Pentobarbital - Nembutal (Page 4)


Does anyone has any idea from where can i get Nembutal or Pentobarbital in India?

352 Replies (18 Pages)

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Can you send contact information to {edited for privacy}

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Buying Nembutal experience from unique chemicals or un chem guys, they operate from India and show you tracking numbers and pictures of postal tracking slips. But, after paying the hefty price, all they send you is a spoonful of table salt labelled Nembutal, considering most people who buy it never really use it. I found it because I tried using small part of it and it has no effect, and then I tasted the powder and it was just plain salt. I filed dispute with PayPal, got my money back, if you paid with Western Union or Moneygram, forget your money.

Since, I exposed them they are now trying to put powdered bitter tasting common pills like Panadol or Aspirin in their packages to taste bitter, those are worth a couple bucks but you will end up paying a big price. So, stop buying from these b***ds from India, Nigeria because they are making money by defrauding people.

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The kit mentioned by you is merely a Qualitative test. It merely shows presence of Barbiturates. EXIT have a few days back announced a Quantitative Kit I spoke to them personally. EXIT informed me that the Quantitative Kit will be sold only to their Life Members & not everybody. EXIT wants a donation of Australian 1000 Dollars to make a person a life member. Another important fact is, they are not willing to ship it, as they said they are not familiar with the custom laws of different countries.

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I have got the stuff from {edited for SPAM} ... its a multinational company with a abase even in india

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TCI from Japan? Better if you are a bit more explicit.

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Yeah they manufacture pentobarbital and have bases globally, i got that persons email address and he is based in india.

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I got nembutal from {edited for spam} , i tested it with the quantitative test kit i purchased of Exit . The color of the swab changed which indicates barbiturate above 95% , which is enough for a peaceful exit.

I would suggest because they offer reshipping once even if the goods are held at customs unlike many other suppliers.

There are many people who complain about good sellers, just to diversify the attention of people in pain. I support right to die movement and feel that people who are in pain should have the right to choose their end.

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Beware of unique chemicals, all the "testimonies" people post about them are posted by the seller himself who is running a scam. They are sending table salt or powdered cheap regular pills in plastic bags and saying it is nembutal. I have purchased and already seen it, the guys claiming to have "tested" it are sellers themselves who are pretty shameless for making money in this fashion. Do not order from unique chemicals or if they even change their name, sellers from India. You can get table salt in your own kitchen or powdered panadol tablets at your own home for pennies, don't throw money to these freaks.

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How much did the Kit cost you? For God's sake, dont lie. EXIT has not sold any Kits outside Australia. And the result is not by colour change. According to EXIT carrying the Kit out of Australia by itself may not be possible. If you want I can give you EXIT number & you can speak to Jenna herself directly.

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Hi mahesh , the kit is being sold for 35 usd , you can order it by mailing their order desk. I do not intend to lie , you can check it for yourself. Speak to Dr Ted.

Btw. zak every seller is a hit or miss , be it mentioned in pph or anywhere ,it varies because of availability,customs or, and many other aspects

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I spoke to EXIT today. The quantitative kit is still not available for sale. The kit you are referring to is a quantitative (NOT QUALITATIVE) test.

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Yeah you are correct.

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On Thursday, 18 July 2013 at 3:20 PM, wrote:
Hi Jenni,

It is August. Is the Quantitative Kit now available? If it is, what is the cost?


Sent Monday, July 22, 2013 at 4:44 AM
Not yet. The Exit newsletter will advise when ready.

Kind regards


Please be careful. There is no doubt that Unique Chemicals are scamsters & all those posting that they have tested, are obviously misleading.

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I just need 2 vials. is there no decent company selling safely and honestly. I am in northern Ireland UK.

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There a few legitimate sellers but I never dared venture into this because if customs got hold of it my family would know about it and pester me relentlessly over it, my aunt being a legal secretary, and my dad a police prosecutor both with professional links to customs means that it would be a total no-go for me and suicide is a very big NO NO in my religious family, I'd be crucified. There are 3 sellers whose initials are CC, SD/RC, and PT and were tested 90%+ pure which is A Grade in my books. I am unsure of anyone else out there. Forget Unique Chemical they are definitely a scam, someone received generic crushed tablets from them and they took some powder which was bitter and had no effect, another person claims they got finely crushed table salt. That's pathetic in my mind, preying on desperate people is such a low thing to do. Lower than a snakes belly. If you are unlike me you could risk it but I just won't do it for the reasons mentioned above.

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Hi Drew

Please could you e-mail me details of this. Don't need it right now but may do in future. It is a pity Dignitas can't help end suffering from mental illness. Would make life better for everyone if that option existed. They're working on it.

Many thanks

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He Schnitzel can you give more info about te trusted sellers pls? can i have your email or something like that.


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I can only provide 3 clues. First two are surnames. They are as follows:

Can't say for sure about the rest, many could be scammers and some are in fact scammers...but these 3 supplied 95%+ pure and regarded within the inner circle as the Holy Trinity of Chinese N suppliers. The first of the 3 mentioned was initially a back-up source that was never mentioned until later, but that source was extremely reliable.

Putting email addresses on an open forum is a cardinal sin. Sorry, but NO can do!

That's all folks. There was another group but it was shut down a long time ago, likely after several complaints, and being overrun by impostors and a small handful of scammers, was likely not worth it. BUT some posts can be garnered via google searches.

The issue of the use of the barbiturate Nembutal for the purpose of suicide is not unlike the issue of a 1st trimester abortion - it harms no one else and is absolutely NONE of anyone else's business, not even the business of the President of the United States or the King of England!

Your body belongs to YOU, and as far as I am concerned you have sovereign ownership over what happens to your body (like how you die, whether you prefer to spend hundreds of thousands of your hard earned dollars on futile cancer treatment or to take an overdose of barbiturates), what goes into it (food, vitamins, drugs, cannabis, alcohol, barbiturates, heroin, etc) or comes out of it (selling a kidney, abortion, etc). No one else has any right to control those events. Only YOU do. And do not let ANY one, no matter WHO they are, no matter WHAT, tell YOU otherwise!!!

As someone trapped in a religious family, even if I am not blessed with those freedoms myself, I would never wish to deny them to anyone else. It's your life, and it's your call. With these so-called "moral" crimes, it's only wrong if you get caught.

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Thanks for the reply,

I think i have a trusted mail, will let you guys know if i have it in hands...

Now some friends om me are going to Mexico but im afraid to ask them to bring Nembutal... What if they got caught or what if they hear for what i would use it...


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Hi there I wounded if you can help me. My name Is Doroti
My email address is {edited for privacy}
Please help me I need to find the Nembutal

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