Percocet Pill With Blue Specks
UpdatedWhy have the blue specks in Percocet been added? When wet my tongue turned bright blue...
5 Replies
I'm sorry, but I don't have any listings of a Percocet that matches this description.
Can you please post back with more details? What are the markings on the tablet?
The FDA warns that Percocet carries the risk of being habit forming, and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, constipation, and dry mouth.
Are you sure it isn't Vicodin, or Lortab, which contains Hydrocodone with Acetaminophen? There is a tablet that contains those ingredients that has blue specks in it. Can you please double check and post back? Thank you!
Re: Verwon (# 1)
It is a white tablet scored and other side has the t192. Prescription bottle says oxycodone/acetaminophen 5-325mg tablet. Also says mpg camber- interchange for percocet 5-325mg (blue and it was filled at walgreens. I'd like to know where I can get the regular percocet...My tounge is always blue now and because it takes time for me to swallow it's an issue. Where can I fill my prescription that carries the tablets without the blue in them.
Re: Jackie B (# 2)
You're weird, bruh. Swallow the pill; it isn't even that big. Smaller than a typical tylenol. #What
Re: John Bon Jovi (# 3)
Well said! If the medication is effective, I would just carry on. I had a prescription filled with the long white percs and they were simply not effective. I don't know why. The next time I went to a the best drug store in town and told the pharmacist that I did not want the long white ones. It didn't carry anything except the genuine medication. No generics. And, my insurance covered all the cost! No co-pay!
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