Peach Round Pill Pms 1
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I have a few of these peach/light orange round pills. One side says PMS 1 and the other is scored so it can be broken into 4. I cant find it online. Any suggestions as to what it is and used for?
4 Replies
Re: Jordan (# 3)
It sure is man !
I have the same pills. I believe the color is "peach". One side has a cross (+) score and the other says PMS and then 1 under it.
I was told they are 1mg clonazepam, and research shows there is a similar pill, only the other side says "CLONAZEPAM" on it.
I am in Canada, I believe these pills are generic clonazepam, as they are the exact same except without the word.
I took 3 of them several hours ago, which isn't a very high dose but I won't know for sure until I can try it after sleeping and while sober.
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