Peach /orange Oblong Pill (Top voted first)


Has 55 or S5 imprint - peachy orange color

2 Replies

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Hi kjm,

Based on the description provided, I may have located a match to your pill. The only problem is, my source does not show a photo of this pill; just the description "S5" being the imprint on a red oval pill (the shade of red cannot be verified). I'll go ahead and post this pill information below so you can see if it rings a bell or not:

S5 is identified as Simvastatin (40mg). It is used to control hypercholesterolemia (elevated cholesterol levels) and to prevent cardiovascular disease.

The pill itself is noted to be manufactured by Accord Healthcare, but I would actually consider contacting them directly, just for verification of this and possibly obtaining a photo of the pill:

You can view a more detailed description of the drug by visiting the link below...>

I hope this helps!

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thanks so much - Actually, my husband was prescribed that once so no doubt, that's what it is - thanks again

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