Percocet Vs Tramacet (Page 2)
UpdatedHi. I'd like information comparing Percocet (Oxycodone / Acetaminophen) and Tramacet (Tramadol hydrochloride / Acetaminophen). Is Percocet a stronger more powerful pain killer than Tramacet? If so, by how much? If you have been taking Percocet are you likely to get the same effect from Tramacet? Is there a chart somewhere that compares or ranks all pain killers comparatively? If so please tell me where. Thanks - good health to you all
i have been taking Tramacet for almost two years now i dicided to give it up becouse it does not have much affect like the first time, and it is very addictive it has bad withdrowal like shaking and evry thing.
I have a herniated disc in my neck (between C6-C7) and also osteoarthritis in my neck (C5-C6-C7). My family doctor prescribed me Percocet which works relatively fast and is totally effective. I then consulted a so-called 'specialist' so he could give me a referral for a cortisone injection and he prescribed me Tramacet. I must say that this stuff is absolutely F**CKING USELESS! It takes forever to work and then it barely does anything at all. If your doctor wants to prescribe you Tramacet to relieve your pain, just say NO! GIVE ME SOMETHING THAT ACTUALLY WORKS, DAMMIT!
I recently had a tib, fib break and was prescribed tramacet. i get no side effects from it but it does absolutely nothing for the pain.
I've had Rheumatoid arthritis for over 30 years. I change my pain meds every few years to prevent addiction and find relief. I started with aspirin about 25 years ago and I now take Percoset. I don't recall ever taking Tramacet, but as it is a derivative of morphine, I won't bother with it. Morphine and it's derivatives cause me more trouble than what relief it gives me.
I am taken generic tramacet for chronic leg pain as my microdiscectomy 3 year ago has allowed me to regain my mobility but I still get regular flare ups -a burning sensation in my lower calf that is very irritating. I find 1 tramacet every 4-5 hours is effective for relieving pain although it does have drowsy and constipation side effects if you do not take a fibre supplement.
Alberta doctors prescribe Tramacet to patients they know who are in pain and do not abuse. They know Tramacet is useless. They tell people its like the effective opiods
in hopes that one believes it. Plecebo effect. The pill is not covered by health plans like opiods are. Tramacet is expensive and ineffective. Be prepared to be treated like a drug dealer or addict if you ask or have been prescribed an opiod in the past. Especially in Calgary.
The days of being treated with opiods that are effective are getting slim. Doctors are protecting themselves by not writing these prescriptions, in case a patient has a problem with it, so alot of us will have to take ineffective meds for some time unless attitudes change.Has anyone had a doc treat them for severe pain with antidepressants sucessfully. My docs give me ones that make me feel like I am going crazy when I am on them.
I have heard heard about Calgary and how doctors dont care about chronic pain. It sounds like they dont like to deal with patients with pain so they refuse to treat them. By calling you an addict, its a sure fire way to get the word around not to go to them because they know people talk. They have power. The patient in severe pain doesnt. The patient is at the mercy of the physician. Letting a person suffer because you dont want to be responsible for what may happen,which likely wont happen if you give a sufffering patient what they need is modern medivalism
Having been a former opiod addict for 15 years now I can honestly say that we, as addicts, have an addictive personality. You do not need to be taking a strong painkiller to become addicted. It is possible for an addict to become addicted to simple asprin. Just take precautions, such as, ask yourself if you honestly need the next dose, speak with a drug and alcohol counsellor, seek relapse therapy. I hope this helps.
I have been using Tramacet for the last 2, almost 3, years and I have had absolutely no trouble with it. I hurt my back very badly and I have Costochodritis, so the Tramacet works wonders. I have tried a whole bunch of different pain killers and I have seemed to come back to Tramacet because it works wonders for me.
I have two bulging discs, one of which is compressing the L5 nerve root and severe degenerative disc disease. I have never been one to take any medication if possible but had to with this. I am told that I have a high pain tolerance by my physiotherapist. I take Tramacet when it gets too bad and it is wonderful. I have to eat with it but there is no woozy feeling.. Just no pain. I swear by it.
I have a very similar story, i have weined myself off oxycontin 2 times already, not fun. waiting for some surgeon to catch up with technology, as i will not fuse 5 levels of my lumbar, thats archaic. so i must deal with contsant pain. have waited over 1.5 years to get into the Hamilton pain clinic, still no appt.
Mine came from 15 years of restraining at work and then finally being attacked at work (a youth attacked me with scissors) and having to restrain her for 3.5 hours. I find that physio exercises help a lot and am also getting acupuncture and some treatment with electric shocks. The latest thing is this tape they put on your back that does constant acupressure. That is amazing and a constant reminder to have proper posture etc. Professional sports players use it a lot. Good luck with the pain clinic. While it is quite a distance, I do not believe there is much of a waiting list in London Ontario.
Thats strange because i get them for my headaches!
Hi I have the exact same question! I was recently diagnosed with RA and it has taken forever to get into the specialist I go next week I am looking for a safe but effective pain killer and I keep hearing about tramocet but I was on opiate drugs for many years.....Do you or anyone elese have any rcomdations
wow my pharmacist told me NO Arthrotec with the Tramacet ... can over dose ... maybe you better check that.
I have severe rheumatoid arthritis and on methotrexate and embrel injections. However, when I have flare ups I have to have pain control. I have Tylenol #4 which is twice as strong as Tylenol #3 and Tramadol. I generally choose the Tramadol for pain control as I get good results and less side effects. I tend to have problems keeping both Vicodin and especially percocet products down. Lots of nausea. I have not noted any major withdrawal difficulties with Tramadol but then I generally only use it with severe pain as indicated
I am 22 and have been taking tramacet for a few years now for chronic pancreatitis, i live in alberta, it is fully covered by my drug plan and it works great for me. when i have an attack i take 3 pills and the rest of the day is good. it is addictive and the withdrawls are bad. but it has been good for me.
I have been addicted to Tylenol 1's for 15 years.... 4days ago i quit it cold turkey....I have vomitted had diarrea; and really bad headachesMy dr prescribed me tramadol the other day for my endometriosis....he said It isnt addictive,,,,I am just wondering if I am defeating the purpose by taking these???? sure hope not these last 4 days haven't been fun!!!!!
I agree. I get chronic migraines and my doctor prescribed traumacets and they did work for the headaches at a reasonable for the first week or so. However, after that my tolerance to them built up very quickly and I could only relieve my headaches with a considerable higher dose. Now, because of the dramatic side effects that high doses over a long period of time has done on my body, I am trying to stop taking them. Sadly, this has been a terrible struggle. I find I cannot sleep at all without them for nights, have racing thoughts, sweats and muscle twitches not to mention the nonstop, crippling headaches that used to be only a once every two day occurence. However, if I do take them I get a terribly upset stomach, making it impossible to eat, constant drowziness and constipation. I feel like I'm in a lose-lose battle and my doctor refuses to prescribe any short term supplement for the headaches or to help me sleep until I am weaned off. Sucks and I half wish that I had just stuck with the migraines sometimes.
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