Pentobarbital - Nembutal (Page 17) (Top voted first)


Does anyone has any idea from where can i get Nembutal or Pentobarbital in India?

352 Replies (18 Pages)

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U have an email to be in touch?
Well its too late ive already paid the 80$

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Hi, I'm coming to Thailand on the 10th of November in search of Nembutal. Where in Bangkok can I get it? Please help, thank you.

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Hi TG , did you have any luck finding it? are you here now, could look together?

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Hi Mahesh. I dnt know if you are still there. I dnt have much idea about all this stuff but would like to know more and how can I obtain this in India. Kindly do answer. Will b very greatful

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Hi, I am going through the same things from years now and I am also looking for the same.

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there is someone named j_ _ _ _ _ _0 who says he is endorsed by a group but he is from this company who someone warned others about so it's really hard to discern. and then i read in a site that a group endorses a certain D_ _ _ _ _ but one woman said she paid but never got what she paid for

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Would be very interested in China contact info. email me at xxxxx@xxx {edited for privacy}

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Can you please let me have the email address where you purchased Nembutal
I am desperate

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Please, can you share the contact details for the distributor in China.

Please contact {edited for privacy}.

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How much did the Kit cost you? For God's sake, dont lie. EXIT has not sold any Kits outside Australia. And the result is not by colour change. According to EXIT carrying the Kit out of Australia by itself may not be possible. If you want I can give you EXIT number & you can speak to Jenna herself directly.

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I spoke to EXIT today. The quantitative kit is still not available for sale. The kit you are referring to is a quantitative (NOT QUALITATIVE) test.

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To be frank, there is nothing surprising about Drake being proxy poster from Unique. This is a message board for god sake, anyone can post with any damn name. Plus, Unique guy was so foolish in the past, posting same words and same silly excuses as "my friend tested it and it is legit" LOL or "sent to lab and tested positive" LOL, if Labs will test illegal subs for you, they would be selling it down the street as well.

Stop scamming people and stop earning by exploiting people's desperation.
And yes, I got KCN for myself and I did not pursue people to sell it to them, I informed that I had some extra and few people decided to take it and they got it. I am not posting or marketing it like you guys are professional scam sellers earning your livelihood in a s***ty third world country by selling salt for the price of gold to people who already are desperate and depressed.

Neither do I remember you ever asking me about buying it nor did I 'try' to sell it to you nor am I here to sell anymore. And I did not ask people go and post "testimonials" that they got anything from me, neither do I come here in various names to promote myself. I only have a couple of doses more and I don't really care if I die without selling them, it was only for my family and I feel ok if the extra stuff goes wasted.

Karma will get to you, if not today, tomorrow.

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There is a tabloid in India titled Hindustan Times. Check out the Mumbai Edition of 1st December 2013. Hope you are smart enough to kapish!

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Unique chemicals {edited for privacy} is a cheater, he just send fake goods....please be aware.

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Où puis-je acheter du pentobarbital ?
Quelle quantité minimale ?
Quel prix ? (y compris les frais de livraison)
Les modalités de paiement ?

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I would recomend Cambodia for anyone who feels life is crap. It's very cheap to live there, but I think if you want to be there more than one month you need to get a "business visa" which I think is easy because no one checks it. Sure plenty of people try to scam you, but hey, it's usually only a $1 and that is their meal for the day. just go with the flow, try and treat them as an equal.. stay away from the 4 star hotels and the tourist route. Try and make some local contacts. Sure there is a wealthy elite, but most people are not into Western crap of what car you drive or how big is your house... make an effort to be part of what goes on and you will have rewards beyond your expectations...

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how can I find nembutal

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You are making some assumptions from someone who knows a lot about all your subject matter. You don't have to be broke to have a wish to die. Now on the dying front, everyone on here seems to be so uptight about Nembutal. There are other very effective ways that if I were to describe would likely mean my message would not be published.

Of course I cannot speak for people who are in terminal pain... and the subject matter there is really voluntary euthanasia which I fully support. Did you know this exists in the Netherlands for unresolvable mental distress as well ? The first person has been voluntary euthanased due to irreconcilable mental distress already.

Yes, a yacht and/or somewhere like Cambodia does require some money, but do some reading and research about how people have gone and done amazing things with next to nothing. Some on tiny boats and they didn't have a suicide wish.

Anyway in Cambodia (I have been there and will be going back, maybe very much a one way trip) is that you can get just about any Pharmaceutical drugs over the counter without a prescription. I don't think Cambodia imports Nembutal, but there will be plenty of other sedatives that would be effective.

If you are going to “catch the bus” why not do it in style.. ?

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Probably because your idea of "style" is not mine. Can do without tips like that. Thx a lot.

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Get a subscription to the peaceful pill ehandbook. It has all the details.

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