Parathyroid Hormone Forums

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My doctor prescribed me to use Osteowin Tablet, i want to know the formulation of this tablets ## For meeting high demands of calcium during pregnancy and lactation, specially during the third trimester of pregnancy. Osteowin offers highest absorbable Coral Calcium of 500 mg with high-dose (Cholecalciferol) Vitamin D3. This allows seamless bioavailability of dietary calcium with no risk of phosphate depletion, as it occurs in other calcium preparations. It also leads to prolonged activation of parathyroid hormone, conserving more calcium that would have been wasted in urine. A powerful combination of two different calcium offering 500 mg with 400 IU of (Cholecalciferol) Vitamin D3. Pack : 10 x 10 Alu-Alu Tablets ## My pth level is low n calcium level is also below 6. I m takin shelcal 5...

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