Percocet Addiction And Withdrawal (Top voted first)
UpdatedSomeone please tell me how long it takes to withdrawal from percocet and what is expected day by day?
On Percocet 10 mg every 4 hrs, for 5-6 yrs. Am Chronic pain patient. Fibro,CFS, Celiac,Osteoarthritis. Pain seems to be escalating once again. Narcotic meds have always worked better for my 'conditions' than other meds. I have many allergies to most other meds, including Lyrica and Celebrex type meds. Is there anything new in the narcotic med field that you might recommend? I would prefer not having to go thro withdrawals at this point. My body is so weak and tired from the high pain levels already. I am concerned about trying new meds, other than narcotics, which I know I can tolerate. I think I've 'maxed' out on the dose of Percocet I'm on at present. Is a breakthrough med a possibility, or not? I know I'm already on a high dose of meds.
Should I consider detoxing and starting all over? I will be talking with my Internal Med physician at end of month about all of this, but would prefer some ideas to put on my 'plate' when I have this discussion. Thanks.
Please go to the discussion on Oxycontin, which is Percocet in a slow release form, and read my full account of detoxing at home off high doses of this medication, the physical and mental issues to expect while withdrawing and some tips to help you get through the withdrawl. You can do it. You will know you've found the right discussion if you see my name and postings at the start of the discussion which I began a year ago. I am now Oxycontin free and did it at home.
God can do miracles and if we keep our eyes focused on him and know that he can get us through anything....I believe this with all my heart. Today, I prayed that God would intervene and help me to take away this terrible habit. Unfortunately, for most, we are this way because we had to take it for increasing pain in our lives, whether it was back or leg or migranes, through no fault of our own, did we ever think for one minute that this is that path it would take us....stay strong my friend, this is the beginning of a new start....
What should I do? I have no idea if people still read this, or give advice. I want you all to know what I'm goin' through and maybe I help someone out. I've been livin' reckless since I was 15. I'm now 21bro and I realize I'm not a kid anymore. I started off smokin' alot of cannabis. Maxin' out at 15 blunts a day for 3 years straight. :/ at age 19 my and my girlfriend of 4 years, broke up. That's when I was introduced to other drugs. I would spend 4,000 a week on coke. I'm not bulls***tin'. I don't come from a wealthy family, I'm Hispanic. I can't explain how I was gettin' that kind of money, because at the time I was facin' prison time. This went on for about 3 months. From 10/11 to 1/12. Around 4/12 I started usin' percocet 30. Boy did they make me feel complete. Since then I have been addicted. I know I have a problem, I just cant seem to beat it! My mother is a Christian, and I feel as though she's slowly losin' faith in me. That my friends is the lowest feeling possible, thats at least what I thought. I'm just 21 guys, and I've already let my mother down. I've gone from usin' 15 30s a day from 6/12 to 12/12. That was my last straw, well thats what I thought. Secretely, I was still hooked. I was usin' "only" 6 30s a day. What I'm tryin' to tell you guys is that this lifestyle is no joke. I dont wish this on nobody. This past September 9/2013. I lost my grandma, and my bestfriend. My grandma had 2 strokes while recoverin' from surgery, and my bestfriend? He overdosed on H. :( he was 22 years old. A year older than me. I felt this was a wake up call. Losin' 2 people that mean the world to you, it has to be. Guess what, at both of their funerals I was so numb, high as hell of percocet. I'm cryin' right now typin' this. Im so lost. Im sorry I typed so much, I've just never let it out.
I am in the process of tappering off of perc's. I was taking 100mg/day (2 10 mg tabs 5 x day) for 2 years. Monday will be a week since I started and I'm at 4 5mg perc's per day as I speak. I will drop to 3 5mg starting Tuesday for a week and then drop it to 2 for a week and then 1 for a week. I'm hoping to minimize the withdrawls. I'm so scarred. I'm a professional and most people notice you have a problem not when you're using, but when you're not. I've been watching forums like this for a while and I'm very inspired by everyone's stories. Shows that getting off this s%#t id possible. I'm prepared with immodium, Valteren Root?, and started taking wellbutrin at the same time that I started to tapper. Good Luck everyone. Addiction sucks.
I have been taking percocet 602s for a year now and I have been ready to quit for months but I'm affraid of the withdrawal systems. I was taking up to 10 to 14 a day. I received some advice and started taking methadone I started on 30 mg at a time and I'm gonna slowly stop taking them it really is helping the withdrawal and I don't even have wants for the percocets at all I'm just hoping that this works is their any suggestions and am I doing anything wrong please help me because I'm surely trying to help myself
Been on percs for almost three years now. Started off on the 5's and i would feel so happy. Then i needed something stronger. So i went to the 7.5's, then the 10's and now im up to about four 30's a day. Percs have taken over my whole life. My every move is dictated on whether i have percs or not. I don't even have to motivation to get out of bed for work if i dont have any. I'm 23 years old, have a college degree and a great government job. If i keep going down this path im going to lose everything. I'm now spending about $400 a week on pills. My boyfriend was going to florida and getting scripts for so cheap but now he is locked up (because of getting caught with hundreds of 30's) and i have to buy them on my own now. I went to the ER to try and get help. They gave me .01 mg of Clonodine which did absolutely nothing. I looked the drug up on google and by what i read i had the lowest dosage you can get. I heard great responses about Clonodine helping with the withdrawl symptoms. I'm thinking that i should try a rehab but with my work schedule i would HAVE to be outpatient. Everytime i get sad i snort pills. My life is so perfect on the outside but so messed up on the inside. Wish i could find the will to get off the percs.
Just sharing because this seems like a recent thread. I am on day 5, and I am in trouble. I can't believe I have gotten to this point. Like everyone else it all started with really doesn't matter why. I'm a 55 year old active male who became addicted/dependent you pick. 2 10/325's a day, every day for 4 years. May not sound like much to some of you, but I broke 'em up and went every 4 hours or so. Wake up, pop a .25, go to the gym, head to work. Take more at 10am, again in the afternoon, after work, then have a half at night. Just smoothed me out. Sure I live in pain, but I know that's not why I was taking them. Tried to stop with suboxone a couple of times, and it helped, but I have no more of anything. I've played ice hockey, climbed mountains, and cycled 100 miles with these in my system. Took a new job, making big money, but always hiding my problem. Hit up a couple of doctor friends along the way...they would never think I had a problem. Worst week of my life...and I'm really struggling. There are no pills around, and there are no options to getting any, but I would crawl on the floor looking for crumbs if I thought there were any. I would steal from my neighbor if I thought they had pills in the medicine chest...hell, I've done that before. I would find them on the street if I knew how and wasn't afraid. I know just writing these words proves how much trouble I'm in, so I have to stop. No options, no way out but through. When I read about it taking weeks to clean up it's freaking me out. I've gone to work everyday this week...I am a leader of a large organization. Been telling people the doctor switched up my blood pressure meds and warned me I might get sick. Should be ok in a few days. Will I? Will I ever feel better? Intellectually I know I will, but right now, I can't see how to get through this day. One of my friend's sons went through this, and is now off drugs and serving overseas. I mean, if he can do that...imagine, I've got to hold onto the image of a kid I coached in hockey as my inspiration. I feel like such a failure as a person and as a man. I see others on here have gone through, so I know it can be done. To anyone who reads this...if you're reading these wondering if you have a problem, you do. Stop now. Talk to your doctor, tell someone, go to NA, do something to help yourself. Hold a kind thought for the next person going through this.
I have been taking percs for 2 months now and find myself needing more to keep me satisfied and free from pain.I am thinking of getting them on the streets because I do not have enough to get me to my next Dr.appointment.I think I should get off them if its making me feel like this even though I love the way they make me feel,what should I do
I am only on day two and frankly im not feeling as s***ty as i expected which scares me. I have been an addict for about 5years and i too lost my job, fiance... soon to b everything if i don't kick it. Ive tried IOPs, suboxone, and i think the only thing for me is to just b 100%ready and go cold turkey. I never allowed myself to b clean long enough to get to make it to that feel good stage but this time is different. Im optimistic, excited to b sober and hope the hell doesnt get the best of me.
Jo, if you are seriously looking to get off the percs, my advice is see a Dr and say be honest with what u take and they will give you meds that will make it easier cause at that amount you take I know the withdrawals will be very painful any Dr will help you, if you dont get the help now the path gets worse youre life will end from the evil of addiction. Good luck to you, Jmari
Reply to msg #92... if you are taking 10 - 15 of the 30mg percs a day .. PLEASE do not quit cold turkey on your own.. GO GET HELP. Trying to go cold turkey on your own can throw your body into a hell you don't want and can possibly kill you. Talk to your parents, yes they will be upset. They'll be a lot more hurt if you DIE from this addiction. I'm a parent, my daughter was addicted to them for 12 years. I'm begging you to tell your parents and don't try to do this alone.
Hi how are you? right off the bat I want to express my concern for you daughter & I wish her a speedy recovery! She will need the will and the support of her family or a relapse will be in her future! I am a 33yrs old with 2 children of my own. I was badly addicted to perocets and didnt have my 2nd son until 16 months ago because of my addiction my kids are 9yrs apart!
Im replying to your post because when i wanted to get off the percs so i can have another baby I was able to do it at home on suboxone! It allowed me to withdraw without feeling sick at all! My dr gave me 4 8mg tablets per day... When I promised myself that my quitting date was when I was done with my prescription the day before I scheduled my appt cried with fear all night long to my husband. woke up in the morning there was no more left and suboxones was all I had, naturally I let it dissolve under my tounge because I was afraid of the hot &cold sweats that was approaching. To my suprise I was fine, it was then I knew I could do it! I couldnt believe the will power that i built up to conquer a battle that I in my heart i knew i was going to lose yet willpower was needed just supoxones and people constantly telling me they were so proud! noone ever get me a negative comment again from my 1st day of detoxing and believe me it wad huge for my recovery! i NEVER SHOOTED THE PILLS! but my intake was close to 15 tablets a day, spending 600 after completing my prescription per month! i wish i could tell you that im still sober, after delvering a 9lb 3in baby no epidural the pain was ridiculas speacily the injuries in y back that got me hooked in the 1st place... when i was in the hospital the nurse gave me 2 tablets, i thought were asprin..... that was it 4me! but i know how easy it is 2get off i will do it again! plz contact me if u ever have a question even if its private ! goodluck 2u and your daughter! mt thoughts &prayers are with you both!
I am starting my detox on the 31st of October, I will undergo a Suboxone treatment for 15 days and than that's it, no more Oxy or Suboxone. I do have a question though. I want to get pregnant again next year and I was wondering if you were on Suboxone while pregnant or were you completely off during your pregnancy?
Thanks in advance, I hope you get this message!
@ KIN.
When someone seeks help, you help them, don't post stupid things. Not everyone withdrawing from Pain Killers are drug addicts or have a problem.
Think about it next time.
I have been taking percocet for 6 years now and take on average 12 - 14 TECS/Pills a day. My life has been pretty much focused on when i am going to run out and where i can get more before then. I am no stranger to living the agony of withdrawl and i would say describing it as being hit by a freight train is a good analogy. Almost 2 years ago i was unable to attain any percs for 21 days, which was the first day i could say i was actually feeling human and normal. I got my percs on the 21st day and decided not to take them as i has suffered so greatly and did not want to ever relive that suffering. I went another 4 months with not taking a single perc, but i continued to keep filling my perscription of 300 percs monthly and was going to just set them aside just incase the day came i really needed them for the pain and i could no longer get them refilled due to my doctor retiring or finally cut me off. During that 4 month period i felt so unbelievably more alive and better. I then had injury again and thought i'd only take a few to get me thru and would not allow myself to get re-addicted....yup you can guess how well that went. anyway it's day 5 cold turkey of no perc, day 5 of zero sleep, serious stomach cramping and runs , day 5 of shivering and pouring sweat ten times in 5 minutes every 5 minutes, and my personal favorite the restless legs that are so bad i have considered sawing them off..I will be getting my refill available in 4 days and i am just praying this will have eased up enough that i don't breakdown and refill and go through all this for nothing yet again. i am pretty certian this is the last go around on this sick merry go round for me...i want my life back. for those of you whom are wondering what helps with withdrawl, the best advise i can give is a full vitamin regime , lots of ibprofin or advil. STAY AWAY from anything that has antihistamines and anti naseau pills...either of those will be like feeding your restless leg syndrome kryptonite! For all you out there suffering, stay strong and know this will eventually pass and there is a good life just waiting to be had again.
Hey Jmari,
in answer to your question , a big yes. i actually forgot how good i used to feel and how much energy and drive i used to have until i got to the 3 week free of percs. it is only because of that i am planning to "sweat" this out for the last time. I don't know what it's like for everyone else and i am sure how many you take and for how long has pretty big impact on the length and severity of the withdrawl. My point being is that knowing I have another 2 weeks to live this , is very daunting, but that may not be the case for everyone else as they may have been on a lesser dosage. Either way , it's worth the hell ofnsuffering to break the chains of this life controling drug. In a way maybe it's better to suffer longer ,as you sure as heck really rethink breaking down and getting hooked that's what i am telling myself anyway. my advise if you have gone this long and want to get off this ride, don't do it, stay away , do not take even one pill....for me i can say i have never once just taken one pill and not been back at it full force within a weeks time. I wish you well and really hope you can stay strong cause as long as we take these pills , life is passing by and we are being robbed of the joy of it.
THE BEST ROUTE FROM WHAT IVE SEEN IS CLONIDINE .1mg morning and night for 4 days and you will be free of physical dependence!!!! Upset stomach and nausea will stay and some depression ….if you have access to a benzo…xanex valume ect …it should help….but taking this route is thd cheapest most comfortable way with not getting u addicted to methadone or suboxen..both evil….note if you take to much clonidine hypertension is a risk its mainly a blood pressure med….everyones diffrent but 8… 0.1mg clonidine should get you through ….no doc or chance for scripts?? Having intercourse helps alot ..massages…hot showers….potassium….vitamin c…..good pot…..nyquil-D behind counter….alot of water…staying POSITIVE AND ACTIVE… no doctor everyone is different but everything listed works for majority…..Pills- 3 to 5 days….usally starts 6 hours after last doseMethadone , suboxen a less aggressive withdraw pending on dose but lasts WAY LONGER….After physical withdraw is done …dont think u can take one 8 days later and be ok and stop….cause if your not serious dont even put your self into withdraw…
Hey everyone, it gets better I promise! I'm doing it old fashioned and weaning. Yesterday was worse day thus far, and I realized (percs make u forgetful) that I hadn't taken any!!! I'm down to 5mg's a day. Keeping busy, already on clonidine for htn, so it's not too bad. From upto 50+mg aday for over 5 years to this is almost sucess. I AM doing this, and suceeding. YOU CAN TOO!!!! Keep up the good fight people, as I'm praying for you. ;)
hi i have no one to talk with about this. i fractured my lower lumbar i was extremely healthy ran 9miles 3 days a week and played hockey. now i have been on percs for 2 yrs 9 500mgs a day i am out second crying in pain and depression i am trying to get to work i took four days off for vacation to plan for this withdrawal i take 60 in 10 days i go through this constantly getting them from the street to get by those extra days but i want to die the depression is the worst for me the naseau is not pleasant nor the pain but mainly i am very depressed. is there anything that can help naturally? please help alone on this.
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