Percocet Generic Report On Phasing Out Opioids By The Year 2021 (Page 2) (Top voted first)
UpdatedI got a report to read from the FDA sent from the DEA on generic Percocet from a friend's family member that works for the FDA. The report said that in their discussions they came up with a plan to stop people from dying from overdoses & addiction. Said Generic Percocet is the most abused medicine on the market. They have in place a 20% tolerance on generic pain medication and they deemed this wasn't helping the abuse of Percocet. People have been complaining in the thousands about Rhodes Pharmaceuticals and others not putting the correct amount of opioid in generic Percocet plus it seems to be making people sick. In the report not only are they decreasing the 20%, but also adding 50% to the 20% so you're getting 70% less of the active ingredient in Rhodes/Purdue Pharmaceuticals medication. So say you're taking Rhodes generic Percocet 10mg - you're getting around 4% of the active ingredient and in the 5mg you're getting 2%. Not only are they cutting the medication your doctor prescribed but adding fillers that make your stomach hurt making people stop taking opioids altogether. This plan has a goal by the year 2021 to phase out opioids altogether with the exception of hospitals. After reading this I said this must be Trump's doing? They said look at the date. It's from the year 2014 and is an Obama administration idea, not Trump. So no matter how many complaints reports you fill out, you're wasting your time. They aren't addressing these complaints because the two agencies are in on stopping opioids by 2021. Only in America.
Kim P (# 31) --
I am so sorry to hear of your pain. I also suffer from pain from degenerative joint disease. All of my joints from neck to hands and shoulders to toes back included are painful all the time. I have been on hydrocodone for about 32 years and have tried everything else along with it or in place of it. I now am on hydrocodone 10/325 and Hysingla 30 along with Gabapentin 60. This combo seems to work for me most of the time. I go from a pain level of about 7 to 9 during the day with a 9 in the late afternoon. After all these years and all the changes in Meds I have NEVER experienced a “high” from them. From alcohol to marijuana I know what a high can be but not from my Meds. I often think about the quality of my life and definitely know if it were not for my Meds I would not be here today. My heart goes out to you with hopes and prayers that you will find a Doctor willing to work with you to control your pain. I am blessed to have a pain specialist that listens to me and works with me to try and control my pain within boundaries. I am 72 and just had a triple bypass. The pain afterwards was awful combined with my normal pain but I made it through without increasing too much and returned to my routine within a month. My life is not great but I can live with it. I should add that I have early stage Alzheimers with it progressing faster now. Such is life.
Re: Kim P (# 36)
I'm in chronic pain and have had every MRI, CT scans, and all other tests needed for my first back surgery coming up this month and then neck surgery and had to go through hell to even find a new Dr (42 to be exact) when mine moved and only get half of my scripts. I have all my records and not one Dr has looked at them only the medicine I'm on. I'm disabled but now I really have no quality of life and have to just lay in bed with my heating pad. I would love to be able to look up all of our senators (to begin with) background history to see how many of them are on opioids, been on opioids, etc. I'll bet we could really some good dirt on them and something to run with. Opioids have been around and thoroughly tested the whole amount of years that was required. Now there just putting stuff on the market that has not thoroughly been tested and causing death over the years. It's all about money while they don't care if you die. Matter of fact, that's probably what they want.
I have several chronic pain conditions including Crohn's disease. Over the years (and years ago) my G.I. specialists have offered pain medication which I always turned down. I was hoping to not have to take any medication every day... maybe when I get old I would tell them. Now I am retired and have even more chronic pain conditions that really affect my quality of life so I asked my doctor for a low dose pain medication, not for every day but only for the bad days.
I was thinking 5mg. Hydrocodone, maybe 10 or 15 a month. She said that doctors don't prescribe pain meds for chronic pain anymore unless it is cancer and that I should ask my G.I. specialist which I did and she told me to ask my doctor as they don't prescribe pain meds at all. Now this might only be for my state (Washington) but I am not having any luck at all and am very frustrated. I feel when you reach 70 yrs. old and have a lot of documented painful conditions, a little bit of low dose pain medication for the bad days is very reasonable... Why should I have to suffer in the time I have left? And people who have been receiving pain meds for a long time are exempt from this new law and there are two people just on my block alone who sell their break-through meds and one even has the same doctor as I. It's easy for them to sell their break-through meds because they still pass their U/A without having the break-through medicine in their system. I believe what Tommy is saying and think it is already happening in Washington state.
Re: Kim P (# 32)
Kim, most of them have forgotten the oath they took to " cause no harm " it is sad that they only care about themselves now instead of their patients they are supposed to be helping. I am in Manassas and think the good lord I have a great spine surgeon and a great pm doctor. I am in my second day out of my third lower back surgery and am doing well. Thank you for your comments and may God Bless and keep you safe. I hope you can find a doctor as great as mine.
Re: Roy (# 1)
Obama is responsible for all of this garbage. He starting setting up anti-opiod initiative in 2009 right after making the crappy deal with Iran.
Re: Tommy (# 10)
Opinions are wonderful Tommy Boy, but it would be ignorant of me to not correct opinions that could harm other less informed readers. Keep your rose colored glasses on buddy......
Re: Happy Man (# 12)
Not all users are abusers and Oxycontin is THE most abused drug. While it's a form of Percocet, it's Extended Release and far more dangerous. I'm disabled and on low dose hydrocodone. Percocet makes me hallucinate, have sleep paralysis and makes me sick as a dog. Hydrocodone works better and less likely to be abused but you have to treat those with chronic pain. You cannot take away their meds and no one wants to live in a hospital. They're not gonna take away pain meds. It's unethical. Think about new cancer patients or those with debilitating diseases, broken legs, backs, etc. GET REAL. We need to stop ILLEGAL use, not legal use. The laws in place make it hard enough to get new people hooked. Oh, and if one CVS does something, all of them must so that's a blatant lie as I use CVS. However, I've gotten Rx's filled that made me sick so my pharmacy sticks with a good brand.
I am in pain every day and was told that I Ave rhumatoid arthritis and fibromyalga and am allergic and have side affects to multiple medications so they decided to take me off my medications now I I am mostly a couch potato,I was taking oxycodone and was just beginning to feel able to function normally I also was on tramadol and now they say they can't treat me for pain,but they will still accept me as a patient,
Re: Tommy (# 25)
Ok, what ever you all say, I know you are all scared and I understand it. The fact is yes in mnany areas it a lot harder to obtain your meds but untill there is a non opiate pain relievers invented there will and even after that will be opiates. Don't believe me but we are a very far away from a medication that can do what opiates do for moderate to moderately severe pain and above.
That 20% tolerance in difference of potencies between name brand in generic means that the generic 5mg Oxycodone (for example) could be up to 20% stronger, or 20% weaker than the roxis. And I don’t think it’s actually 20%. The number used to be lower. I dated a man who owned a chain of pain clinics and he hated generics for that reason. It doesn’t always mean they are weaker, though I can’t think of a time when I’ve thought they were stronger. If I misunderstood you and you were saying that they’re secretly reducing the amount of oxycodone in the Percocet, I’m sorry. And by Percocet you mean the actual oxy/acetaminophen pill, not the plain oxycodones? That seems odd.
That's not fair, this is america the land of the free. How can they stop making a medication that works so good for chronic and severe pain? We should get rid of the dea and fda. These people who abuse pain medication and the people who have no chronic pain problems but take it to try to feel high are the ones making these medications look bad. Trust me, if they take generic opiates of the market, I will sit back and laugh when it backfires on them. You're going to have more people who are on the (medication) with legit chronic and severe pain look for pain relief they need. So they might start using illicit drugs and the *****s who have no legit reason to take the medication will start using more illicit drugs than they are taking now. Your going to have more deaths and people overdosing. We need to get together and speak out and stop the dea and fda from trying to stop pharmaceutical companies (land of the free) from being able to make these pain medications that work so well when taken properly. Are we becoming a communist country? What's next, they're going to stop candy companies from making candy because people are getting fat and have health problems from eating to much candy?
I would love to be able to have a debate with the dea or fda on what gives them the right to stop a company that a lot of chronic and severe pain sufferers rely on who need this medication. They do not tell you the truth on the news and in the paper. They say these people are overdosing on pain meds (no!!!!). They are overdosing on illicit drugs. But the family members of that person who overdosed are embarrassed. So they make sure the news or newspaper says it was pain meds. Wake up america!!! They already took away so many other products that helped people who took them the proper way. Why should the responsible people (suffer) because of these *****s who are using things that they have no legit reason to use. I challenge the dea or fda to a debate. Lets find out the truth about whats really going on. Wake up people. If you suffer from chronic and severe pain. They want to ignore the declaration of independence and start telling companies and (people) what you can and can not do!! Speak up, and speak up like a proud american who used to have the freedom of our forefathers who fought so hard for our freedom of speech, and just the freedom to live in a free country which is now being controlled by certain people. Do not be afraid to speak out as loud as you can, you should not feel like you are being judged. Lets make america ours again!!!
Re: Tommy (# 19)
I am the one that told you opiods are being phased out....LMAO!! I called you out on your lie that the FDA is colluding with pharma companies and lowering the dosages in our meds.
Re: karol (# 15)
The 7 day limit is for Acute Pain and for patients prescribed opiates for the first time. Some states have new laws regarding this, but not all states. I do not know about Tennessee. The info in the link below goes into Tennessee Laws.
Re: FREEDOM (# 30)
So are they doing away with opioids? My Dr says no. If so, it's bs, as for us that don't misuse them. They need to look at illicit drugs. No, they want to see what they want to see and yes I agree, there will be more deaths when taken away.
I just like to know some people like me are allergic to most Medications, I can take very limited types for pain ! This happens to be one of them ! So are you forcing us to street drugs - I will never try Subsonox & add Andrew Kolondy’s wealth is rather die! Besides no one even knows if I could even take the garbage ! I thought I’d never say this but how to combat pain is now going to be the streets because of forcing pain patients there ! Seems as if. Many just want us dead ! Alcohol is legal yet kills more. Illicit drugs kills but chronic patients are allowed to live just suffer n die ! My rare illness has no treatment other then pain. What next !
Re: Happy Man (# 4)
You do know that generics can have 20%less active ingredient. That's commonly known
Are you talking about generic Percocet ONLY?? WE know the DEA has cut production of all opioids by 60% in the last 3 years. FACT. And, they want to cut another 20% next year. This is already causing shortages in hospitals, 'not in stock' when we go to get refills, etc etc.
Re: Happy Man (# 4)
My doctor actually told me this just last week, seriously I'm going to ask him where he got this information Tuesday
My pain doctor told me about these generic reductions and fillers just this past week, he wrote brand only on my Rx for me so that I don't have problems
Re: Diane (# 8)
Well then that simply shows you don't know what you are talking about either!! Let me explain Diane, Norco & Percocet are 2 different drugs & both are brand names. Norco has hydrocodone & Percocet has oxycodone....
I am in the know and have been dealing with kind of stuff for more than 2 decades & am a former pain management patient, 5 different neck and back surgeries with a couple cancer diagnosis' thrown in for good measure. I can assure you that those agencies don't have to fool you....bottom line is the days of prescribing opiods to make the patient comfortable is OVER. I suggest anyone that has been on long term pain killers to tell their doctor they want off to know what their true pain level is. They can help taper you back safely.....pain pills are a thing of the past, so get ready!
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