually i get the M 5s. I tried to Google them and cant find them. Are these Generic percocet 5mg or did they make a mistake with my Script. Help Please. Any Info greatly appreciated. ## Did u ever find out what they were ? I have the same... ## This tablet contains 5mgs of Oxycodone (NDC 42806-0005). Inactive Ingredients: - Lactose Monohydrate - Cellulose, Microcrystalline - Starch, Corn - Silicon Dioxide - Magnesium Stearate Ref: DailyMed Is there anything else I can help with?
I took a percocet on accident thinking it was my old higher dose of kalonopin i am on suboxon i didnt realize to look it up till i felt hot flashes i could feel my heart beating in my head and had bad stomach cramps and body flushing and face red. Why is this i took my suboxon about 4 milagrams this morning and the percocet about an hour ago what is going on can anyone explain should i be concerned and when is it ok for me to take my regular scheduked suboxon ## What dosage is the Percocet that you took? In theory, you shouldn't experience any severe symptoms, the Suboxone should just stop the Percocet from having any effect on you, because it takes a stronger hold on your opiate receptors. The reason I say "in theory" is due to the fact that no matter how many studies they ...
Do what I had to do in a similar situation and toss it down the toilet. If its been wet and it has a time-release coating, you might even die by taking it and forcing your kidneys & liver to metabolize it too quickly into your system. *Especially* if it's an opiate drug, as they can depress your' respiratory system and render you (quite literally) breathless, since your' body has no capacity to breathe when you're in such a drug-induced and/or possible comatose state and you will typically asphyxiate to death while unconscious, when such type of accidentally unintentional overdose occurs. Plus, taking it in any modified form is actually called 'abuse' by your doctor nowadays, as drug-seekers, and addicts have garnered the federal governments national attentio...
My son is taking Percocet and it is not helping him as I think it should. Is Vicodin a better option for his pain management? I think he needs a stronger med. ## No. Percocet is a schedule 2 narcotic. It is stronger. ## Yeah, if percocet isn't enough, the only thing you can go to is OxyContin, and that's so addictive and so strong... ## Oxycodone (Percocet) is stronger than Hydrocodone (Vicodin). Oxycontin is the same as Percocet but is 12 hour time release, very effective for chronic pain since you are not going through 4 hour pain cycles. Instead Oxycontin is a gradual 12 hour one. ## What dose was your son prescribed? As has already been stated, the Oxycodone in Percocet is stronger than the Hydrocodone in Vicodin, but what works for one person may not work for another, and v...
Almost all Percocets except the ones that have A332 and I can't understand why? When I take that kind of Percocet I am so ill I want to jump out of my own skin but when I take the ones that say A332 I am fine. They do not make me mean and ill and I'm wondering why if they all have the same thing in them? I have had seven hip surgeries and Percocet seems to help some. What is a Vicodin? I thought it was just another name for a hydrocodone. Is it stronger? ## Percocet contains Acetaminophen, and Oxycodone, while Vicodin contains Hydrocodone, and Acetaminophen. Of the two, Oxycodone is stronger. The FDA warns that these medications carry the risk of being habit forming, and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, constipation, and dry mouth. Ref: Oxycodone Info...
I was prescribed Percocet by pain dr but ran out. Started taking my wife's norco for the past 6 days. I am having a urine test in 4 days. Will the norco show up? ## Yes it will show up but it will show up as codeine in your urine. If you need percocet to show up you need oxycodone in yur system. Norco does not have oxycodone in it at all!!!! ## I recently discovered a co-worker taking 5 of the 10-325 percocet. At some point we will all neet to take a ua. How long will it be before it won't be detected in his system and does the amount make a difference in how long it can be detected in the system? ## It takes about a wk or so to get out of ur system. Plus, if ur active and drink plenty of fluids, u will flush the narcotics out of ur systems faster. And, even if u only take just ...
im doing a project for my nursing class and i need to know how long do PERCOCETS stay in your system? all i see is people asking how long until they will be clean i need answers not more QUESTIONS!!! ## Percocet contains the active ingredients Oxycodone and Acetaminophen, it is a narcotic pain reliever. I'm assuming your wanting the time it actually takes to process out of your body and not the detection time for a drug test, since they are different. In this case, you have to look at the half-life of the relevant medication, which in this case is the Oxycodone and it's about 4.5 hours. The elimination time from your body is usually 5 to 6 half-lives, so it would be between 22.5 and 27 hours. Is there anything else I can help with? ## I have a drug test I have to take and pass i...
Has anyone received the Percocet with the makings of c 230 made by Alvogen? They are round and are yellow. I know they have to be better than the a333 ones ## Determining which manufacturer's pill is best is all relative to each individual's personal attributes, body chemistry, tolerance and so forth that depicts how well they react/respond to various active as well as inactive ingredients in each respective tablet. Having said this, I feel that the only truthful opinion on what works best is that of your own through personal experience (trial and error); seeing that someone else's response isn't necessarily going to dictate what your reaction will end up being. I realize that this is a bit of a broad response to a more specific question, but I just see so many related t...
I have a white oblong pill marked T134. Is this pill a Percocet 10? Need to know what my niece is taking for her pain. Can't find the identity of this pill anywhere at all. ## Hi Ruby, Is there any chance that the white oblong pill says T194 as opposed to T134? The imprint T194 on a white oblong pill is Percocet (10/325); and the '9' could possibly be mistaken for a '3' depending on the pill's overall condition. Labeler: Camber Pharmaceuticals NDC: 31722-0194 Size (mm): 14 Inactive Ingredients: -Silicon Dioxide -Crospovidone -Microcrystalline Cellulose -Croscarmellose Sodium -Povidone -Starch, Pregelatinized Corn -Stearic Acid -D&c Yellow No. 10 Hope this helps! ## Yes it is and it's very addictive. ## Curious? Nowhere in her question did she ask this......
I just got my script filled in SC. Wal Mart. They have their own distribution system. Check there. I have a large amount of pills and pain. They told me they had the entire script. 360 pills. Good luck y'all from South Carolina. ## Thanks for the heads up Jimmy, I'm not sure if anyone else has been having problems getting their script filled lately (at least here in California), but according to the FDA there aren't any current drug shortages involving Percocet. This can be verified on the following page: Just out of curiosity, where did you first hear about there being a shortage? ## Anyone here know what pharmacy in Columbia, SC has the best generic Percocet 7.5/325? I was taking Alvogen, c229 then RP's... Now they a...
I just got filled my Percocet is has M523 and is a oblong pill.I have never had one that looked like this.I have been taking this particular drug for a few years.I have a very bad back and arthritis.I have taken 2 of these pills in the last 8 hrs and I feel no pain relief, but am nauseated?I have always had yellow generic that worked very good. I wished I could take these back, but I'm sure they won't take back?I feel like I'm going to suffer for a month?? ## Yes, this tablet is manufactured by Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals and they list it as containing 10mgs of Oxycodone, and 325mgs of Acetaminophen. The FDA warns that this medication carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, dry mouth, constipation, and headache. There c...
I'm living in columbus ms and few doctors got shut down and nobody wants to see me cause i was seeing one of the doctors. I was in a bad wreck in 99 got thrown out of bronco and they had to fly me to chatt tn. I have a mri. I was getting 120 percocet 10s every month and when he got shut down i was still getting 120 percocet 10s. now this other doctor im seeing is only writing me 90 lorcets 7.5 and that DOES NOT help. i have been seeing him for almost 2 years and i asked him if he can bump me up to tens or one more a day and he told me i was maxed out, but i know people that get 90 or 120 pain pills. i went today on my appointment and he wrote on the script not to be filled until the 6th. Im out of my meds. i even told him that i havent been able to sleep at night and he couldnt writ...
Can't find name brand percocet 7.5mg/325mg? My prescription says to dispense as written. Where can I get it filled? ## Nikki, What part of the country are you in? I am in Colorado. I'd get the yellow pages and start calling. ## Hello, Nikki! How are you? You will not get an accurate answer by calling pharmacies. They have no way of knowing if the person on the phone is a legitimate customer with a need, or a potential thief, so they will just tell you that they do not carry it. You will actually need to physically go into the pharmacies, with the prescription in hand, in order to get an accurate answer. This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. Is there ...
I am trying to identify what I am told is oxycodone 10mg from Mexico. It is round, pinkish colored, scored in the middle on one side and has no other markings on it. ## Hi Shawna, Without any markings this could be anyone's guess. I've seen round pink tablets that are scored on one side (in the US) that fit the description of Vitamin B12. I think the only reliable methods to find out what it contains would be to use a drug panel and/or GCMS lab analysis. Have you considered taking it into your local pharmacy for a second opinion? ## I was just given some from a friend who picked them up from Cabo. No markings, round, peach or maybe mistaken for pink. Labeled Oxycodone 10 hydrochloride. The bottle looks authentic. But the rorw i trace the manufacturer somewhere in 990 Riverhead N...
White tablet with the numbers 325 ## Sounds like generic percocet to me! ## Round white pill with N on one side the second side is scored with 325 on top and 5 on bottom ## A round, white tablet with just 325 on it is not any type of opiate, or other controlled substance. It is listed as containing 325mgs of Acetaminophen, it is a generic or store brand for Tylenol. Crasht, that one, however, is a generic for Percocet, which contains 5mgs of Oxycodone, and 325mgs of Acetaminophen. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, dry mouth, headache, and constipation. It is manufactured by Novapharm. ## I need to know whether you can overdose on these tablets? ## They should have a score on one side with 512 on the other side
I have been taking 10/325 for years and my pharmacy filled this one with Rhodes pharmaceutical product. I have been taking now for 3 days. I have been sick to my stomach, neck, and jaw pain and it does not relief the pain it is prescribed for. Why could this be? ## Neck and jaw pain can be an indication of serious heart problems. Please do not ignore these symptoms. ## Hi Susan, According to NIH, "severe stomach pain" is listed as a side effect of Acetaminophen; whereas they recommend contacting your doctor immediately. [Note: nausea and vomiting are also on the same list] - Just mentioning this in case it's attributing to your "sick to the stomach" feeling... As far as the neck & jaw pain is concerned, I haven't found any specific details suggesting that it...