Percocet Addiction And Withdrawal (Page 7) (Top voted first)


Someone please tell me how long it takes to withdrawal from percocet and what is expected day by day?

149 Replies (8 Pages)

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I went to jadac in louisville, ky. I was on meds since 2007. I started having bad side effects. The place worked. Insurance covers. Please tell your parents.

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there are no such a thing as percocet 30mg...the highest dose is 10mgs.

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If you take it for about 1-2 weeks, usually only a day or so if that.

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You need to get off of it, its very dangerous to your liver and kidneys. Anything sooner than 4 hours you risk death. And im not being overly dramatic. Im a nurse and i see totally healthy people blow out their livers on percocet all the time, from overdosing and/or taking with alcohol. Coma is the other issue. Tell your doctor ASAP, you are playing with fire.

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I've been on 10 mg percocet (endocet) for 2 years 120 pills a month for broken back along with 60 mg oxy 10mg twice a day. Klonopin presciption saved my life after I stopped taking opiates..after a week I am working out and feel much better..still think about percocet but will never go back. GL

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Me too, I'm not sure what to do about it..I'm feeling like I'm addicted but back and side pain are there several hours after none..I asked about stronger drugs so I can take less but my doctor said we have to be careful with that because then it's a whole new ball game and he would have to recommend a pain clinic and I've heard those are like a meat market..

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I have a long and messed up story so just looking for support and advice. I’ve been taking Percocet 10/325 for the better part of 6 years, about 6 pills a day. Felt totally stable on them. Started with a surgery and my father passing and just got hooked. I have two amazing kids and a wonderful husband and family. In Mexico on vacation 5 days ago I snuck away and bought what I thought was my regular Percocet pill at a pharmacy over the counter. It had a Watson imprint on it so I thought it was legit. It was poison. I threw up after 30 minutes but much of it got in my bloodstream. Felt like I was going to die. Thank God it started to feel ok, meanwhile, I didn’t tell my husband or my amazing mom (who is with us along with the kids on our trip) what I did. For about two of the remaining days in Mexico I didn’t take any of my legit pills for fear of overdosing and started WD symptoms. After about 24 hours I took only half a pill to try to calm the WD’s. It worked and for the next two days when we left to California I would take a pill 4 or 5 hours apart to arrest the WDs. Then the next reg pill I took I felt really really bad again. Like whatever I took in Mexico was suddenly back in my bloodstream even though I know I took the legit pill. Anyway I had to tell my husband and mom.

They just thought I had the flu off an on during the trip but I don’t want to die and leave my family. I couldn’t do that to them. So now the three of us (mom, husband and I) are in this together. I have to quit these pills forever. We have one more day on vacation then have to fly home. Gonna be very hard with WD’s until I can either go into detox at home (which is what my mom and husband think is best) or taper off these pills in outpatient treatment. Can anyone describe what happens in inpatient detox for Percocet? Probably going soon. Thanks. I am so scared. Have a very busy life and demanding job. And I am devoted to my kids. So I have two questions, one is does anyone think the horrible reaction I had to my reg pill was due to that counterfeit pill still in my body 4 days later? And two, what is detox like off Percocet? Do they give you meds in a treatment center to help? My therapist (who tried to help me get off these pills once before who I lied to about continue to use) thinks I should do either naltrexone shot once a month when I am clean or let the treatment center put me on another medication (sorry can’t recall the name but starts with a B) which helps you detox from opioids and makes WD easier. I don’t want the shots or the replacement medicine which he said you have to wean off of eventually too. Sorry for the long post but if anyone has words of advice I would appreciate it. Have to get off these pills forever. I could have died!

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Re: Ginny (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Ginny. It’s my time to get off this poison. Had a scare from taking a counterfeit Perc in Mexico and felt like I was going to die. For 7 years since my dad was passing and I was having some surgeries I have been taking percs 10/325 pretty regularly usually in the last few years between 6 and 8 pills a day. It’s been a week and I have tapered down to 2 pills a day split in halves through the day and night but the WD’s still awful. Burning body , sweating through my sheets at night , stomach problems , weakness. I am functioning but it’s tough. I am looking at possibly going in the hospital to detox the rest but I would prefer to do our patient. Docs that I have spoken to so far want me to go on subs and then vivitrol shot after that but I absolutely don’t want to put more chemicals into my body after I am free of this devil. Going from 6 or 8 pills a day to two in one week brought on some major crap WD’s but I am surviving it. How bad will it be when I finally go off ? Should I beg the docs and my family to let me continue to taper ? Or should I go into detox next week ? How long until I feel normal again ? I never picked up any drug in my life and don’t drink alcohol. I got trapped when the surgeries happened same time I was losing my Dad. I have an amazing family , 2 kids , husband and bro’s and mom. Any advice would help. Bless you. So scared.

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Re: Bonnie (# 144) Expand Referenced Message

Since you have already come so far with your taper I would honestly not start suboxone. I know it can be tremendously helpful for a lot of people, in your situation though I think it could actually make it worse. Suboxone can be a life saver for those with a full blown severe addiction to opiates, but it usually ends up being a years long struggle to stabilize and then taper off. If you can find the strength to continue on your path, the worst will be over shortly. Get yourself some Imodium to deal with the diarrhea drink plenty of fluids and give yourself lots of grace. Also if I was you I would order some kratom online and use that. In my experience kratom has alleviated almost 100% of the discomfort of withdrawals. I order the tri force blend from kratom one com. Be strong, you got this!! Please feel free to ask me any questions you have

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Re: Jason (# 145) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you ! I will order it now. I am still talking to docs about whether I should go into a hospital to take me the rest of the way down from the 2 pills to zero or just continue my taper at home, just afraid of how bad it’s going to get when I am finally completely off as far as physical effects. Like I said I plan to go to out patient group therapy as soon as possible so I can get support to stay off because I heard mental effects linger for a very long time. Would you share what your drug of choice was and how long you used and how long it took you to feel physically and mentally normal ? I’m going to do this no matter what. My fear is that I have a small frame and I am very slim ( even though I am very athletic ) I can’t afford to lose weight during the final phase of this process. That’s why I was thinking in patient for the final jump for a few days may be a good idea. Unless you really feel that stuff you recommended that i will order will help with runny stomach and WD’s after I am clean. Thanks a million and bless you again

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Re: Bonnie (# 146) Expand Referenced Message

Hey Bonnie, you are right about the psychological effects taking a lot longer to get over then the physical. I took around 180mgs of oxycodone a day, consisting of two 60mg OxyContin and 4 of the 10/325 percocets a day. Once you completely stop taking the percocets the worst of your physical withdrawal symptoms should be over within a week. For me they are the worst around day 2-3 and then start subsiding from there. Make sure you are taking plenty of Imodium, that will help tremendously with the diarrhea. The company I mentioned with the kratom is awesome and even if you pay for regular shipping they almost always get it to you the next day. I take a tablespoon at a time just mixed with water. The taste is pretty bitter but just chug it down. It will help almost immediately with not just your physical discomfort but will also curb your cravings and help with your fatigue. Without the kratom within 10-14 days almost all my physical symptoms would be gone and my stomach would be back to normal. Expect around six weeks for your mental state to return close to normal. For me I was never able to do a slow taper, it always just felt like I was dragging out the inevitable. It sounds like you have a great plan and great support in place so I have no doubt you will be successful!! I would give some of the things I have suggested a shot and then decide if you still feel the need for in-patient treatment. Please feel free to keep writing me and I am more than happy to help in whatever way I can!!

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Re: Jason (# 147) Expand Referenced Message

Thanks a million Jason. I have two appointments tomorrow . One is an intake for out patient therapy program and the other is a consult with a doc about final detox for the possibility in a hospital. I am keeping on my taper for now breaking the pills to equal 2 pills for the day and still feel like crap but managing. I was hoping I would’ve stabilized by now on the two pills but I guess I dropped so quick from 8 pills to two it’s gonna take a while. Anyway I will let you know how everything goes. Thanks for listening and offering advice. If I jump at home I will try what you recommended. ??

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Re: Bonnie (# 148) Expand Referenced Message

Good luck at your doctors office, I’m sure they will set you up with a great plan!!!

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methadone, methadone , methadone!! dont try detoxing it can last about 1 month. gets easier in about 1 week. but the trick is to go to your dr. and tell them whats going on and when your done detoxing stay away from the pills! if you cant try methadone it has changed my life for the better and im almost off that too!!

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Not sure if you will get this message. But you should consider taking a new drug called Nucynta. I used to take Oxy 10mg, 200mg a day and I switched to Nucynta and it has totally changed my life for the best and the medication actually works for pain. Just thought I would let you know, you will need to taper from the Perks, but the Nucynta will help with the withdrawals.

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be afraid

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Jmari, good for you. If you can take it only when the pain is accute and then give yourself 24 to 48 hours before having another dose, you just might be ok. The key is to not let yourself fall into the daily trap of it. I guess it also comes down to quality of life too, if your pain out weighs the addiction part of it...Then I'd say you are managing the pain as intended until you get through your surgery...Do not be too hard on yourself, it's not just the addiction to a powerful substance, it's trying to balance the quality of life without. know this, you know now that you can survive and have the strength to get off the pain killers if the pain has been dealt with to the point it's managable. Many people, myself included are so addicted to just the drug it's self and the pIn management is truly only secondary. The fact that you are doing what you are now, says you do not want this to rule your life and are making choices to try and fix the problem without just medicaticating and masking it . I am proud of you, you took only what you needed to get you through the moment and did not just dose again for the sake of just medicating. You keep doing what you are doing and you will be free of this and hopefully your surgery will be a quick recovery. Keep in mind that you may need to have pain killers immediately after surgery to get through the healing, and that's ok so long as you keep focused to get them as soon as possible.

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hi i am posting about my sister, she fell and hurt her back and got put on percs and valium. she was falling a she can't walk alone even with a walker, she still falls, she can't see good got 175 glasses now, cusses really bad now when she was always so shy and quite..she can not eat without making a mess all over her, she can't give herself a bath or go to the restroom by herself..she lives with a pill addict...she has not had any type of pills for over a week. can you tell me if these are symtoms of w/d...unsure of how much or how long she has been taking....i know her bf has access to please.

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How did you feel for that week going from 100mg to 20 mg in one week?

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