Percocet And Norco When To Take To Pass Test
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I've been going to a pain clinic for several years after breaking my back in a horse accident. I'm perscriped percocet 10mg and norco 10mg. I've had to take extra pain medication this month after tripping over my dog and falling down. I'm worried I won't have enough of the medication in my system if my doctor gives me a urine test. I have 1 percocet and several Norcos left today is Sunday my appointment is Tuesday morning early. When and how should I take the remainder of my medication so that I pass the test if given? Thank you for your time in advance.

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No, it takes 1-4 days for it to leave your system. Try drinking lots of water. They're just making sure you're taking them and not selling them, to make the DEA happy.

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I go to a pain colic and had been taking nerontin 800 mg 4 times a day and Mar ok 5 mg 3 times a day. On dec14th they took me off of the tramadol, left me on the neurontins and added Norco 5/325. I took them as prescribed and went back to the pain doctor on blank and tested negative for the Norcos and positive for the Tramadols. How is this ble? They said I was lying and said they sent it to a lab and they showed the Norcos negative and Tramadols positive also. How is this possible? I have followed their instructions to the letter. I didn't even want the narcotics so I am not drug seeking, I just want relief somehow. These pills aren't working anyway so I don't care that they took me off the meds. I just don't want this on my medical records. And how can I appeal this ers and lab's finding?

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If I take my norco tonight will I pass my urine test tomorrow at 2?

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How did the test turn out?

There's really no definitive way to give someone a straight answer to this, because the level your doctor is looking for of the relevant medications, is based on the dosages, prescribing frequency, as well as other factors, such as your overall health, weight and etc.



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