Percocet 30 Stay Away
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Do not mess with perc 30s. You will become addicted and it will ruin your life. Sure everyone thinks they could never become addicted but the percs will get you hooked fast. Stay away. I've seen good people turn into petty thieves to feed their addiction. If prescribed them be careful on how many you do a day because they are highly addictive and the withdraw is very intense. Do yourself and anyone who cares about you a favor and just stay away from them. I know from experience. Being an addict ruins your life.

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To Verwon

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Yeah, how much were you taking?

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Well first, there are no Percocet tablets that contain 30mgs of anything. Percocet is only available with a maximum of 10mgs of the Oxycodone.

The only Oxycodone available in 30mgs are the formulations in which it is available by itself.


Next, you can't say definitively that someone will become addicted, just because they take them. Not everyone has the propensity to become addicted and abuse medications, even if they are narcotic opiates.

I used them for years, when I was on pain management and stopped taking them, cold turkey. I had some withdrawal symptoms, but since I hadn't abused them, they were fairly mild and more of an annoyance for a few weeks than anything else. They did not ruin my life or anything of the sort.

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