Percocet 10/650 Las Vegas
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Where in Las Vegas do I find percocet 10/650. I got it from emergency and no one carries it! Why would an er room write it if it doesn't existing

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Walgreens has them, call your local store and they should be able to locate a store that has them in stock. Years ago had almost same issue, they found a store, but I had to drive around 35 miles from my house / local Walgreens store to one that had it in stock, but you never know, you might get lucky and your local store will have it.

The other option is to return to er, tell them no one in the area has it, and that your and other local pharmacies have Percocet 10/325, generic name oxycodone/acetaminophen (10mg of oxycodone with 325mg acetaminophen, aka Tylenol)

If they would have wrote the script for "Percocet 10" all pharmacies dispense 10/325 by default, but if your doctor wants you to take more Tylenol you can always take one tab of percocet and a tab of 325mg Tylenol (500mg if you don't have/can't find the lower 325mg tablets)

Keep in mind that Tylenol is dangerous to your liver, and it can if taken in excess or with alcohol it will destroy your liver. FDA used to recommend no more then 4000mg of acetaminophen per 24hrs, but have reduced this amount to 3000mg/24hrs because many over the counter (otc) medicines include acetaminophen, typically 1000mg (many cold/cough syrups, tablets, and other remedies). So with that in mind, try to have them fix your rx to standard/most typically prescribed Percocet 10.

As a last resort they can write you a new script for Percocet 5/325, double the amount of tablets, and indicate for you to take 2 tabs every X hours so review it before you leave er/doctor's office. If you don't have insurance this option will usually cost twice as much.

Best of luck to you,


P. S.
10/650 does exist, but it is not a common version of this medicine

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This may be a lame reply, but is there any way Pamela could go back to the ER that prescribed it and have a new one written? I have no idea what a hospital's ER policy is on this but if it's not too inconvenient for her to go back it's worth a try. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.

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It does exist, or I guess I should say that it did up until this point, but the changes going on may be what's making it hard to find and, if that is the case, it isn't the fault of the ER doctor that wrote the prescription or the pharmacies.

Learn more Percocet details here.

The FDA has requested that all manufacturers lower the amount of Acetaminophen in these combination prescription medications to a maximum of only 325mgs per dose and they are all expected to have it done by January of 2014.

This dosage isn't commonly prescribed, so many pharmacies probably don't keep it in stock and if the manufacturer is changing the formulation to lower the Acetaminophen, then they may not be able to get it in stock right now.

You could try asking a pharmacy if they can order it in for you, but like I said, they may not be able to get it.

Does anyone else have any suggestions?

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