Percocet Vs Tramacet
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Hi. I'd like information comparing Percocet (Oxycodone / Acetaminophen) and Tramacet (Tramadol hydrochloride / Acetaminophen). Is Percocet a stronger more powerful pain killer than Tramacet? If so, by how much? If you have been taking Percocet are you likely to get the same effect from Tramacet? Is there a chart somewhere that compares or ranks all pain killers comparatively? If so please tell me where. Thanks - good health to you all
Re: 2BBlue (# 124)
According to, Tramadol is classified as an opioid analgesic.
Other medical literature also use the terms opioid, opiate & semi-synthetic opioid interchangeably, with regards to Tramadol.
Additionally, the FDA classifies Tramadol as a narcotic - Source:
Hope this helps clear up any confusion.
Re: ben (# 2)
tramacet is a mix of tramadol and acetaminophen. neither of them are opiates. so no its not strong. i can take five or six of them and feel nothing. and i dont do a lot of opiates. theyre actually pretty weak. any narcotic will be stronger.
I wish it was that simple!!! To take a shot of liquor instead of pain meds.
No wonder Dr.'s don't want to give out scripts. THOSE of us who DO suffer from chronic pain DO NOT NEED to explain our pain over and over again to get relief. You're attitude (stupidity) does not make it any easier. Grow up.
And believe you me.....Tramadol IS NOT, OR EVEN CLOSE TO BEING A "NARCOTIC" is pretty much WORTHLESS at being a pain reliever of any kind! You would be MUCH better off just buying something OTC....
... Under the FDA in the US, Tramadol is classified as a narcotic.
Ok...listen CAREFULLY. ..tramadol is NOT A NARCOTIC! NOT EVEN CLOSE! do a little, just a little, research BEFORE posting that which you know Nothing about! Thank you, HOUSE
I made a typo. That should read: Tramacet is less addictive.
I have been on both related to a total hip replacement. They are not the same. Tramacet is not as strong as percocet. Percocet is highly addictive. Percocet is less so but I did go withdrawal when I quit using it. The tramacet was for the months waiting for the surgery and the percocet was used sparingly for post surgery pain.
Would u b able to tell me if a medication called tramac etc is as strong medication as
Nurse REPLY POST 107
I hope your not a nurse in real life since your pharmacological accumen is sorely LACKING !!!! Tramadol and tramacet are CERTAINLY NOT THE SAME the active ingredient may be but tramacet contains 325 mg. of acetaminophen aka Tylenol. Some folks unable to take acetaminophen might believe someone when they proport to be a NURSE just another example of misinformation being dangerous if taken literally
God bless you from a medical point of view YOU ARE THE IDEAL COMPLIANT PAIN PATIENT. So few are able to control their usage when a rx like hydromorphone ( dilaudid ) is available. I only wish I had the intestinal fortitude and pain threshold to have accomplished a long term orthopedic condition that required multiple surgical interventions. Having a genetic predisposition for addiction certainly didn't help my condition. Continued good health to you.
Same circumstance with herniated disks and WSIB. Over time the oxycontin will actually put you in more pain without you even knowing it. WSIB will cover your drugs but you will need a doctor who will jump through a hoop for you by writing a letter or 2 justifying why the non covered drug is a better option for you.
Tramadol does not contain acetaminophen! Tramacet has 325 MG of acetaminophen
Tramadol is in fact a narcotic. I know 100% as i just asked my father who is a family physician.
Please be careful with the Tramadol if you have had prior opiate will still give you the withdrawal symptoms if you take it for a long period of me I know.
Here is a comparison list I found:
I have been on tramacet for a year while waiting for a hip replacement. A cortisone shot made the pain much worse. I had no side effects. I had the doctor switch me to tramadol so I would have control of the acetaminophen. I ended up using about 3000mg of acetaminophen. When the pain became unbearable sleeping was a real issue so I decided to cave and move up to Hydromorphone at night. It really helped. After 8 months the nerve pain settled down and I went back to just tramacet for two months prior to surgery. Had my hip replacement last week. One night I took percocet. It was much stronger and more effective at alleviating pain than tramacet. So glad I only needed it once. I am so worried about the addiction factor. Now I am reducing my tramacet and hope to be drug free in a couple of weeks. What a year!!!!
Tramacet and Tramadol are the same medication just different name.
I was on tramacet and the side effects for me were severe and my doctor assured me they were non addicting not true.. I went off of it because of sore stomach, pale stool which is terrible it just sticks and an enema was required twice.abdominal pain was severe so I went to hospital and got xrays and blood tests and couldn't find anything wrong and the doctor told me it was probably the tramacet and it has very bad side effects as well as addicting. my condition is improving since off of tramacet..
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